SocialMiner Sample Code
This repository contains examples and sample code to be used with Cisco SocialMiner.
Code in this repository is only a sample and is NOT guaranteed to be bug free and production quality. This is NOT intended to be used in production environments. It is merely provided as a guide for 3rd-party developers on best practices and usage of the SocialMiner RESTful APIs and other published interfaces and is not intended for production use "as is".
Cisco's responsibility and liability on this code is limited ONLY to the correctness and accuracy on the usage of the RESTful API interface and the quality of the RESTful API interface itself. Any omissions from this example are not to be considered capabilities that are supported or not supported by the product.
For specific capabilities refer to the documentation that accompanies the latest Cisco SocialMiner release and/or request help from Cisco DevNet or the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).
Support Notice
DevNet provides sample support on a “best effort” basis. Like any custom deployment, it is the responsibility of the partner and/or customer to ensure that the customization works correctly. Cisco reserves the right to make changes to APIs and any other published interfaces as part of the normal Cisco SocialMiner release cycle.