Wireless Troubleshooting Tools - WCAE/WLCCA/Telemetry Tools Focused on Cisco Wireless Controller support Scenarios. Troubleshoot your network. do RF analysis and detect the most common configuration problems using WLCCA (AireOS) and WCAE (AireOS and IOS-XE). Get bulk data collection scripts, and see working models for telemetry collection on 9800 controllers

Wireless Troubleshooting Tools

In order to help people in the field, doing Wireless networks troubleshooting and RF analysis, the WNG Escalation, TAC and Development teams have made available several tools to facilitate some of the most common tasks.

New! WCAE GUI (updated July-24) WiFi Hawk (updated Feb-23) KPI Dashboard - New Tool! (May-24)
9800 Guestshell scripts Wireless Debug Analyzer Wireless Detector (updated May-23)
Cisco Support Assistant Extension (CSAE) AireOS to Meraki Translation WLAN Poller (updated June-24)

Wireless Config Analyzer Express - WCAE

How to use unsigned builds in Mac OS (Ventura, etc)

Until file gets signed version, you may need to explicitly change permissions to allow application execution. For example, If the zip file was expanded in Downloads folder, you will need to open terminal, go to the directory, and reset permissions there:

cd Downloads
xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine ./wcae.app/

This is only needed once, then application should work.


Version 0.8 - July 2024 New! Multiprocessing, AP load checks, and more...

Mini Desktop (AireOS and 9800)

Version 0.18 - December 2023

Next generation, multi platform Wireless Analyzer tool, including checks from WLCCA, and several new additions

WLAN Poller

Bulk data collection script system, focused on capturing debugging data, flash checks and DFS stats collections for large groups of Access points

9800 Guestshell scripts

Automate complex data collection and troubleshooting, using the advanced programmable feature of the 9800

WiFi Hawk

New version 0.18 - February - 2023

Over the air captures (OTA) can be sometimes very difficult to analyze, with multiple devices interacting to each other, or critical events triggered by a single frame, hidden among thousands of others. This tool is focused on making it easy to process and isolate device behavior, speeding up wireless troubleshooting

Wireless Lan Config Analyzer - WLCCA

  • Download V4.4.15

    It is desktop Windows application, supporting only AireOS controllers Provides around 300+ configuration checks, RF analysis and RF Health evaluation This tool support is limited, please use WCAE for new checks/features

9800 Traces to ELK - Github

Example application to automatically retrieve traces from the new Cisco 9800 Wireless controller and display different information on a Kibana dashboard.

9800 Telemetry Pipeline - Github

Real time visualisation and analysis of C9800 wireless controller telemetry data streaming. It uses dial-out telemetry to push a periodic stream of wireless operational data to an open source collector

Wireless Debug Analyzer

Documentation and Details

This tool aims to provide logical analysis based on log sequence to match against known issues. For AireOS the tool can also parse through the output of "debug client ..." as well as some portions of "debug aaa/webauth/mdns". For Catalyst 9800 WLC, the tool can parse through always-on traces and radio-active trace logs generated from WLC. For 9800 RA traces, there is an advanced insights dashboard that is newly added.

9800 Advanced Debug Insights is a new insight dashboard to analyze RA traces quickly. It provides a quick summary of client roam stats, onboard time, delete reasons, and the number of client sessions per WLAN(Success & Failures). It also provides a high-level table view of all client connection attempts with a start, the end time stamp for each session, delete reason, Auth method, and AP name, and further detailed view can also be seen with all the transactions between clients, AP, WLC in a sequence diagram.

Standard Wireless debugs produce tons of lines of information which takes a long time to collect, analyze and eventually determine the cause.

Approximately 35% of SRs (Volume) is to troubleshoot client issues (drops, disconnects, roam failures). To analyze them manually is time and bandwidth-consuming. Manual analysis is prone to errors. The dashboard gives a holistic & detailed view.

WLC Config Converter BETA

Helps on migrating wireless controllers to or from across any of these platforms: 2500/5500/7500/8500/WISM2/3650/3850/4500 S8E/5760/Catalyst 9800 controllers