Cisco Catalyst Center 2.3.7
Cisco Catalyst Center 2.3.7
- Cisco Catalyst Center
- Guides
- API Reference
- Cisco DNA Center 2.3.7 API
- Overview
- Authentication
- Sites
- Get Site Health
- Query an aggregated summary of site health data
- Read an aggregated summary of site health data
- Get Site Count V2
- Read site health summary data by site id
- Import Map Archive - Cancel an Import
- Import Map Archive - Perform Import
- Get Site V2
- Maps Supported Access Points
- Get devices that are assigned to a site
- Import Map Archive - Start Import
- Read site count
- Import Map Archive - Import Status
- Read list of site health summaries
- Export Map Archive
- Create Site
- Get Site
- Assign Devices To Site
- Get Site Count
- Delete Site
- Update Site
- Get Membership
- Topology
- Devices
- The Trend analytics data for the network Device in the specified time range
- Get Chassis Details for Device
- Gets the Trend analytics data
- Get details of a single assurance event
- Get All User-Defined-Fields
- Create User-Defined-Field
- Query assurance events
- Delete Device by Id
- Get Device by ID
- Get Module Info by Id
- Update health score definitions
- Returns POE interface details for the device
- Clear Mac-Address table
- Gets the total number Network Devices based on the provided complex filters and aggregation functions
- Gets the summary analytics data related to network devices
- Count the number of events
- Get the Details of Physical Components of the Given Device
- Get Device Interfaces by specified range
- Get Polling Interval for all devices
- Get Device list
- Add Device
- Update Device Details
- Sync Devices
- Devices
- Update global resync interval
- Get Device Interface VLANs
- Override resync interval
- Get the count of health score definitions based on provided filters
- Get resync interval for the network device
- Update resync interval for the network device
- Get Interface details by device Id and interface name
- Update Planned Access Point for Floor
- Get Planned Access Points for Floor
- Create Planned Access Point for Floor
- Get Device Interface Count for Multiple Devices
- Gets the list of interfaces across the Network Devices based on the provided complex filters and aggregation functions
- Get Linecard details
- Gets the total Network device interface counts in the specified time range. When there is no start and end time specified returns the latest interfaces total count
- Inventory Insight Device Link Mismatch API
- Get the device data for the given device id (Uuid)
- Get Device Interface count
- Get Device Count
- Delete Planned Access Point for Floor
- Get OSPF interfaces
- Get Stack Details for Device
- Get Device Interface Stats Info
- Delete User-Defined-Field
- Update User-Defined-Field
- Get Device Summary
- Get Functional Capability by Id
- Get Device Config by Id
- Get Organization list for Meraki
- Get Polling Interval by Id
- Legit operations for interface
- Update Interface details
- Get Device Config Count
- Get ISIS interfaces
- Get Supervisor card detail
- Get Module count
- Get health score definition for the given id
- Update health score definition for the given id
- Get all health score definitions for given filters
- Gets interfaces along with statistics data from all network devices
- The Total interfaces count across the Network devices
- POE details
- Remove User-Defined-Field from device
- Add User-Defined-Field to device
- Get connected device detail
- Get Planned Access Points for Building
- Update Device role
- Get Device Config for all devices
- Get Functional Capability for devices
- Query assurance events with filters
- Get Device Detail
- Get Network Device by IP
- Export Device list
- Update Device Management Address
- Get Device by Serial number
- Get list of child events for the given wireless client event
- Get Interface by Id
- Get the interface data for the given interface id (instance Uuid) along with the statistics data
- Get Interface info by Id
- Gets the list of Network Devices based on the provided complex filters and aggregation functions
- Gets the Network Device details based on the provided query parameters
- Get Devices registered for WSA Notification
- Get Interface by IP
- Count the number of events with filters
- Get Network Device by pagination range
- Get all interfaces
- Get wireless lan controller details by Id
- Get Modules
- Gets the total Network device counts based on the provided query parameters
- Get Device Values that match fully or partially an Attribute
- Get Device Enrichment Details
- Clients
- Get Client Detail
- Get Overall Client Health
- Retrieves the Trend analytics data related to clients
- Retrieves specific client information matching the MAC address
- Retrieves the total count of clients by applying basic filtering
- Retrieves the number of clients by applying complex filters
- Retrieves the Top-N analytics data related to clients
- Retrieves the list of clients, while also offering basic filtering and sorting capabilities
- Retrieves specific client information over a specified period of time
- Retrieves summary analytics data related to clients
- Retrieves the list of clients by applying complex filters while also supporting aggregate attributes
- Client Proximity
- Get Client Enrichment Details
- Users
- Issues
- Issue trigger definition update
- Get issue trigger definition for given id
- Get the total number of issues for given set of filters
- Get all the custom issue definitions based on the given filters
- Creates a new user-defined issue definitions
- Returns all issue trigger definitions for given filters
- Get Top N analytics data of issues
- Ignore the given list of issues
- Get all the details and suggested actions of an issue for the given issue id
- Updates an existing custom issue definition based on the provided Id
- Deletes an existing custom issue definition
- Get the details of issues for given set of filters
- Get the total custom issue definitions count based on the provided filters
- Get summary analytics data of issues
- Update the given issue by updating selected fields
- Get the count of system defined issue definitions based on provided filters
- Get the details of issues for given set of filters
- Get the total number of issues for given set of filters
- Resolve the given lists of issues
- Issues
- Get the custom issue definition for the given custom issue definition Id
- Get trend analytics data of issues
- Get Issue Enrichment Details
- Execute Suggested Actions Commands
- Site Design
- Get device controllability settings
- Update device controllability settings
- Updates a building
- Deletes a building
- Gets a building
- Unassign network devices from sites
- Get site assigned network devices
- Retrieves the list of sites that the given network profile for sites is assigned to
- Assign a network profile for sites to the given site
- Updates floor settings
- Get floor settings
- Get sites count
- Retrieves the count of profiles that the given site has been assigned
- Associate
- Disassociate
- Deletes an area
- Gets an area
- Updates an area
- Get sites
- Retrieves the count of sites that the given network profile for sites is assigned to
- Retrieves the count of network profiles for sites
- Assign a network profile for sites to a list of sites
- Unassigns a network profile for sites from multiple sites
- Deletes a floor
- Updates a floor
- Gets a floor
- Creates a building
- Creates a floor
- Retrieve a network profile for sites by id
- Deletes a network profile for sites
- Unassigns a network profile for sites from a site
- Assign network devices to a site
- Retrieves the list of network profiles that the given site has been assigned
- Retrieves the list of network profiles for sites
- Creates an area
- Get site not assigned network devices
- Get site not assigned network devices count
- Create sites
- Get site assigned network device
- Uploads floor image
- Get site assigned network devices count
- Network Settings
- Set banner settings for a site
- Retrieve banner settings for a site
- Get network devices credentials sync status
- Retrieve Telemetry settings for a site
- Set Telemetry settings for a site
- Set time zone for a site
- Retrieve time zone settings for a site
- Assign Device Credential To Site V2
- Update a device(s) telemetry settings to conform to the telemetry settings for its site
- Retrieve AAA settings for a site
- Set AAA settings for a site
- Create Network V2
- Update Network V2
- Update device credential settings for a site
- Get device credential settings for a site
- Sync network devices credential
- Delete SP Profile V2
- Update SP Profile V2
- Create SP Profile V2
- Get Service Provider Details V2
- Set image distribution settings for a site
- Retrieve image distribution settings for a site
- Set DNS settings for a site
- Retrieve DNS settings for a site
- Set NTP settings for a site
- Retrieve NTP settings for a site
- Set dhcp settings for a site
- Retrieve DHCP settings for a site
- Get Network V2
- Get Network
- Get Reserve IP Subpool
- Delete Device Credential
- Delete SP Profile
- Delete Global IP Pool
- Update Global Pool
- Get Global Pool
- Create Global Pool
- Reserve IP Subpool
- Update Reserve IP Subpool
- Assign Device Credential To Site
- Update Device Credentials
- Get Device Credential Details
- Create Device Credentials
- Update SP Profile
- Get Service provider Details
- Create SP Profile
- Update Network
- Create Network
- Release Reserve IP Subpool
- Software Image Management (SWIM)
- Assign network device product name to the given software image
- Retrieves network device product names assigned to a software image
- Returns the count of network device product names for a site
- Add image distribution server
- Retrieve image distribution servers
- Get software image details
- Import local software image
- Returns network device product names for a site
- Update the list of sites for the network device product name assigned to the software image
- Unassign network device product name from the given software image
- Returns count of software images
- Get Device Family Identifiers
- Retrieve network device product name
- Update remote image distribution server
- Remove image distribution server
- Retrieve specific image distribution server
- Tag as Golden Image
- Get network device image updates
- Trigger software image distribution
- Get Golden Tag Status of an Image
- Remove Golden Tag for image
- Retrieves the list of network device product names
- Count of network device image updates
- Count of network product names
- Import software image via URL
- Download the software image
- Retrieve applicable add-on images for the given software image
- Returns count of add-on images
- Trigger software image activation
- Returns list of software images
- Retrieves the count of assigned network device products
- Device Onboarding (PnP)
- Update Device
- Get Device by Id
- Delete Device by Id from PnP
- Un-Claim Device
- Get Sync Result for Virtual Account
- Add Virtual Account
- Update PnP Server Profile
- Authorize Device
- Deregister Virtual Account
- Import Devices in bulk
- Get Smart Account List
- Update Workflow
- Get Workflow by Id
- Delete Workflow By Id
- Claim a Device to a Site
- Get Virtual Account List
- Get Workflow Count
- Get PnP global settings
- Update PnP global settings
- Add a Workflow
- Get Workflows
- Reset Device
- Sync Virtual Account Devices
- Preview Config
- Get Device Count
- Claim Device
- Get Device list
- Add Device
- Get Device History
- Configuration Templates
- Gets all the versions of a given template
- Deploy Template V2
- Status of template deployment
- Creates a clone of the given template
- Deploy Template
- Update Template
- Gets the templates available
- Preview Template
- Imports the templates provided
- Gets a list of projects
- Create Project
- Update Project
- Exports the projects for a given criteria
- Gets details of a given template
- Deletes the template
- Deletes the project
- Gets the details of a given project
- Get project(s) details
- Exports the templates for a given criteria
- Create Template
- Get template(s) details
- Imports the Projects provided
- Version Template
- Configuration Archive
- Get multicast virtual networks
- Add multicast virtual networks
- Update multicast virtual networks
- Update anycast gateways
- Get anycast gateways
- Add anycast gateways
- Get fabric site count
- Get fabric devices layer 2 handoffs count
- Update layer 2 virtual networks
- Get layer 2 virtual networks
- Delete layer 2 virtual networks
- Add layer 2 virtual networks
- Get fabric zone count
- Delete multicast virtual network by id
- Get fabric devices layer 3 handoffs with sda transit
- Add fabric devices layer 3 handoffs with sda transit
- Delete fabric device layer 3 handoffs with sda transit
- Update fabric devices layer 3 handoffs with sda transit
- Add fabric devices layer 3 handoffs with ip transit
- Delete fabric device layer 3 handoffs with ip transit
- Get fabric devices layer 3 handoffs with ip transit
- Update fabric devices layer 3 handoffs with ip transit
- Add extranet policy
- Get extranet policies
- Update extranet policy
- Delete extranet policies
- Add port channels
- Get port channels
- Update port channels
- Delete port channels
- Get layer 3 virtual networks
- Delete layer 3 virtual networks
- Add layer 3 virtual networks
- Update layer 3 virtual networks
- Delete extranet policy by id
- Get port assignment count
- Get extranet policy count
- Delete layer 3 virtual network by id
- Delete anycast gateway by id
- Delete provisioned devices
- Provision devices
- Get provisioned devices
- Re-provision devices
- Delete port channel by id
- Get layer 2 virtual network count
- Add fabric devices layer 2 handoffs
- Get fabric devices layer 2 handoffs
- Delete fabric device layer 2 handoffs
- Delete fabric device layer 2 handoff by id
- Add fabric devices
- Delete fabric devices
- Update fabric devices
- Get fabric devices
- Add fabric zone
- Get fabric zones
- Update fabric zone
- Delete fabric device by id
- Update transit networks
- Add transit networks
- Get transit networks
- Delete fabric zone by id
- Get multicast virtual network count
- Update authentication profile
- Get authentication profiles
- Add fabric site
- Get fabric sites
- Update fabric site
- Delete provisioned device by Id
- Get transit networks count
- Get port channel count
- Update multicast
- Get multicast
- Get fabric devices count
- Get layer 3 virtual networks count
- Delete transit network by id
- Delete fabric site by id
- Delete layer 2 virtual network by id
- Get fabric devices layer 3 handoffs with ip transit count
- Get fabric devices layer 3 handoffs with sda transit count
- Get port assignments
- Delete port assignments
- Update port assignments
- Add port assignments
- Get anycast gateway count
- Delete fabric device layer 3 handoff with ip transit by id
- Delete port assignment by id
- Get Provisioned Devices count
- Get device info from SDA Fabric
- Delete Port assignment for access point in SDA Fabric
- Get Port assignment for access point in SDA Fabric
- Add Port assignment for access point in SDA Fabric
- Add IP Pool in SDA Virtual Network
- Delete IP Pool from SDA Virtual Network
- Get IP Pool from SDA Virtual Network
- Delete edge device from SDA Fabric
- Get edge device from SDA Fabric
- Add edge device in SDA Fabric
- Delete multicast from SDA fabric
- Get multicast details from SDA fabric
- Add multicast in SDA fabric
- Get Transit Peer Network Info
- Add Transit Peer Network
- Delete Transit Peer Network
- Get VN from SDA Fabric
- Add VN in fabric
- Delete VN from SDA Fabric
- Delete default authentication profile from SDA Fabric
- Update default authentication profile in SDA Fabric
- Get default authentication profile from SDA Fabric
- Add default authentication template in SDA Fabric
- Re-Provision Wired Device
- Provision Wired Device
- Delete provisioned Wired Device
- Get Provisioned Wired Device
- Delete Site from SDA Fabric
- Get Site from SDA Fabric
- Add Site in SDA Fabric
- Get Virtual Network Summary
- Get device role in SDA Fabric
- Get border device detail from SDA Fabric
- Add border device in SDA Fabric
- Delete border device from SDA Fabric
- Add Port assignment for user device in SDA Fabric
- Get Port assignment for user device in SDA Fabric
- Delete Port assignment for user device in SDA Fabric
- Get control plane device from SDA Fabric
- Add control plane device in SDA Fabric
- Delete control plane device in SDA Fabric
- Update virtual network with scalable groups
- Delete virtual network with scalable groups
- Add virtual network with scalable groups
- Get virtual network with scalable groups
- Sensors
- Wireless
- Configure Access Points V1
- Update Interface
- Delete Interface
- Get Interface by ID
- AP Provision
- Create SSID
- Get SSID by Site
- Get RF Profiles
- Create RF Profile
- Get all 802.11be Profiles
- Create a 802.11be Profile
- Get Primary Managed AP Locations for specific Wireless Controller
- Delete Wireless Profile
- Update Wireless Profile
- Get Wireless Profile by ID
- Delete RF Profile
- Get RF Profile by ID
- Update RF Profile
- Get SSID Count for specific Wireless Controller
- Update SSID
- Get SSID by ID
- Delete SSID
- Get MobilityGroups Count
- Get Interfaces
- Create Interface
- Get Access Point(s) Factory Reset status
- Get Wireless Profiles Count
- Get SSID Count by Site
- Reboot Access Points
- Get All MobilityGroups
- Update 802.11be Profile
- Delete a 802.11be Profile
- Get 802.11be Profile by ID
- Configure Access Points V2
- Mobility Provision
- Get Wireless Profiles
- Create Wireless Profile
- Get SSID Details for specific Wireless Controller
- Wireless Controller Provision
- Get 802.11be Profiles Count
- Get Anchor Managed AP Locations for specific Wireless Controller
- Assign Managed AP Locations For WLC
- Get Secondary Managed AP Locations for specific Wireless Controller
- Get Access Point Configuration
- Get Access Point Reboot task result
- Factory Reset Access Point(s)
- Get Managed AP Locations Count for specific Wireless Controller
- Get RF Profiles Count
- Get Access Point Configuration task result
- Get Interfaces Count
- Mobility Reset
- Retrieve RF profiles
- Create or Update RF profile
- Create and Provision SSID
- Delete RF profiles
- PSK override
- Create Wireless Profile
- Get Wireless Profile
- Update Wireless Profile
- Provision update
- Provision
- Sensor Test Results
- Create Enterprise SSID
- Update Enterprise SSID
- Get Enterprise SSID
- Delete Enterprise SSID
- Get dynamic interface
- Create Update Dynamic interface
- Delete dynamic interface
- AP Provision
- Delete Wireless Profile
- Delete SSID and provision it to devices
- Command Runner
- Discovery
- Get count of all discovery jobs
- Update SNMP write community
- Create SNMP write community
- Create Netconf credentials
- Update Netconf credentials
- Update SNMPv3 credentials
- Create SNMPv3 credentials
- Get Discoveries by range
- Update SNMP read community
- Create SNMP read community
- Create Global Credentials V2
- Get All Global Credentials V2
- Update Global Credentials V2
- Get network devices from Discovery
- Delete discovery by Id
- Get Discovery by Id
- Create HTTP write credentials
- Update HTTP write credentials
- Get SNMP properties
- Create/Update SNMP properties
- Start discovery
- Updates an existing discovery by specified Id
- Delete all discovery
- Delete Global Credential V2
- Update global credentials
- Delete global credentials by Id
- Update HTTP read credential
- Create HTTP read credentials
- Create CLI credentials
- Update CLI credentials
- Get Devices discovered by Id
- Get Discovered devices by range
- Get Discovery jobs by IP
- Get list of discoveries by discovery Id
- Get Global credentials
- Get Discovered network devices by discovery Id
- Path Trace
- File
- Task
- Tag
- Retrieve tags associated with network devices
- Add members to the tag
- Get Tag members by Id
- Create Tag
- Update Tag
- Get Tag
- Get Tag Member count
- Retrieve the count of interfaces that are associated with at least one tag
- Get Tag resource types
- Update tag membership
- Delete Tag
- Get Tag by Id
- Query the tags associated with network devices
- Retrieve the count of network devices that are associated with at least one tag
- Get Tag Count
- Query the tags associated with interfaces
- Retrieve tags associated with the interfaces
- Remove Tag member
- Application Policy
- Delete Application Policy Queuing Profile
- Get Application Set/s
- Create Application Set/s
- Get Application Policy Queuing Profile
- Create Application Policy Queuing Profile
- Update Application Policy Queuing Profile
- Get Application Policy Default
- Create Qos Device Interface Info
- Get Qos Device Interface Info
- Update Qos Device Interface Info
- Get Application Policy
- Delete Qos Device Interface Info
- Edit Application/s
- Create Application/s
- Get Application/s
- Get Qos Device Interface Info Count
- Get Application Set Count
- Delete Application
- Delete Application Set
- Application Policy Intent
- Get Application Count
- Get Application Policy Queuing Profile Count
- Edit Application
- Get Applications
- Delete Application
- Create Application
- Create Application Set
- Delete Application Set
- Get Application Sets
- Get Applications Count
- Get Application Sets Count
- Applications
- Event Management
- Create SNMP Destination
- Update SNMP Destination
- Count of Event Subscriptions
- Update Webhook Destination
- Get Webhook Destination
- Create Webhook Destination
- Create Syslog Destination
- Get Syslog Destination
- Update Syslog Destination
- Count of Notifications
- Get Syslog Subscription Details
- Get Events
- Get Email Event Subscriptions
- Create Email Event Subscription
- Update Email Event Subscription
- Get Email Subscription Details
- Create Event Subscriptions
- Update Event Subscriptions
- Delete Event Subscriptions
- Get Event Subscriptions
- Get AuditLog Summary
- Update Syslog Event Subscription
- Create Syslog Event Subscription
- Get Syslog Event Subscriptions
- Count of Events
- Get Notifications
- Get AuditLog Records
- Get EventArtifacts
- Create Rest/Webhook Event Subscription
- Update Rest/Webhook Event Subscription
- Get Rest/Webhook Event Subscriptions
- Get AuditLog Parent Records
- Update Email Destination
- Create Email Destination
- Get Email Destination
- EventArtifact Count
- Get Connector Types
- Get SNMP Destination
- Get Rest/Webhook Subscription Details
- Get Status API for Events
- Security Advisories
- Compliance
- Reports
- Get views for a given view group
- Delete a scheduled report
- Get a scheduled report
- Get flexible report schedule by report id
- Update schedule of flexible report
- Get list of scheduled reports
- Create or Schedule a report
- Get view details for a given view group & view
- Get Execution Id by Report Id
- Get all view groups
- Executing the Flexible report
- Get all flexible report schedules
- Get all execution details for a given report
- Download Flexible Report
- Download report content
- Fabric Wireless
- Add, Update or Remove SSID mapping to a VLAN
- Retrieve the VLANs and SSIDs mapped to the VLAN within a Fabric Site
- Return the count of all the fabric site which has SSID to IP Pool mapping
- Returns all the Fabric Sites that have VLAN to SSID mapping
- Returns the count of VLANs mapped to SSIDs in a Fabric Site
- Remove WLC from Fabric Domain
- Add WLC to Fabric Domain
- Update SSID to IP Pool Mapping
- Add SSID to IP Pool Mapping
- Get SSID to IP Pool Mapping
- ITSM Integration
- Health and Performance
- Retrieves all the validation sets
- Retrieves the list of validation workflows
- Submits the workflow for executing validations
- Retrieves validation details for a validation set
- Retrieves the count of validation workflows
- System Health Count API
- System Health API
- System Performance Historical API
- Deletes a validation workflow
- Retrieves validation workflow details
- System Performance API
- LAN Automation
- LAN Automation Stop and Update Devices
- LAN Automation Stop
- LAN Automation Device Update
- LAN Automation Start V2
- LAN Automation Log by Id
- LAN Automation Status by Id
- LAN Automation Stop and Update Devices V2
- LAN Automation Start
- LAN Automation Status
- LAN Automation Log
- LAN Automation Logs for Individual Devices
- LAN Automation Active Sessions
- LAN Automation Session Count
- System Settings
- Delete Authentication and Policy Server Access Configuration
- Edit Authentication and Policy Server Access Configuration
- Creates configuration details of the external IPAM server
- Retrieves configuration details of the external IPAM server
- Updates configuration details of the external IPAM server
- Deletes configuration details of the external IPAM server
- Custom-prompt support GET API
- Custom Prompt POST API
- Add Authentication and Policy Server Access Configuration
- Get Authentication and Policy Servers
- Accept Cisco ISE Server Certificate for Cisco ISE Server Integration
- Get provisioning settings
- Set provisioning settings
- Cisco ISE Server Integration Status
- User and Roles
- Get AAA Attribute API
- Add and Update AAA Attribute API
- Delete AAA Attribute API
- Update role API
- Add role API
- Add user API
- Get users API
- Update user API
- Delete user API
- Get roles API
- Get external authentication servers API
- Get permissions API
- Delete role API
- Manage External Authentication Setting API
- Get External Authentication Setting API
- EoX
- Device Replacement
- Licenses
- Platform
- Cisco Trusted Certificates
- Model
- AcceptCiscoISEServerCertificateForCiscoISEServerIntegrationRequest
- AcceptCiscoISEServerCertificateForCiscoISEServerIntegrationResponse
- ActivateDTO
- AddAndUpdateAAAAttributeAPIRequest
- AddAndUpdateAAAAttributeAPIResponse
- AddAuthenticationAndPolicyServerAccessConfigurationRequest
- AddAuthenticationAndPolicyServerAccessConfigurationResponse
- AddAWorkflowResponse
- AddBorderDeviceInSDAFabricRequest
- AddBorderDeviceInSDAFabricResponse
- AddControlPlaneDeviceInSDAFabricRequest
- AddControlPlaneDeviceInSDAFabricResponse
- AddDefaultAuthenticationTemplateInSDAFabricRequest
- AddDefaultAuthenticationTemplateInSDAFabricResponse
- AddEdgeDeviceInSDAFabricRequest
- AddEdgeDeviceInSDAFabricResponse
- AddFabricDevicesLayerHandoffsWithIpTransitRequest
- AddFabricDevicesLayerHandoffsWithIpTransitResponse
- AddFabricDevicesLayerHandoffsWithSdaTransitRequest
- AddFabricDevicesLayerHandoffsWithSdaTransitResponse
- AddImageDistributionServer
- AddIPPoolInSDAVirtualNetworkRequest
- AddIPPoolInSDAVirtualNetworkResponse
- AddLayerVirtualNetworksResponse
- AddMulticastInSDAFabricRequest
- AddMulticastInSDAFabricResponse
- AddPortAssignmentForAccessPointInSDAFabricRequest
- AddPortAssignmentForAccessPointInSDAFabricResponse
- AddPortAssignmentForUserDeviceInSDAFabricRequest
- AddPortAssignmentForUserDeviceInSDAFabricResponse
- AddPortAssignmentsResponse
- AddPortChannelsResponse
- AddRoleAPIRequest
- AddRoleAPIResponse
- AddSiteInSDAFabricRequest
- AddSiteInSDAFabricResponse
- AddSSIDToIPPoolMappingRequest
- AddSSIDToIPPoolMappingResponse
- AddTransitNetworksResponse
- AddTransitPeerNetworkRequest
- AddTransitPeerNetworkResponse
- AddUpdateOrRemoveSSIDMappingToAVLANRequest
- AddUpdateOrRemoveSSIDMappingToAVLANResponse
- AddUserAPIRequest
- AddUserAPIResponse
- AddUserDefinedFieldToDeviceRequest
- AddUserDefinedFieldToDeviceResponse
- AddVirtualAccountResponse
- AddVirtualNetworkWithScalableGroupsRequest
- AddVirtualNetworkWithScalableGroupsResponse
- AddVNInFabricRequest
- AddVNInFabricResponse
- AddWLCToFabricDomainRequest
- AddWLCToFabricDomainResponse
- AnalyticsRequest
- ApAntennaMapping
- apiSchemaForlayerVirtualNetworksItem
- apiSchemaForlayerVirtualNetworksItemPut
- apiSchemaForportAssignmentItem
- apiSchemaForportAssignmentItemPut
- apiSchemaForportChannelItem
- apiSchemaForportChannelItemPut
- apiSchemaForProvisionDeviceItem
- apiSchemaForProvisionDevicesItemWithId
- ApplicationPolicyIntentRequest
- ApplicationPolicyIntentResponse
- Applications
- ApplicationSet
- ApplicationSets
- ApplicationsResponse
- APProvisionRequest
- APProvisionResponse
- Area
- AreaResponse
- AssignANetworkProfileForSitesToAListOfSitesRequest
- AssignANetworkProfileForSitesToAListOfSitesResponse
- AssignANetworkProfileForSitesToTheGivenSiteRequest
- AssignANetworkProfileForSitesToTheGivenSiteResponse
- AssignDeviceCredentialToSiteRequest
- AssignDeviceCredentialToSiteResponse
- AssignDeviceCredentialToSiteVRequest
- AssignDeviceCredentialToSiteVResponse
- AssignDevicesToSiteRequest
- AssignDevicesToSiteResponse
- AssignedNetworkDeviceResponse
- AssignedNetworkDevicesResponse
- AssignedProduct
- AssignManagedAPLocationsForWLCRequest
- AssignManagedAPLocationsForWLCResponse
- AssignmentsToSiteSettings
- AssignmentsToSiteSettingsResponse
- AssignNetworkDevicesRequest
- AssignNetworkDevicesToASiteResponse
- AssignProduct
- AssociateResponse
- AuthenticationAPIResponse
- AuthorizeDeviceRequest
- AuthorizeDeviceResponse
- body
- Building
- BuildingResponse
- BulkProvisionSettings
- ChangeVirtualAccountRequest
- ChangeVirtualAccountResponse
- ChassisListResult
- CiscoDNACenterNodesConfigurationSummaryResponse
- CiscoDNACenterPackagesSummaryResponse
- CiscoDNACenterReleaseSummaryResponse
- CiscoISEServerIntegrationStatusResponse
- ClaimDeviceRequest
- ClaimDeviceResponse
- ClearMacAddressTableRequest
- ClearMacAddressTableResponse
- CLICredentialDTO
- ClientDetailSummaryInfo
- ClientProximityResponse
- CommandRunnerDTO
- ComplianceDetailsOfDeviceResponse
- ComplianceRemediationResponse
- ConfigureAccessPointsRequest
- ConfigureAccessPointsResponse
- countApiResponseSchema
- CountIntegerResponse
- CountOfEventsResponse
- CountOfEventSubscriptionsResponse
- CountOfNetworkDeviceImageUpdatesResponse
- CountOfNetworkProductNamesResponse
- CountOfNotificationsResponse
- CountResponse
- countResponseApiPaylod
- CountResult
- CreateAbeProfileRequest
- CreateAbeProfileResponse
- CreateAndProvisionSSIDRequest
- CreateAndProvisionSSIDResponse
- CreateApplicationPolicyQueuingProfileRequest
- CreateApplicationPolicyQueuingProfileResponse
- CreateApplicationRequest
- CreateApplicationResponse
- CreateApplicationSetRequest
- CreateApplicationSetResponse
- CreateDeviceCredentialsRequest
- CreateDeviceCredentialsResponse
- CreateEmailConfiguration
- CreateEmailDestinationResponse
- CreateEmailEventSubscription
- CreateEmailEventSubscriptionResponse
- CreateEnterpriseSSIDRequest
- CreateEnterpriseSSIDResponse
- CreateEventSubscriptionsRequest
- CreateEventSubscriptionsResponse
- CreateGlobalPoolRequest
- CreateGlobalPoolResponse
- CreateInterfaceRequest
- CreateInterfaceResponse
- CreateITSMIntegrationSettingRequest
- CreateITSMIntegrationSettingResponse
- CreateNetworkRequest
- CreateNetworkResponse
- CreateNetworkVRequest
- CreateNetworkVResponse
- CreateOrUpdateRFProfileRequest
- CreateOrUpdateRFProfileResponse
- CreateProjectRequest
- CreateProjectResponse
- CreateQosDeviceInterfaceInfoRequest
- CreateQosDeviceInterfaceInfoResponse
- CreateRestWebhookEventSubscription
- CreateRestWebhookEventSubscriptionResponse
- CreateRFProfileRequest
- CreateRFProfileResponse
- CreatesABuildingResponse
- CreatesAFloorResponse
- CreatesAnAreaResponse
- CreatesANewUserdefinedIssueDefinitionsRequest
- CreatesANewUserdefinedIssueDefinitionsResponse
- CreatesConfigurationDetailsOfTheExternalIPAMServerRequest
- CreatesConfigurationDetailsOfTheExternalIPAMServerResponse
- CreateSensorTestTemplateRequest
- CreateSensorTestTemplateResponse
- CreateSiteRequest
- CreateSiteResponse
- CreateSitesRequest
- CreateSitesResponse
- CreateSNMPConfiguration
- CreateSNMPDestinationResponse
- CreateSPProfileRequest
- CreateSPProfileResponse
- CreateSPProfileVRequest
- CreateSPProfileVResponse
- CreateSSIDRequest
- CreateSSIDResponse
- CreateSyslogConfiguration
- CreateSyslogDestinationResponse
- CreateSyslogEventSubscription
- CreateSyslogEventSubscriptionResponse
- CreateUpdateDynamicInterfaceRequest
- CreateUpdateDynamicInterfaceResponse
- CreateUserDefinedFieldRequest
- CreateUserDefinedFieldResponse
- CreatewebhookConfiguration
- CreateWebhookDestinationResponse
- CreateWirelessProfileRequest
- CreateWirelessProfileResponse
- CustomPromptPOSTAPIRequest
- CustomPromptPOSTAPIResponse
- CustompromptSupportGETAPIResponse
- DayZeroConfigPreviewResult
- DeleteAAAAttributeAPIResponse
- DeleteAbeProfileResponse
- DeleteApplicationPolicyQueuingProfileRequest
- DeleteApplicationPolicyQueuingProfileResponse
- DeleteApplicationResponse
- DeleteApplicationSetResponse
- DeleteAScheduledReportResponse
- DeleteAuthenticationAndPolicyServerAccessConfigurationResponse
- DeleteBorderDeviceFromSDAFabricResponse
- DeleteControlPlaneDeviceInSDAFabricResponse
- DeleteDefaultAuthenticationProfileFromSDAFabricResponse
- DeleteDeviceByIdFromPnPResponse
- DeleteDeviceCredentialResponse
- DeleteDynamicInterfaceResponse
- DeleteEdgeDeviceFromSDAFabricResponse
- DeleteEnterpriseSSIDResponse
- DeleteEventSubscriptionsResponse
- DeleteExtranetPoliciesResponse
- DeleteFabricDeviceByIdResponse
- DeleteFabricDeviceLayerHandoffByIdResponse
- DeleteFabricDeviceLayerHandoffsResponse
- DeleteFabricDeviceLayerHandoffsWithIpTransitResponse
- DeleteFabricDeviceLayerHandoffsWithSdaTransitResponse
- DeleteFabricDeviceLayerHandoffWithIpTransitByIdResponse
- DeleteFabricDevicesResponse
- DeleteGlobalCredentialVResponse
- DeleteGlobalIPPoolResponse
- DeleteInterfaceResponse
- DeleteIPPoolFromSDAVirtualNetworkResponse
- DeleteLayerVirtualNetworkByIdResponse
- DeleteLayerVirtualNetworksResponse
- DeleteMulticastFromSDAFabricResponse
- DeletePortAssignmentByIdResponse
- DeletePortAssignmentForAccessPointInSDAFabricResponse
- DeletePortAssignmentForUserDeviceInSDAFabricResponse
- DeletePortAssignmentsResponse
- DeletePortChannelByIdResponse
- DeletePortChannelsResponse
- DeleteProvisionedDeviceByIdResponse
- DeleteProvisionedDevicesResponse
- DeleteProvisionedWiredDeviceResponse
- DeleteQosDeviceInterfaceInfoResponse
- DeleteRFProfileResponse
- DeleteRFProfilesResponse
- DeleteRoleAPIResponse
- DeletesABuildingResponse
- DeletesAFloorResponse
- DeletesAnAreaResponse
- DeletesANetworkProfileForSitesResponse
- DeletesAnExistingCustomIssueDefinitionResponse
- DeletesConfigurationDetailsOfTheExternalIPAMServerResponse
- DeleteSensorTestResponse
- DeleteSiteFromSDAFabricResponse
- DeleteSiteResponse
- DeleteSPProfileResponse
- DeleteSPProfileVResponse
- DeleteSSIDAndProvisionItToDevicesResponse
- DeleteSSIDResponse
- DeleteTransitNetworkByIdResponse
- DeleteTransitPeerNetworkResponse
- DeleteUserAPIResponse
- DeleteUserDefinedFieldResponse
- DeleteVirtualNetworkWithScalableGroupsResponse
- DeleteVNFromSDAFabricResponse
- DeleteWirelessProfileRequest
- DeleteWirelessProfileResponse
- DeleteWorkflowByIdResponse
- DeregisterVirtualAccountResponse
- Device
- DeviceComplianceStatusResponse
- DeviceCountDetailsResponse
- DeviceCredentialSettings
- DeviceCredentialSettingsResponse
- DeviceDeregistrationRequest
- DeviceDeregistrationResponse
- DeviceFamilyIdentifierResponse
- DeviceIfListResult
- DeviceIfResult
- DeviceInterfaceListResult
- DeviceLicenseDetailsResponse
- DeviceLicenseSummaryResponse
- DeviceRegistrationRequest
- DeviceRegistrationResponse
- DeviceReplacementDataDTO
- DeviceReplacementResult
- DeviceReplacementWorkflowDTO
- DevicesResponse
- DiagnosticValidationSetRequestBulk
- DiagnosticValidationSetResponse
- DiagnosticValidationWorkflowResponse
- DiagnosticValidationWorkflowRunDetailsResponse
- DisassociateResponse
- DiscoveryJobNIOListResult
- DiscoveryNIO
- DiscoveryNIOListResult
- DiscoveryNIOResult
- DistributeDTO
- DnacPlaformIssueResponse
- DnacPlatformSiteHierarchyResponse
- dnacsystemrole
- DownloadAFileByFileIdResponse
- DownloadFlexibleReportResponse
- DownloadReportContentResponse
- DownloadTheSoftwareImageResponse
- DuplicateSensorTestTemplateRequest
- DuplicateSensorTestTemplateResponse
- EditApplicationRequest
- EditApplicationResponse
- EditAuthenticationAndPolicyServerAccessConfigurationRequest
- EditAuthenticationAndPolicyServerAccessConfigurationResponse
- EditSensorTestTemplateRequest
- EditSensorTestTemplateResponse
- EventArtifactCountResponse
- EventChildEventsResponse
- EventDetailResponse
- EventListResponse
- EventsCountRequest
- EventsRequest
- ExecuteSuggestedActionsCommandsRequest
- ExecuteSuggestedActionsCommandsResponse
- ExecutingTheFlexibleReportResponse
- ExportDeviceConfigurationsRequest
- ExportDeviceConfigurationsResponse
- ExportDeviceDTO
- ExportMapArchiveRequest
- ExportsTheProjectsForAGivenCriteriaRequest
- ExportsTheTemplatesForAGivenCriteriaRequest
- extranetPolicyItem
- extranetPolicyItemWithId
- fabricDeviceCreateLHandoffReqObject
- fabricDeviceCreationReqObject
- fabricDeviceItemWithId
- fabricDeviceUpdateReqObject
- FactoryResetAccessPointsRequest
- FactoryResetAccessPointsResponse
- FileObjectListResult
- Floor
- FloorResponse
- FlowAnalysisListOutput
- FlowAnalysisRequest
- FlowAnalysisRequestResultOutput
- FunctionalCapabilityListResult
- FunctionalCapabilityResult
- GetAAAAttributeAPIResponse
- GetAccessPointConfigurationResponse
- GetAccessPointConfigurationTaskResultResponse
- GetAccessPointRebootTaskResultResponse
- GetAccessPointsFactoryResetStatusResponse
- GetAdvisoriesListResponse
- GetAdvisoriesPerDeviceResponse
- GetAdvisoriesSummaryResponse
- GetAdvisoryDeviceDetailResponse
- GetAllbeProfilesResponse
- GetAllFlexibleReportSchedulesResponse
- GetAllITSMIntegrationSettingsRequest
- GetAllITSMIntegrationSettingsResponse
- GetAllMobilityGroupsResponse
- GetAllTheCustomIssueDefinitionsBasedOnTheGivenFiltersResponse
- GetAllTheDetailsAndSuggestedActionsOfAnIssueForTheGivenIssueIdResponse
- GetAllUserDefinedFieldsResponse
- GetAnchorManagedAPLocationsForSpecificWirelessControllerResponse
- getApiResponseSchema
- GetApplicationPolicyDefaultResponse
- GetApplicationPolicyQueuingProfileCountResponse
- GetApplicationPolicyQueuingProfileResponse
- GetApplicationPolicyResponse
- GetApplicationsCountResponse
- GetApplicationSetsCountResponse
- GetApplicationSetsResponse
- GetApplicationsResponse
- GetAuditLogParentRecordsResponse
- GetAuditLogRecordsResponse
- GetAuditLogSummaryResponse
- GetAuthenticationAndPolicyServersResponse
- GetbeProfileByIDResponse
- GetbeProfilesCountResponse
- GetBorderDeviceDetailFromSDAFabricResponse
- GetBusinessAPIExecutionDetailsResponse
- GetClientEnrichmentDetailsResponse
- GetCMDBSyncStatusRequest
- GetCMDBSyncStatusResponse
- GetComplianceDetailCountResponse
- GetComplianceDetailResponse
- GetComplianceStatusCountResponse
- GetComplianceStatusResponse
- GetConnectorTypesResponse
- GetControlPlaneDeviceFromSDAFabricResponse
- GetDefaultAuthenticationProfileFromSDAFabricResponse
- GetDeviceByIdResponse
- GetDeviceCountResponse
- GetDeviceCredentialDetailsResponse
- GetDeviceDetailResponse
- GetDeviceEnrichmentDetailsResponse
- GetDeviceHistoryResponse
- GetDeviceInfoFromSDAFabricResponse
- GetDeviceInterfaceStatsInfoResponse
- GetDeviceRoleInSDAFabricResponse
- GetDevicesPerAdvisoryResponse
- GetDevicesThatAreAssignedToASiteResponse
- GetDeviceValuesThatMatchFullyOrPartiallyAnAttributeResponse
- GetDynamicInterfaceResponse
- GetEdgeDeviceFromSDAFabricResponse
- GetEmailDestinationResponse
- GetEmailEventSubscriptionsResponse
- GetEmailSubscriptionDetailsResponse
- GetEnterpriseSSIDResponse
- GetEoXDetailsPerDeviceResponse
- GetEoXStatusForAllDevicesResponse
- GetEoXSummaryResponse
- GetEventArtifactsResponse
- GetEventsResponse
- GetEventSubscriptionsResponse
- GetExecutionIdByReportIdResponse
- GetExternalAuthenticationServersAPIResponse
- GetExternalAuthenticationSettingAPIResponse
- GetFabricDevicesLayerHandoffsWithIpTransitCountResponse
- GetFabricDevicesLayerHandoffsWithSdaTransitCountResponse
- GetFabricDevicesLayerHandoffsWithSdaTransitResponse
- GetFailedITSMEventsResponse
- GetFlexibleReportScheduleByReportIdResponse
- GetFloorSettingsResponse
- GetGlobalPoolResponse
- GetInterfaceByIDResponse
- GetInterfacesCountResponse
- GetInterfacesResponse
- GetIPPoolFromSDAVirtualNetworkResponse
- GetIssueEnrichmentDetailsResponse
- GetITSMIntegrationSettingByIdRequest
- GetITSMIntegrationSettingByIdResponse
- GetITSMIntegrationStatusRequest
- GetLinecardDetailsResponse
- GetManagedAPLocationsCountForSpecificWirelessControllerResponse
- GetMembershipResponse
- GetMobilityGroupsCountResponse
- GetMulticastDetailsFromSDAFabricResponse
- getMulticastNetworksResponseSchema
- getMulticastResponse
- getMulticastVirtualNetworksCountResponse
- GetNetworkDeviceImageUpdatesResponse
- GetNetworkResponse
- GetNetworkVResponse
- GetNotificationsResponse
- GetOverallNetworkHealthResponse
- GetPermissionsAPIResponse
- GetPlannedAccessPointsForBuildingResponse
- GetPlannedAccessPointsForFloorResponse
- GetPnPGlobalSettingsResponse
- GetPortAssignmentForAccessPointInSDAFabricResponse
- GetPortAssignmentForUserDeviceInSDAFabricResponse
- GetPrimaryManagedAPLocationsForSpecificWirelessControllerResponse
- GetProvisionedWiredDeviceResponse
- GetQosDeviceInterfaceInfoCountResponse
- GetQosDeviceInterfaceInfoResponse
- GetReserveIPSubpoolResponse
- GetRestWebhookEventSubscriptionsResponse
- GetRestWebhookSubscriptionDetailsResponse
- GetResyncIntervalForTheNetworkDeviceResponse
- GetRFProfileByIDResponse
- GetRFProfilesCountResponse
- GetRFProfilesResponse
- GetSecondaryManagedAPLocationsForSpecificWirelessControllerResponse
- GetServiceProviderDetailsResponse
- GetServiceProviderDetailsVResponse
- GetsInterfacesAlongWithStatisticsDataFromAllNetworkDevicesResponse
- GetSiteCountResponse
- GetSiteCountVResponse
- GetSiteFromSDAFabricResponse
- GetSiteResponse
- GetSiteVResponse
- GetSmartAccountListResponse
- GetSNMPDestinationResponse
- GetSSIDByIDResponse
- GetSSIDBySiteResponse
- GetSSIDCountBySiteResponse
- GetSSIDCountForSpecificWirelessControllerResponse
- GetSSIDDetailsForSpecificWirelessControllerResponse
- GetSSIDToIPPoolMappingRequest
- GetSSIDToIPPoolMappingResponse
- GetStatusAPIForEventsResponse
- GetsTheListOfInterfacesAcrossTheNetworkDevicesBasedOnTheProvidedComplexFiltersAndAggregationFunctionsRequest
- GetsTheListOfInterfacesAcrossTheNetworkDevicesBasedOnTheProvidedComplexFiltersAndAggregationFunctionsResponse
- GetsTheListOfNetworkDevicesBasedOnTheProvidedComplexFiltersAndAggregationFunctionsRequest
- GetsTheListOfNetworkDevicesBasedOnTheProvidedComplexFiltersAndAggregationFunctionsResponse
- GetsTheNetworkDeviceDetailsBasedOnTheProvidedQueryParametersResponse
- GetsTheSummaryAnalyticsDataRelatedToNetworkDevicesRequest
- GetsTheSummaryAnalyticsDataRelatedToNetworkDevicesResponse
- GetsTheTotalNetworkDeviceCountsBasedOnTheProvidedQueryParametersResponse
- GetsTheTotalNetworkDeviceInterfaceCountsInTheSpecifiedTimeRangeWhenThereIsNoStartAndEndTimeSpecifiedReturnsTheLatestInterfacesTotalCountResponse
- GetsTheTotalNumberNetworkDevicesBasedOnTheProvidedComplexFiltersAndAggregationFunctionsRequest
- GetsTheTotalNumberNetworkDevicesBasedOnTheProvidedComplexFiltersAndAggregationFunctionsResponse
- GetsTheTrendAnalyticsDataRequest
- GetsTheTrendAnalyticsDataResponse
- GetSummaryAnalyticsDataOfIssuesRequest
- GetSummaryAnalyticsDataOfIssuesResponse
- GetSupervisorCardDetailResponse
- GetSyncResultForVirtualAccountResponse
- GetSyslogDestinationResponse
- GetSyslogEventSubscriptionsResponse
- GetSyslogSubscriptionDetailsResponse
- GetTheCustomIssueDefinitionForTheGivenCustomIssueDefinitionIdResponse
- GetTheDetailsOfIssuesForGivenSetOfFiltersRequest
- GetTheDetailsOfIssuesForGivenSetOfFiltersResponse
- GetTheDetailsOfPhysicalComponentsOfTheGivenDeviceResponse
- GetTheDeviceDataForTheGivenDeviceIdUuidResponse
- GetTheInterfaceDataForTheGivenInterfaceIdinstanceUuidAlongWithTheStatisticsDataResponse
- GetTheTotalCustomIssueDefinitionsCountBasedOnTheProvidedFiltersResponse
- GetTheTotalNumberOfIssuesForGivenSetOfFiltersRequest
- GetTheTotalNumberOfIssuesForGivenSetOfFiltersResponse
- GetTopNAnalyticsDataOfIssuesRequest
- GetTopNAnalyticsDataOfIssuesResponse
- GetTransitPeerNetworkInfoResponse
- GetTrendAnalyticsDataOfIssuesRequest
- GetTrendAnalyticsDataOfIssuesResponse
- GetUserEnrichmentDetailsResponse
- GetUsersAPIResponse
- GetVirtualAccountListResponse
- GetVirtualNetworkSummaryResponse
- GetVirtualNetworkWithScalableGroupsResponse
- GetVNFromSDAFabricResponse
- GetWebhookDestinationResponse
- GetWirelessProfileByIDResponse
- GetWirelessProfileResponse
- GetWirelessProfilesCountResponse
- GetWirelessProfilesResponse
- GetWorkflowByIdResponse
- GetWorkflowCountResponse
- GetWorkflowsResponse
- GlobalCredentialListResult
- GlobalCredentialResult
- GlobalCredentialSubTypeResult
- GlobalSettingsDTO
- GlobalSettingsUpdateDTO
- HealthDetail
- HealthScoreDefinition
- HealthScoreDefinitionListResponse
- HealthScoreDefinitionResponse
- HTTPReadCredentialDTO
- HTTPWriteCredentialDTO
- IgnoreTheGivenListOfIssuesRequest
- IgnoreTheGivenListOfIssuesResponse
- ImageImportFromUrlDTO
- ImageInfoListResponse
- ImportDevicesInBulkResponse
- ImportExportClientContext
- ImportMapArchiveCancelAnImportResponse
- ImportMapArchivePerformImportResponse
- ImportMapArchiveStartImportResponse
- ImportsTheProjectsProvidedRequest
- InterfacePoeDetailResult
- InventoryDeviceInfo
- InventoryInsightDeviceLinkMismatchAPIResponse
- InventoryRequest
- ipTransitGetApiResponseSchema
- IsGoldenTaggedResponse
- IssueTriggerDefinition
- IssueTriggerDefinitionListResponse
- IssueTriggerDefinitionResponse
- ITSMIntegrationBundleStatus
- LANAutomationActiveSession
- LANAutomationDeviceUpdateRequest
- LANAutomationDeviceUpdateResponse
- LANAutomationLogByIdResponse
- LANAutomationLogResponse
- LANAutomationLogsForIndividualDevicesResponse
- LANAutomationSessionCountResponse
- LANAutomationStartRequest
- LANAutomationStartResponse
- LANAutomationStartVRequest
- LANAutomationStartVResponse
- LANAutomationStatusByIdResponse
- LANAutomationStatusResponse
- LANAutomationStopAndUpdateDevicesRequest
- LANAutomationStopAndUpdateDevicesResponse
- LANAutomationStopAndUpdateDevicesVRequest
- LANAutomationStopAndUpdateDevicesVResponse
- LANAutomationStopRequest
- LANAutomationStopResponse
- LegitCliKeyResult
- LegitOperationsForInterfaceResponse
- LHandoffGetResponseObject
- LicenseTermDetailsResponse
- LicenseUsageDetailsResponse
- Listentrystringliststring
- ManageExternalAuthenticationSettingAPIRequest
- ManageExternalAuthenticationSettingAPIResponse
- MobilityProvisionRequest
- MobilityProvisionResponse
- MobilityResetRequest
- MobilityResetResponse
- ModuleListResult
- ModuleResult
- NameSpaceListResult
- NeighborResult
- NetconfCredentialDTO
- NetworkDeviceBriefNIO
- NetworkDeviceBriefNIOResult
- NetworkDeviceListResult
- NetworkDeviceNIOListResult
- NetworkDeviceResult
- openApiAsyncResponse
- OverrideResyncIntervalResponse
- PathResponseResult
- PlannedAccessPointPublic
- PoeDetailsResultDTO
- postApiRequestSchema
- postMulticastVirtualNetworksRequest
- ProjectDTO
- ProvisionDevicesResponse
- ProvisioningSettings
- ProvisioningSettingsResponse
- ProvisionRequest
- ProvisionResponse
- ProvisionUpdateRequest
- ProvisionUpdateResponse
- ProvisionWiredDeviceRequest
- ProvisionWiredDeviceResponse
- PSKOverrideRequest
- PSKOverrideResponse
- putApiRequestSchema
- putMulticastNetworksRequest
- putMulticastRequest
- QueryTheTagsAssociatedWithInterfacesRequest
- QueryTheTagsAssociatedWithInterfacesResponse
- QueryTheTagsAssociatedWithNetworkDevicesRequest
- QueryTheTagsAssociatedWithNetworkDevicesResponse
- RawCliInfoNIOListResult
- RebootAccessPointsRequest
- RebootAccessPointsResponse
- RegisterNetworkDeviceResult
- ReleaseReserveIPSubpoolResponse
- RemoveImageDistributionServerResponse
- RemoveUserDefinedFieldFromDeviceResponse
- RemoveWLCFromFabricDomainRequest
- RemoveWLCFromFabricDomainResponse
- report
- reportAPIBody
- reportExecutions
- ReprovisionDevicesResponse
- ReProvisionWiredDeviceRequest
- ReProvisionWiredDeviceResponse
- RequestBody
- RequestCommitdeviceconfiguration
- ReserveIPSubpoolRequest
- ReserveIPSubpoolResponse
- ResetDeviceResponse
- ResetRequest
- ResolveTheGivenListsOfIssuesRequest
- ResolveTheGivenListsOfIssuesResponse
- Response
- Responsebody
- ResponseCommitdeviceconfiguration
- ResponseCount
- ResponseGetconfigtaskdetails
- ResponseGetconfigurationarchivedetails
- RetrieveAAASettingsForASiteResponse
- RetrieveANetworkProfileForSitesByIdResponse
- RetrieveApplicableAddonImagesForTheGivenSoftwareImageResponse
- RetrieveBannerSettingsForASiteResponse
- RetrieveDHCPSettingsForASiteResponse
- RetrieveDNSSettingsForASiteResponse
- RetrieveImageDistributionServersResponse
- RetrieveImageDistributionSettingsForASiteResponse
- RetrieveLicenseSettingResponse
- RetrieveNetworkDeviceProductNameResponse
- RetrieveNTPSettingsForASiteResponse
- RetrieveRFProfilesResponse
- RetrievesConfigurationDetailsOfTheExternalIPAMServerResponse
- RetrieveSpecificImageDistributionServerResponse
- RetrievesSpecificClientInformationMatchingTheMACAddressResponse
- RetrievesSpecificClientInformationOverASpecifiedPeriodOfTimeRequest
- RetrievesSpecificClientInformationOverASpecifiedPeriodOfTimeResponse
- RetrievesSummaryAnalyticsDataRelatedToClientsRequest
- RetrievesSummaryAnalyticsDataRelatedToClientsResponse
- RetrievesTheCountOfAssignedNetworkDeviceProductsResponse
- RetrievesTheCountOfNetworkProfilesForSitesResponse
- RetrievesTheCountOfProfilesThatTheGivenSiteHasBeenAssignedResponse
- RetrievesTheCountOfSitesThatTheGivenNetworkProfileForSitesIsAssignedToResponse
- RetrievesTheListOfClientsByApplyingComplexFiltersWhileAlsoSupportingAggregateAttributesRequest
- RetrievesTheListOfClientsByApplyingComplexFiltersWhileAlsoSupportingAggregateAttributesResponse
- RetrievesTheListOfClientsWhileAlsoOfferingBasicFilteringAndSortingCapabilitiesResponse
- RetrievesTheListOfNetworkDeviceProductNamesResponse
- RetrievesTheListOfNetworkProfilesForSitesResponse
- RetrievesTheListOfNetworkProfilesThatTheGivenSiteHasBeenAssignedResponse
- RetrievesTheListOfSitesThatTheGivenNetworkProfileForSitesIsAssignedToResponse
- RetrievesTheListOfValidationWorkflowsResponse
- RetrievesTheNumberOfClientsByApplyingComplexFiltersRequest
- RetrievesTheNumberOfClientsByApplyingComplexFiltersResponse
- RetrievesTheTopNAnalyticsDataRelatedToClientsRequest
- RetrievesTheTopNAnalyticsDataRelatedToClientsResponse
- RetrievesTheTotalCountOfClientsByApplyingBasicFilteringResponse
- RetrievesTheTrendAnalyticsDataRelatedToClientsRequest
- RetrievesTheTrendAnalyticsDataRelatedToClientsResponse
- RetrievesValidationDetailsForAValidationSetResponse
- RetrieveTagsAssociatedWithNetworkDevicesResponse
- RetrieveTagsAssociatedWithTheInterfacesResponse
- RetrieveTheCountOfInterfacesThatAreAssociatedWithAtLeastOneTagResponse
- RetrieveTheCountOfNetworkDevicesThatAreAssociatedWithAtLeastOneTagResponse
- RetrieveTheVLANsAndSSIDsMappedToTheVLANWithinAFabricSiteResponse
- RetrieveTimeZoneSettingsForASiteResponse
- RetryIntegrationEventsRequest
- RetryIntegrationEventsResponse
- ReturnsAllTheFabricSitesThatHaveVLANToSSIDMappingResponse
- ReturnsCountOfAddonImagesResponse
- ReturnsCountOfSoftwareImagesResponse
- ReturnsListOfSoftwareImagesResponse
- ReturnsNetworkDeviceProductNamesForASiteResponse
- ReturnsTheCountOfNetworkDeviceProductNamesForASiteResponse
- ReturnsTheCountOfVLANsMappedToSSIDsInAFabricSiteResponse
- ReturnTheCountOfAllTheFabricSiteWhichHasSSIDToIPPoolMappingResponse
- RunComplianceResponse
- RunNowSensorTestRequest
- SAVAMapping
- sdaschemaforanycastgatewayscountgetresponseapi
- sdaschemaforanycastgatewaysgetresponseapi
- sdaschemaforauthenticationprofilesgetresponseapi
- sdaschemaforfabricsitescountgetresponseapi
- sdaschemaforfabricsitesgetresponseapi
- sdaschemaforfabriczonescountgetresponseapi
- sdaschemaforfabriczonesgetresponseapi
- sdaschemaforlayervirtualnetworkscountgetresponseapi
- sdaschemaforlayervirtualnetworksgetresponseapi
- sdaschemaforopenapiasyncresponseapi
- sdaTransitUpdateReqObject
- SensorsResponse
- SensorTestResultsResponse
- SetAAASettingsForASiteRequest
- SetAAASettingsForASiteResponse
- SetBannerSettingsForASiteRequest
- SetBannerSettingsForASiteResponse
- SetDhcpSettingsForASiteRequest
- SetDhcpSettingsForASiteResponse
- SetDNSSettingsForASiteRequest
- SetDNSSettingsForASiteResponse
- SetImageDistributionSettingsForASiteRequest
- SetImageDistributionSettingsForASiteResponse
- SetNTPSettingsForASiteRequest
- SetNTPSettingsForASiteResponse
- SetProvisioningSettingsResponse
- SetTelemetrySettingsForASiteResponse
- SetTimeZoneForASiteRequest
- SetTimeZoneForASiteResponse
- Settings
- SiteClaimResponse
- siteHealthCountResponse
- siteHealthSummariesList
- siteHealthSummaryAnalytics
- siteHealthSummaryRequest
- SiteProvisionRequest
- SiteResponse
- SiteResult
- SitesInfoDTO
- siteSummaryById
- SiteTelemetrySettings
- SiteTelemetrySettingsResponse
- SmartAccountDetailsResponse
- SNMPvCredentialDTO
- SNMPvReadCommunityDTO
- SNMPvWriteCommunityDTO
- StackDTOResult
- successResponse
- SuccessResult
- SuccessResultList
- SwimGoldenTagDTO
- Sync
- SyncDevicesRequest
- SyncNetworkDevicesCredentialResponse
- SyncStatusResponse
- SyncVirtualAccountDevicesResponse
- SystemHealthAPIResponse
- SystemHealthCountAPIResponse
- SystemPerformanceAPIResponse
- SystemPerformanceHistoricalAPIResponse
- SystemPropertyListResult
- SystemPropertyNameAndIntValueDTO
- TagDTO
- TagListResult
- TagMemberDTO
- TagMembersResult
- TagResult
- TagTypesResult
- TaskDetailResponse
- TaskDTOListResponse
- TaskDTOResponse
- TaskIdResult
- TaskListResponse
- TaskResponse
- TaskSingleResponse
- TemplateDeploymentInfo
- TemplateDeploymentStatusDTO
- TemplateDTO
- TemplateInfo
- TemplatePreviewRequestDTO
- TemplatePreviewResponseDTO
- TemplateVersionRequestDTO
- TheTotalInterfacesCountAcrossTheNetworkDevicesRequest
- TheTotalInterfacesCountAcrossTheNetworkDevicesResponse
- TheTrendAnalyticsDataForTheNetworkDeviceInTheSpecifiedTimeRangeRequest
- TheTrendAnalyticsDataForTheNetworkDeviceInTheSpecifiedTimeRangeResponse
- TopologyResult
- UnassignedNetworkDevicesResponse
- UnassignNetworkDeviceProductNameFromTheGivenSoftwareImageResponse
- UnassignNetworkDevicesFromSitesResponse
- UnassignNetworkDevicesRequest
- UnassignsANetworkProfileForSitesFromASiteResponse
- UnassignsANetworkProfileForSitesFromMultipleSitesResponse
- UnClaimDeviceResponse
- UnclaimRequest
- UpdateADevicesTelemetrySettingsToConformToTheTelemetrySettingsForItsSiteResponse
- UpdateApplicationPolicyQueuingProfileRequest
- UpdateApplicationPolicyQueuingProfileResponse
- UpdatebeProfileRequest
- UpdatebeProfileResponse
- UpdateDefaultAuthenticationProfileInSDAFabricRequest
- UpdateDefaultAuthenticationProfileInSDAFabricResponse
- UpdateDeviceControllabilitySettingsResponse
- UpdateDeviceCredentialsRequest
- UpdateDeviceCredentialsResponse
- UpdateDeviceManagementAddressRequest
- UpdateDeviceManagementAddressResponse
- UpdateDeviceResponse
- UpdateEmailConfiguration
- UpdateEmailDestinationResponse
- UpdateEmailEventSubscription
- UpdateEmailEventSubscriptionResponse
- UpdateEnterpriseSSIDRequest
- UpdateEnterpriseSSIDResponse
- UpdateEventSubscriptionsRequest
- UpdateEventSubscriptionsResponse
- UpdateFabricDevicesLayerHandoffsWithIpTransitRequest
- UpdateFabricDevicesLayerHandoffsWithIpTransitResponse
- UpdateFabricDevicesLayerHandoffsWithSdaTransitResponse
- UpdateGlobalPoolRequest
- UpdateGlobalPoolResponse
- UpdateGlobalResyncIntervalRequest
- UpdateGlobalResyncIntervalResponse
- UpdateInterfaceDetailsRequest
- UpdateInterfaceDetailsResponse
- UpdateInterfaceRequest
- UpdateInterfaceResponse
- UpdateITSMIntegrationSettingRequest
- UpdateITSMIntegrationSettingResponse
- UpdateLayerVirtualNetworksResponse
- UpdateLicenseSettingRequest
- UpdateLicenseSettingResponse
- UpdateNetworkRequest
- UpdateNetworkResponse
- UpdateNetworkVRequest
- UpdateNetworkVResponse
- UpdatePnPGlobalSettingsResponse
- UpdatePnPServerProfileResponse
- UpdatePortAssignmentsResponse
- UpdatePortChannelsResponse
- UpdateQosDeviceInterfaceInfoRequest
- UpdateQosDeviceInterfaceInfoResponse
- UpdateRemoteImageDistributionServerRequest
- UpdateRemoteImageDistributionServerResponse
- UpdateReserveIPSubpoolRequest
- UpdateReserveIPSubpoolResponse
- UpdateRestWebhookEventSubscription
- UpdateRestWebhookEventSubscriptionResponse
- UpdateResyncIntervalForTheNetworkDeviceRequest
- UpdateResyncIntervalForTheNetworkDeviceResponse
- UpdateRFProfileRequest
- UpdateRFProfileResponse
- UpdateRoleAPIRequest
- UpdateRoleAPIResponse
- UpdatesABuildingResponse
- UpdatesAFloorResponse
- UpdatesAnAreaResponse
- UpdatesAnExistingCustomIssueDefinitionBasedOnTheProvidedIdRequest
- UpdatesAnExistingCustomIssueDefinitionBasedOnTheProvidedIdResponse
- UpdatesConfigurationDetailsOfTheExternalIPAMServerRequest
- UpdatesConfigurationDetailsOfTheExternalIPAMServerResponse
- UpdatesFloorSettingsRequest
- UpdatesFloorSettingsResponse
- UpdateSiteRequest
- UpdateSiteResponse
- UpdateSNMPConfiguration
- UpdateSPProfileRequest
- UpdateSPProfileResponse
- UpdateSPProfileVRequest
- UpdateSPProfileVResponse
- UpdateSSIDRequest
- UpdateSSIDResponse
- UpdateSSIDToIPPoolMappingRequest
- UpdateSSIDToIPPoolMappingResponse
- UpdateSyslogConfiguration
- UpdateSyslogDestinationResponse
- UpdateSyslogEventSubscription
- UpdateSyslogEventSubscriptionResponse
- UpdateTheGivenIssueByUpdatingSelectedFieldsRequest
- UpdateTheGivenIssueByUpdatingSelectedFieldsResponse
- UpdateTheListOfSitesForTheNetworkDeviceProductNameAssignedToTheSoftwareImageRequest
- UpdateTheListOfSitesForTheNetworkDeviceProductNameAssignedToTheSoftwareImageResponse
- UpdateTransitNetworksResponse
- UpdateUserAPIRequest
- UpdateUserAPIResponse
- UpdateUserDefinedFieldRequest
- UpdateUserDefinedFieldResponse
- UpdateVirtualNetworkWithScalableGroupsRequest
- UpdateVirtualNetworkWithScalableGroupsResponse
- UpdatewebhookConfiguration
- UpdateWebhookDestinationResponse
- UpdateWirelessProfileRequest
- UpdateWirelessProfileResponse
- UpdateWorkflowResponse
- UploadFileResponse
- view
- viewgroupsummary
- viewgroupwithviews
- VirtualAccountDetailsResponse
- VlanListResult
- VlanNamesResult
- WirelessControllerProvisionRequest
- WirelessControllerProvisionResponse
- WirelessInfoResult
- Workflow
- Download DNA Center 2.3.7 OpenAPI Specification
- IPAM API Introduction
- Cisco DNA Center 2.3.7 API
- SDKs
- Developer Resources
- Community and Support