published Run in Cisco Cloud IDE


This repository contains sample Ansible Playbooks and Event-Driven Ansible Rulebooks as demonstrated during the "Using Ansible to automate edge site infrastructure at scale" talk delivered in Red Hat's booth during Cisco Live US 2023.


Included Playbooks

  • claim_devices.yml - Claim Meraki Devices, Orders, or Licenses into your Meraki Dashboard.
  • configure_network.yml - Uses wwt.meraki Ansible collection to provision demo environment.
  • unconfigure_demo.yml - Calls remove_mqtt.yml and remove_network.yml to tear down Demo Environment in the proper order.
  • send_webex_message.yml - Captures Meraki MV Camera snapshot and sends a Webex Teams message. Called from Event-Driven Ansible.

Included Rulebooks

  • rulebooks/mt30-mqtt-rulebook.yml - Listens for MQTT Messages from Meraki MT30 sensor and triggers environment tear down or camera snapshot.

.env Example

  • ENVEXAMPLE - Example .env file to be used if using ansible-playbook to run playbooks.


Nick Thompson -

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