Cisco Live! DEVWKS-2595: Stateful Network Validation using pyATS/Genie
This repository contains the files required for the participants of
Cisco Live! workshop
DEVWKS-2595: Stateful Network Validation using pyATS/Genie.
Note: This workshop can be completed at home.
All files required are included in this repository. You do not need physical
devices - mock devices are provided.
General Information
- Mac OSX, Linux or Windows 10 WSL
- Python 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7
- Network connectivity (for downloading PyPI packages)
- Working knowledge of Python is a plus, but not required.
Preparation Instructions
For those attending Cisco Live! Workshop in person, these instructions
have already been performed on the laptop you are using in front of you.
Step 1: Create a Python Virtual Environment
In a new terminal window:
# go to your workspace directory
# (or where you typical work from)
cd ~/workspace
# create python virtual environment
python3 -m venv devwks-2595
# activate virtual environment
cd devwks-2595
source bin/activate
# update your pip/setuptools
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
Step 2: Install pyATS & Genie
# install our packages
pip install pyats[full]
The install target pyATS[full]
performs a full installation, that is,
including the core framework pyATS, the standard libraries Genie, and
additional components such as RobotFramework support etc.
Step 3: Clone This Repository
# clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/CiscoTestAutomation/CL-DevNet-2595.git workshop
# cd to the directory
cd workshop
and now you should be ready to get going!
Head to the >Main Workshop< to start!
Repository Content
testbed.yaml testbed YAML file to connect to our devices
robot_initial_snapshot/ Directory with RobotFramework script to gather the first snapshot
robot_compare_snapshot/ Directory with RobotFramework script to collect the second snapshot and compare with the initial snapshot
mocked_devices/ Data for the mocked devices.
README.md Introduction text for this Workshop
workshop.md Workshop instruction
Use Case
Are you interested in NetDevOps validation, but haven't yet picked up coding/programming in Python?
Cisco pyATS | Genie features shell CLI commands that enable you to leverage the power of the available parsers and models and make intuitive decisions about your network, without having to write a single line of Python code.
This is a great way to get into validation and testing - start with comparing your device states and letting the libraries do the heavy lifting. Of course, the libraries on GitHub: CiscoTestAutomation are open-source, so when it comes time for you to move up to the next level and start coding your own - it's a great reference!
This repository is a self-guided replay of the workshop that has taken place in Cisco Live Europe 2019. You can run it straight on your laptop, without connecting to any real devices - the tutorial session uses Python mock devices.
- pyATS is a foundation-layer test framework. It is designed to provide a reasonable end-to-end test environment for developers to write use cases.
- Genie extends its capabilities and specializing in network device automation and validation.
- With this use case, you will be able to validate the state of networks, using pyATS CLI and Genie robot.