Learn https://developer.cisco.com/learning/search/?keyword=Finesse _blank Docs /docs/finesse Community https://community.cisco.com/t5/forums/filteredbylabelpage/board-id/j-disc-dev-contact-center/label-name/finesse _blank Support /site/devnet/support _blank Technology Collaboration
What can a developer do with Finesse APIs?
REST APIs Build an agent desktop that provides a customized agent experience Integrate contact center capabilities into an existing application Learn more JavaScript Library Build gadgets for the Finesse Agent Desktop to bridge feature gaps Integrate existing webpages and applications into the Finesse Agent Desktop Learn more
Find sample gadgets View all /docs/finesse/#sample-gadgets _blank button btn-primary Learning Sample Gadget https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/finesse-sample-code/tree/master/LearningSampleGadget _blank Demonstrates how to use the User and Dialog objects as well as perform operations such as change User state, place a call, and using a Dialog's CallVariable for a screenpop in an iframe. Embedded WebApp Sample Gadget https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/finesse-sample-code/tree/master/EmbeddedWebAppSampleGadget _blank Demonstrates how to display a webpage in a gadget. Screenpop Sample Gadget https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/finesse-sample-code/tree/master/ScreenPopSampleGadget _blank Demonstrates how to create a screenpop into a webpage from data in a CallVariable associated with an inbound call. External REST API Sample Gadget https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/finesse-sample-code/tree/master/ExternalRestApiSampleGadget _blank Demonstrates how to call an external REST API using gadgets.io.makeRequest() in a gadget. Update Call Variable Data Sample Gadget https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/finesse-sample-code/tree/master/UpdateCallVariableDataSampleGadget _blank Demonstrates how to use the Finesse API to update call variable data. Webex Announcements Sample Gadget https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/finesse-sample-code/tree/master/WebexTeamsTeamAnnouncementsSampleGadget _blank Demonstrates how to integrate Cisco Webex APIs in a gadget. Test your code in a Finesse Sandbox The Finesse Sandboxes are a Cisco cloud service provided to help customers, partners, and developers quickly integrate their solutions with a number of Cisco technologies. The Finesse Sandboxes provides a developer with an environment to design, develop and test custom Finesse gadgets as well as applications using the Finesse RESTful APIs. View all /docs/finesse/sandbox _blank /images/PCCE_12.6.png Packaged Contact Center Enterprise 12.6(1) Sandbox (with Finesse) https://devnetsandbox.cisco.com/DevNet/catalog/pcce-sandbox _blank Packaged Contact Center Enterprise 12.6(1) (with Finesse) Try out the Cisco Packaged Contact Center Enterprise Sandbox. Use it to try out the Finesse agent and supervisor desktop, make Finesse REST API calls, or even develop a Finesse custom gadget. Reserve it now https://devnetsandbox.cisco.com/DevNet/catalog/pcce-sandbox _blank button btn-primary btn-lg-wider Questions? We are here to help. /pubhub/img/support-ticket.png /site/support _blank GET SUPPORT NOW Developer Support Login to Cisco DevNet to purchase a developer support ticket for one-on-one assistance from a Cisco engineer. /pubhub/img/support-forum.png https://community.cisco.com/t5/forums/filteredbylabelpage/board-id/j-disc-dev-contact-center/label-name/finesse _blank JOIN THE DISCUSSION Finesse Community Bring your questions to the Finesse community! Engage, collaborate and share with your fellow experts in the developer forum.