Use Cases
There are various categories of use cases where Cisco Spaces Firehose API can be applied. There are also instances where the same API can be applied in multiple use cases.
Note: If you use custom events, please login to the Cisco Spaces Partners Dashboard to access and download documentation.
Location-based Events
Use the following Cisco Spaces Firehose API for location-based events:
Location Information Change: This event is sent when a location (also known as site) is updated. For example, when a location is moved under a group, it is renamed or when there is a change to its metadata.
Device Location Update: This event is sent when a device location is updated.
Location update events continuously generate an approximate location of the device when connected to the network. The app requires X,Y, and/or the latitude, and longitude level location data and a map of your location. If the Device Location Update event is selected in the Event Types section, then one of the following events is selected. The app requires zone, floor, or site-level presence data. These events include Location Updates and Device Dwell data for the devices connected to your network. These events are generated every time a device enters or exits a building, a floor, or a zone. The information available in Cisco Spaces about these devices and a high-level information about their location is also shared. You can choose to receive geo coordinates data for the Device Location Update event.
If the Device Location Update event is not selected, then either Device Exit, or Device Presence, or the User Presence event is selected in Event Types section.
Device Presence: This event is used to track the life cycle of a device at a location. Events are generated at various points such as at device entry, when a device is inactive for 10 minutes, when a device is active after being inactive, or when we determine the device has exited. These events also provide the current count of active and inactive devices at location.
Location Anchor Update: This event is sent when a new location anchor is added to, updated in, or removed from IoT Services.
Presence-based Events
- Device Presence: This event is used to track the life cycle of a device at a location. Events are generated at various points such as at device entry, when a device is inactive for 10 minutes, when a device is active after being inactive, or when we determine the device has exited. These events also provide the current count of active and inactive devices at location.
- User Presence: Based on the available authentication in use and the information available from the network, Cisco Spaces can map group or multiple devices owned by a user. Events are generated at various points such as at device entry, when a device is inactive for 10 minutes, when a device is active after being inactive, or when we determine the device has exited. These events also provide the current count of active and inactive devices at location.
Count-based Events
- Device Count: This event is sent when there is a change in the (count) number of devices at the location.
- Camera Count: This event is sent when there is a change in the aggregated count of people (computed via the Meraki Video Camera) at the location.
- Raw Camera Count: This event is sent when there is a change in the individual camera count (computed via the Meraki Video Camera) at the location.
IoT Events
- IoT Telemetry: This event is sent when there are telemetry updates from BLE, RFID, and Zigbee IoT devices.
- IoT User Action: This event is sent when user actions are performed on IoT devices.
Telemetry-based Events
- IoT Telemetry: This event is sent when there are telemetry updates from BLE, RFID, and Zigbee IoT devices.
- Network Telemetry: This event is sent at a periodical interval with health and performance telemetries of the location.