The Log Collection service provides an API for querying and transferring server and system log files to a SSH-FTP server for troubleshooting purposes.
Use the Log Collection WSDL:
Replace <cucm_server>
with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) server name or IP address.
The listNodeServiceLogs
method returns the node names with their available service names:
listNodeServiceLogs Sample Request/Response
Copy<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soap="">
Copy<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns1:listNodeServiceLogsResponse xmlns:ns1="">
<ns1:item>Cisco Trust Verification Service</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Cisco CallManager Cisco IP Phone Services</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Cisco CTIManager</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Cisco License Manager</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Cisco CDR files on Publisher Processed</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>SOAP - Diagnostic Portal Database Service</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Cisco CDR Agent</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Cisco Messaging Interface</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Cisco CallManager</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Cisco Audit Logs</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Kerneldump Logs</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Cisco ControlCenter CLI</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>SELinux logs</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Cisco Discovery Responder Service</ns1:item>
<ns1:item>Cisco SSO</ns1:item>
<ns1:SystemLog xsi:nil="1" xmlns:xsi=""/>
Request Format
The input is a ListRequest
Parameter | Description |
ListRequest |
The value should be left empty. |
Response Format
The response is an array of type NodeServiceLogList
consisting of:
Parameter | Description |
name |
The server name of the node. |
ServiceLog |
list of all service logs available for each node |
SystemLog |
List of all system log files available for each node (can vary based on the activated services) |
The selectLogFiles
method lists available log files based on specified selection criteria, and optionally requests SSH-FTP 'push' delivery of the files.
If the JobType
element is set to DownloadtoClient
, then the service will simply retrieve a list of matching available log files (no files are actually downloaded.)
If the JobType
element is set to PushtoSFTPServer
, then the system will attempt to connect to the SSH-FTP server with the provided credentials and deliver the log files. Before using the PushtoSFTPServer
option, make sure the target SSH-FTP server is running and accessible.
Note: As of CUCM 14, SSH-FTP delivery is attempted using SSH-RSA host key exchange, which may cause transfers to fail if the target SFTP server has this algorithm disabled.
The file collection time range can specified by providing the FromDate
and TimeZone
elements. If those elements are empty, then all available logs are selected.
Note: Relative time range filtering is not currently supported -
are ignored - however the elements must be present, with valid values, i.e.None
SelectLogFiles Sample Request/Response
Copy<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soap="">
<soap:item>Cisco Audit Logs</soap:item>
Copy<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soap="">
<soap:item>Cisco Audit Logs</soap:item>
<soap:ToDate>12/31/23 11:59 PM</soap:ToDate>
<soap:FromDate>01/02/23 00:00 AM</soap:FromDate>
<soap:TimeZone>Client: (GMT+0:0)Greenwich Mean Time-Europe/London</soap:TimeZone>
Copy<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns1:selectLogFilesResponse xmlns:ns1="">
<ns1:name xsi:nil="1" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<ns1:modifiedDate>Fri Jul 22 15:11:52 PDT 2022</ns1:modifiedDate>
Request Format
The selectLogFiles
request takes a FileSelectionCriteria
element as input.
consists of the following (all elements are required, though some can be empty).
Parameter | Description |
ServiceLogs |
The names of the service logs. A list of values can be found by using listNodeServiceLogs |
SystemLogs |
The names of system logs. A list of values can be found by using listNodeServiceLogs |
SearchStr |
No text search options are supported; must be present and empty |
Frequency |
The log collection frequency:
OnDemand option is currently supported |
JobType |
The collection type:
ToDate |
The end timestamp for log collection, adjusted to GMT. The format is: mm/ddyy hh:mm AM/PM |
FromDate |
The start timestamp for file collection, adjusted to GMT, required if absolute time range is used. The format is: mm/dd/yy hh:mm AM/PM |
TimeZone |
The time zone applicable to the ToDate /FromDate timestamps. Only Greenwich Mean Time time zone is documented. This field should always be the string: Client: (GMT+0:0)Greenwich Mean Time-Europe/London |
RelText |
Only None is currently documented.Note: relative time filtering is not currently supported |
RelTime |
Only 0 is currently documentedNote: relative time filtering is not currently supported |
Port |
The port number of the SSH-FTP server, e.g.: 22 |
IPAddress |
The IP address of the SSH-FTP server |
UserName |
The username to use when accessing the SSH-FTP server |
Password |
The password to use when accessing the SSH-FTP server |
ZipInfo |
Indicates whether to compress the files (using GZip) during collection, applicable only with PushtoSFTPServer . The available options are: true / false Note: only false is currently supported. However as CUCM will normally archive/compress logs as they age, log files may be delivered as compressed or uncompressed, as indicated by the file name extension. |
RemoteFolder |
The remote SSH-FTP server directory where the files will be uploaded |
Response Format
The selectLogFiles
method returns a FileSelectionResult
element containing the list of matching file names and their location on the server. The FileSelectionResult
element consists of:
Parameter | Description |
name |
The name of the node |
SetOfFiles |
Log files available |
Log file information includes:
Paramter | Description |
name |
Name of the log file |
absolutepath |
The absolute path to the log file on the CUCM system, such as /var/log/active/syslog/AlternateSyslog |
filesize |
The size of the log file (bytes) |
modifiedDate |
Date the log file was last modified. This is a non-standard date/time format, e.g.: Sun Jul 03 19:29:07 PDT 2022 |
The GetOneFile
request is used to retrieve either a server or system log file through the standard Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME) protocol.
Note: The RTMT (Real Time Management Tool) is another method to enable and gather logs. See the RTMT Administration Guide
DIME is a specification that allows retrieval of files via HTTP. The GetOneFile
request specifies a single file to retrieve. The response includes the entire file in DIME encapsulation, as binary data (Content-Type: application/octet-stream
, Content-Type-Encoding: binary
Copy<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soap="">
CopyContent-Type: multipart/related; boundary=MIMEBoundaryurn_uuid_79A8D1E5F06245C6A61701117497090; type="application/xop+xml"; start="<>"; start-info="text/xml"
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 20:38:16 GMT
Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="text/xml"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns1:GetOneFileReturn xmlns:ns1="">
<xop:Include href="" xmlns:xop="" />
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <>
11:22:06.993 HDR|08/05/2021 AuditLog,StandAloneCluster,SJDS-CUCM14,Detailed,
11:22:06.993 |LogMessage UserID : Administrator ClientAddress : Severity : 6 EventType : UserLogging ResourceAccessed: Cisco CallManager Administration EventStatus : Success CompulsoryEvent : No AuditCategory : AdministrativeEvent ComponentID : Cisco CallManager Administration CorrelationID : AuditDetails : Successfully Logged into Cisco Unified CM Admin Webpages App ID: Cisco Tomcat Cluster ID: Node ID: SJDS-CUCM14
11:23:33.215 |LogMessage UserID : Administrator ClientAddress : Severity : 5 EventType : GeneralConfigurationUpdate ResourceAccessed: CUCMAdmin EventStatus : Success CompulsoryEvent : No AuditCategory : AdministrativeEvent ComponentID : Cisco CUCM Administration CorrelationID : AuditDetails : record in table processnode with key field name = added App ID: Cisco Tomcat Cluster ID: Node ID: SJDS-CUCM14
11:23:41.760 |LogMessage UserID : Administrator ClientAddress : Severity : 5 EventType : GeneralConfigurationUpdate ResourceAccessed: CUCMAdmin EventStatus : Success CompulsoryEvent : No AuditCategory : AdministrativeEvent ComponentID : Cisco CUCM Administration CorrelationID : AuditDetails : record in table processnode with key field name = updated App ID: Cisco Tomcat Cluster ID: Node ID: SJDS-CUCM14
11:24:14.272 |LogMessage UserID : Administrator ClientAddress : Severity : 6 EventType : UserLogging ResourceAccessed: CUCMAdmin EventStatus : Success CompulsoryEvent : No AuditCategory : CriticalEvent ComponentID : Cisco CUCM Administration CorrelationID : AuditDetails : Successfully Logged out Cisco Unified Administration Web Pages App ID: Cisco Tomcat Cluster ID: Node ID: SJDS-CUCM14
Request Format
Parameter | Description |
FileName |
The absolute file name of the file to be collected from the server. For example, /var/log/active/audit/AuditApp/Audit00000001.log . See selectLogFiles for determining log file path/filename. |
Response Format
The return value specifies the Content-Id of the requested file.
Parameter | Description |
DataHandler |
The Content-Id of the multi-part message containing the file data |