Connect and bring to life machines, devices, and platforms from across the industry. Process, transform, and transmit this data into applications which allow organizations to implement use cases across city, stadium, industrial, manufacturing, and other verticals.
Connect the final mile
Using Cisco's DSLink capability within Cisco Kinetic EFM, develop connections to any type of IP or serial device, platform, or application.
Cisco Kinetic Edge and Fog Processing Module (EFM) Distributed Services Link (DSLink)
Cisco IPv6 CG-Mesh and Resilient Mesh Reference Designs
Enable connectivity for mobile and edge devices
Build IoT edge solutions leveraging cellular connectivity across the world. Manage security, and billing across connected devices, unify data backhaul and processing.
Cisco Control Center
Deliver city-scale applications
Leverage Cisco Kinetic for Cities to connect to, aggregate, process, and provide insights into city IoT systems, such as parking, lighting, traffic, and other infrastructure. Build smart city applications and services.
Cisco Kinetic for Cities
Thing connections in action
Remote access to industrial hardware
Codeless integration with industrial devices
Manage large-scale lighting deployments
Explore IoT partner solutions
DevNet Ecosystem Exchange
Explore a variety of IoT solutions built by our partners in the Ecosystem Exchange
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