
Cisco Secure Endpoint Exclusion List Workflow

The Workflow will list exclusion lists of Cisco Secure Endpoint for validating and review.
The Exclusion API in Cisco Secure Endpoint avaialble on API v3

The Workflow work together with sub workflow (Atomics) "XDR - Automated - Generate Access Token" that you need to import after import the workflow.
The exclusion information will list and update into environment table "CiscoSecureEndpoint_Exclusion_Table" in variable.


Authentication More Details This will use on number 12 in Installation


  • Integrate Cisco Secure Endpoint with Cisco XDR.
  • Register Cisco XDR API Client.
    • Click the Admnistration tab and choose API Clients in the navigation pane.
    • Click Generate API Client button, Enter a client name and select scope. (Note: The Secure Endpoint API will work with any of the selected Scopes.)
    • The Client ID and Client Password are generated (Noted: The Client Password cannot be recovered, Please store securely.


  1. Browse to your Cisco XDR, click the Automate and choose Workflows.
  2. Click on Import Workflow.
  3. Navigate Import From, click on Browse
  4. Copy CiscoSecureEndpoint-ExclusionList.json and paste the content inside of the text window.
  5. Click on Import. You will get a warning about missing sub work-flows, however please click Continue. (Sub work-flow will import later).
  6. You will see workflow impored and show Import completed
  7. Click View Workflow you will see "2 Invalid Actions"
  8. Select activity "XDR - Automated - Generate Access Token", click "Import Sub-Workflow"
  9. Navigate Import From, click on Browse
  10. Copy XDR-generate-access-token.json and paste the content inside of the text window.
  11. Click on Import. You will get a warning, however please click on Update to get everything sorted.
  12. Update Credentials you get from Cisco XDR (Reference In Requirement), click Import
  13. The workflow ready to validate, click "Validate" button.
  14. Import workflow and sub workflow create following, please validate.
    • Target Navigate to Automate and choose Targets

      "Secure_Endpoint_V3" *HTTP Endpoint* Target Type
      "CTR_For_Access_Token" *HTTP Endpoint* Target Type
    • Variable Navigate to Automate and choose Variables

      "CiscoSecureEndpoint_Exclusion_Table" *Table* Data Type
      "Secure_Endpoint_OrgID" *String* Data Type
    • Account Keys Navigate to Automate and choose Account Keys



  • Update target region "Secure_Endpoint_V3"
    • North America:
    • APJC:
    • Europe:
  • Update Target "CTR_For_Access_Token" on your Cisco XDR region
    • North America:
    • APJC:
    • Europe:
  • Open workflow then click "Run"
  • After running completed, you will get Exclusion list details in Variable Table. Navigate Automate, click on Variables "CiscoSecureEndpoint_Exclusion_Table"

Workflow Steps

  • Generate Access Token communication between Cisco XDR and Cisco Secure Endpoint.
  • Validate Organization ID and update to environment variable "Secure_Endpoint_OrgID".
  • List Exclusion Set, transform, and load to Table.
  • List Exclusion Details refer from Set details, transform, and load to Table for reference.


Get benefits of Exclusion Details available on Cisco XDR to validate or comparision as data in table.

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