June 27, 2024

Updated features

Feature Details More Information
Format the email content to indicate the 2-step process of activation and login The format of the email content that first-time users receive to activate their CCI account is enhanced. Log in to IoT Operations Dashboard

June 13, 2024 (Hot Fix)

New and updated features

Feature Details More Information
Receive a single email when a CCI user is created through IoT OD When users are added to the Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard (OD), they will receive a single email from Cisco IoT OD instead of multiple emails. Log in to IoT Operations Dashboard

Resolved Caveats

CDETs Device Affected Description Symptom Condition Workaround
CSCwk00797 n/a Unable to create API key in IoT OD You encounter an error stating that the maximum length of your name is -1 when you try to generate an API token. When your character length exceeds 35, you are unable to create an API key. Reduce the Char (character) length.
CSCwk08168 n/a SEA Plus enablement is failing intermittently in Remote sessions page. n/a n/a n/a

May 21, 2024

New Features

Feature Details More Information
Session Request / Approval Administrators can configure Request Access groups, allowing users in these groups to request on-demand access to assets. Access must then be approved by Administrators or SEA access managers for the users to gain access to the requested assets Request access to a remote session / Manage access control groups for remote access

March 27, 2024

New Features

Feature Details More Information
New left navigation support GA The new screen of IoT Operation Dashboard (IoT OD) allows you to view all IoT OD supported services on the left navigation pane of the dashboard, irrespective of whether procured or not procured for your organization Welcome to Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard (OD)
New Landing page support for all services The new IoT OD landing page support lets you view information pertaining to any service you wish to know. Welcome to Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard (OD)

Resolved Caveats

CDETs Device Affected Description Symptom Condition Workaround
CSCwj59927 n/a The system does not send out a welcome email to new users upon creation. n/a n/a n/a

April 3, 2024 (Hotfix)

There are no new features for this release. This is a Hotfix Release for CSCwj58286. All other content from the March 27, 20243 release is valid.

Resolved Caveats on IoT OD

CDETs Device Affected Description
CSCwj58286 n/a Adding a CEC Non-OD User – The user doesn’t receive a welcome email.

Open Caveats on IoT OD

Defect Device Affected Description Symptom Condition Workaround
CSCwj59927 n/a The system does not send out a welcome email to new users upon creation. n/a n/a n/a

March 6, 2024

New Features

Feature Details More Information
Multi-VLAN and Static IP support The feature creates a necessary mapping for the SEA Agent to the existing device configuration, allowing SEA to gain access to various VLANs without having to implement L2NAT or other techniques. SEA: Multi-VLAN and Static IP support
API documentation for SEA now available SEA Service: API documentation for SEA now available in swagger format. SEA API
CCI integration with IoT OD for new users User profile updates to reflect the CCI integration. Log into IoT Operations Dashboard

Open Caveats

CDETs Device Affected Description Symptom Condition Workaround
CSCwj04730 IR1101 Intermittently, Remote sessions and Data usage graphs are not loading in SEA dashboard. 1. Click SEA Dashboard. Click different tabs in SEA and launch SEA Dashboard.
2. Remote sessions and Data usage graphs show No data to display.
3. 500 internal server error shows in the network console for session history.
4. Refresh browser.
Refresh browser and data shows.
CSCwj04427 IR1101 Need to add an info to inform that Web App and SEA Plus is not recorded via S3. Refer to that specific Group Details screen to view available access method types can be recorded.

February 1, 2024

New Features

Feature Details More Information
SEA: New User Workflow for SEA For first time users (SEA System Admin), SEA provides a simplified process of installing and configuring both the SEA Agent and Remote Asset. The installation is designed to help new users get up and running with very few steps. As an SEA System Admin, when you log into and open SEA, the System Management screen opens with the setup card. This card allows you to first install the SEA Agent and then connect to that Remote Asset. SEA: New User Workflow
SEA: Quick Wizard for SEA The SEA Quick Wizard provides a simplified process to configure remote client access. You have the option to either install an SEA Agent or connect to an Asset (each procedure can be used independently). SEA: Quick Wizard
SEA: Dashboard The SEA Service provides a Dashboard that shows an aggregated view of the current status of all Active Sessions, SEA Agents, and Access Control Groups. It also displays trends of the remote sessions and data usage over time. The SEA Dashboard is designed to help the OT Admin to monitor key SEA data points and trends and react quickly to any problems. Click any of the dashlets to see more details. SEA: Dashboard
SEA: HTTP Connect Proxy support in SEA The HTTP Connect proxy feature allows for customer-controlled proxy sessions that provide more flexibility while maintaining the strict security capabilities used by SEA. SEA: HTTP(S) proxy support