Here is a small network engineering/network operations task we would like to automate.
We must evaluate the vlan state of switches in the environment and remove any vlans that are not in use. In addition, we must ensure that a standard set of vlans is configured on each switch:
We will take this one step at a time.
First, we will query our devices for the data that we need to help us decide what vlans to keep and what vlans to remove (via the show vlan IOS command).
Next, we will take that data and generate a customized configuration "snippet" or set of commands that we can later apply to each device to achieve our desired result. When we are done, we will have a vlan configuration snippet we can apply so that each switch only has Vlans that are in use and a standard set of vlans supporting voice, data, digital signage, and user devices with static IPs.
As an added wrinkle, I have some devices that are only accessible via Telnet (you would be surprised at how often I find this to be the case.)
This repository builds upon the skills we used in Nornir – A New Network Automation Framework.
This repository accompanies my post Configuration Creation with Nornir.
Once you are comfortable with this repository, check out How Network Engineers Can Manage Credentials and Keys More Securely in Python and incorporate better credential handling in your scripts!
pip install -r requirements.txt
There may be easier ways to achieve this specific task, but all the strategies and tools used to accomplish this are very applicable to other real world scenarios and in fact are based on work I'm currently doing for a Client.
We spent a little bit of time reviewing the environment set up for Nornir when we first looked at Nornir.
Let's expand on that here.
We still have our groups.yaml file with a few more groups for us to use in the future.
--- uwaco_network: platform: ios username: cisco password: cisco uwaco_datacenter: platform: ios username: cisco password: cisco access: platform: ios username: cisco password: cisco defaults: platform: ios username: cisco password: cisco
Our hosts.yaml file has expanded to 4 devices and has some additional attributes. Notice that the group attribute has to be a list and I show two ways of entering that into your hosts file. You can use the python square bracket ['element1', 'element2'] convention used for the eu-med-as01 device or the yaml indented "-"" notation used for the pacific-as01 device. Both are equally valid.
Tip: It is a good practice to check your YAML files with a YAML linter. If there are issues with these files, you won't get far. A quick check with a linter saves you the time you might otherwise spend troubleshooting what may just be a spacing issue!
The other item to point out here is the "wrinkle" I mentioned when describing the scenario, Telnet. Some devices do not support SSH.
Thankfully, Kirk Byers, author of Netmiko added Telnet support and Napalm, which leverages Netmiko for some device connections, can make use of it. You can see how to do that in the hosts.yaml file below.
We are leveraging the optional_args optional argument in the Nornir napalm connection Plugin.
--- eu-med-as01: hostname: groups: ['uwaco_network'] pacific-as01: hostname: groups: - 'uwaco_network' - 'access' ToR_esx01: hostname: groups: ['uwaco_datacenter'] connection_options: netmiko: extras: device_type: 'cisco_ios_telnet' napalm: extras: optional_args: transport: 'telnet' secret: 'cisco' arctic-as01: hostname: groups: ['uwaco_network'] connection_options: netmiko: extras: device_type: 'cisco_ios_telnet' napalm: extras: optional_args: transport: 'telnet' secret: 'cisco'
The script instantiates the Nornir environment defined with our hosts and groups YAML files and executes "show vlan" on every device in the environment. Nornir has filtering mechanisms that let you act on just the devices you want but that is a topic for a later discussion. We will take the simpler approach now so that we can focus on the important bits we are going to act on for all 4 switches. Later on filtering will seem trivial (it is).
Once we obtain the show vlan output we will put it in a data structure that lets us analyze it. The script is just to show you how this query part works. You can run it so you can get an idea of the processing we are doing before getting to the configuration creation part of the program.
Note that in this analysis Vlan1 is included however in the actual processing we will exclude Vlan1 as we don't want to remove it (and can't anyway)
(nornir) Claudias-iMac:nornir-config claudia$ python
* ToR_esx01 ** changed : False *************************************************
vvvv napalm_cli ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
^^^^ END napalm_cli ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* arctic-as01 ** changed : False ***********************************************
vvvv napalm_cli ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
^^^^ END napalm_cli ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* eu-med-as01 ** changed : False ***********************************************
vvvv napalm_cli ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
^^^^ END napalm_cli ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* pacific-as01 ** changed : False **********************************************
vvvv napalm_cli ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
^^^^ END napalm_cli ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
== Parsing vlan output for device eu-med-as01 using TextFSM and NetworkToCode template.
Analyzing Vlans and required actions to implement new vlan policy for device eu-med-as01
1 default active 12 Keeping this vlan
2 VLAN0002 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
3 VLAN0003 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
4 VLAN0004 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
5 VLAN0005 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
6 VLAN0006 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
7 VLAN0007 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
8 VLAN0008 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
9 VLAN0009 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
10 VLAN0010 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
11 VLAN0011 active 1 Keeping this vlan
12 VLAN0012 active 1 Keeping this vlan
13 VLAN0013 active 1 Keeping this vlan
14 VLAN0014 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
15 VLAN0015 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
16 VLAN0016 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
17 VLAN0017 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
18 VLAN0018 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
19 VLAN0019 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
20 VLAN0020 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
21 VLAN0021 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
22 VLAN0022 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
23 VLAN0023 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
24 VLAN0024 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
25 VLAN0025 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
26 VLAN0026 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
27 VLAN0027 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
28 VLAN0028 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
29 VLAN0029 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
30 VLAN0030 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
31 VLAN0031 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
32 VLAN0032 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
33 VLAN0033 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
34 VLAN0034 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
35 VLAN0035 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
36 VLAN0036 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
37 VLAN0037 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
38 VLAN0038 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
39 VLAN0039 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
40 VLAN0040 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
41 VLAN0041 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
42 VLAN0042 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
43 VLAN0043 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
44 VLAN0044 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
45 VLAN0045 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
46 VLAN0046 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
47 VLAN0047 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
48 VLAN0048 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
500 BBTV-500 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
501 BBTV-501 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
502 BBTV-502 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
503 BBTV-503 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
== Parsing vlan output for device arctic-as01 using TextFSM and NetworkToCode template.
Analyzing Vlans and required actions to implement new vlan policy for device arctic-as01
1 default active 7 Keeping this vlan
10 Management_Vlan active 1 Keeping this vlan
20 Web_Tier active 0 This vlan will be removed!
30 App_Tier active 0 This vlan will be removed!
40 DB_Tier active 0 This vlan will be removed!
== Parsing vlan output for device ToR_esx01 using TextFSM and NetworkToCode template.
Analyzing Vlans and required actions to implement new vlan policy for device ToR_esx01
1 default active 12 Keeping this vlan
== Parsing vlan output for device pacific-as01 using TextFSM and NetworkToCode template.
Analyzing Vlans and required actions to implement new vlan policy for device pacific-as01
1 default active 12 Keeping this vlan
5 PortSeattle-5 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
6 VLAN0006 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
7 DD-MockServer_Vlan active 0 This vlan will be removed!
100 Data_Vlan active 0 This vlan will be removed!
101 VLAN0101 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
102 VLAN0102 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
103 Data_Manutencao active 11 Keeping this vlan
104 VLAN0104 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
200 Voice_Vlan active 0 This vlan will be removed!
201 VLAN0201 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
202 VLAN0202 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
203 Voice_Manutencao active 3 Keeping this vlan
300 WLAN active 0 This vlan will be removed!
303 WLAN_SCAN active 0 This vlan will be removed!
571 VLAN0571 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
888 Native_Vlan888 active 0 This vlan will be removed!
(nornir) Claudias-iMac:nornir-config claudia$
In fact, the main configuration script, imports the script so it can make use of the two functions within that script:
In we put it all together with a Nornir "Task" function
Here is where we start getting into "all that Nornir" does for us. I've just scratched the surface! These "Task" functions have some special behavior which I'm just figuring out myself.
They act in a task based manner against our selected inventory allowing us a collective task approach that says "do these things to these devices" in a way that does not involve iterating and applying logic to each device. Wow! It may take a bit to get used to and you really need to understand the objects you are getting back from Nornir so you can get to the data you want.
Lets look at the config_to_file function first.
def config_to_file(task, arg={}): # Define the Jinja2 template file we will use to build our custom commands for each device j2template = 'vlan_updates.j2' filename = "cfg-{}.txt".format(["rendered_cfg"] =, template=j2template, path='', info=arg) with open(filename,"w") as cfg_file: cfg_file.write(str(['rendered_cfg'][0])) print("\nCreated Configuration file {} for device {} in local directory...".format(,filename))
We create a variable j2template to hold our Jinja2 template file. We also create a filename for each of our devices (cfg-.txt) where the resuling customized configuration will be saved.
The Jinja2 template itself is fairly straighforward.
The "host" and "" variables are set within the Nornir environment and passed to the config_to_file function.
The "info" dictionary was the tricky part as we needed a list of vlans to remove from each host. We built this as a dictionary where the key is the hostname and the value is the list of vlans to remove. The for statement in the Jinja 2 template pulls the key:value pair for the device for which we are building the configuration using info[]. The value is a list of vlans to remove. The for loop iterates over this list and builds as many "no vlanXXXX" lines as required to remove all the unused vlans for that switch.
If you want to see the raw data add a statement just above the for loop to display that particular variable.
! For device {{ host }} ! {{ info[] }} <- add this to the vlan_updates.j2 file to display the list
You will see something like this in the resulting configation file:
! For device arctic-as01 ! [u'20', u'30', u'40']
So we know that "host" and "" are passed to our function via Nornir but how did we get the info dictionary in there? That was also passed to the Jinja2 rendering "engine" when we ran our Nornir task. You can see below that our '' command has two arguments. We pass it the task which is our 'config_to_file function' and we also pass it an argument which is our Jinja2 data dictionary.
# ====== Generate Configs
# Execute a task "run" in the Nornir environment using our config_file Task function and pass it the customized data
# which is required to build out a custom config for each device removing any unused vlans and adding the standard
# vlans
print(f"Generating configurations")
r =, arg=j2_data_dict)
Lets look at each piece in our task function 'config_to_file'.
First the Jinja2 Template file is fairly simple.
j2template = 'vlan_updates.j2'
We have a simple comment to display the switch name. We then iterate through the list of vlans to remove, if any, and generate the "no vlan" statements.
Lastly we add the standard vlans we want all switches to have.
vlan_updates.j2 Jinja2 Template file
! For device {{ host }} ! {% for vlan2remove in info[] %} no vlan{{ vlan2remove }} {% endfor %} vlan 10 name Data_Vlan vlan 100 name Voice_Vlan vlan 300 name Digital_Signage vlan 666 name User_Static_IP_Devices
Now we know what our Jinja2 template looks like and hopefully we are getting an idea of how we got at least the host values to the template.
This is our "money" command:["rendered_cfg"] =, template=j2template, path='', info=arg)
What exactly is happening here you ask?
We are running a Nornir "task" actually called task. This can be a little confusing at first but we are in a Nornir "task" function called from within the Nornir instance in the main function (r =, arg=j2_data_dict)).
Looking at the arguments we are giving to["rendered_cfg"] =, template=j2template, path='./templates', info=arg)
So with the first 3 arguments we've defined the task we are asking Nornir to run, we are telling it what Jinja2 template to use and where to find it. With just these 3 arguments we could generate configs that only used data defined in the task. However we have spent time constructing a dictionary that has the vlans to remove for each device and so we have to pass an optional argument "info=arg".
The variable "info" is what the Jinja2 template will look for.
Remember the for statement in our Jinja2 template? This is where "info" came from. We passed it to the Nornir Jinja2 rendering task as an additional argument when we called
{% for vlan2remove in info[] %}
What is in "info"? It is a dictionary where the key maps to the host name and the value is a list of vlans to remove.
Think of this {'sw1':[2,7,9], 'sw2': [201,700]}.
How do I know this? Because that is what we passed the config_to_file* task function when we called it from the main function in our script.
In the main function of our we called (or ran) the config_to_file function as a task in our Nornir instance. In our case we also passed a dictionary called j2_data_dict into the optional argument variable "arg".
In main:
r =, arg=j2_data_dict)
When we called the template task in the the config_to_file function we passed it info=arg thus "handing off" arg, which contained our remove vlan dictionary for our Jinja2 template (j2_data_dict) into info which can now be directly referenced by our Jinja2 template.
In config_to_file function:["rendered_cfg"] =, template=j2template, path='', info=arg)
In Jinja2 template vlan_updates.j2:
{% for vlan2remove in info[] %} no vlan{{ vlan2remove }} {% endfor %}
I hope I'm not belaboring the point but I find that "chain" of variables all the way to the Jinja2 template can be a bit confusing (at least for me). Lets hope I've lessened the confusion and not added to it!
Finally lets look at our main function. I've added comments throughout to try to more fully explain what is going on each step of the way.
def main(): # Get our show vlan output from each device in our inventory send_commands=['show vlan'] output_dict = nornir_discovery.send_napalm_commands(send_commands, show_output=True, debug=False) # Set the TextFSM template we will be using to parse the show vlan output so we get it back in a way we can use template_filename = 'cisco_ios_show_vlan.template' # Initialize the vlan dictionary we will send to our Jinja2 template j2_data_dict = {} # ======= Define the Nornir Environment ======== nornir_instance = InitNornir() # For each device lets build out the list of vlans which must be removed for dev, output in output_dict.items(): parsed_results = nornir_discovery.parse_with_texfsm(output, template_filename, debug=False) remove_vlan_list = [] # For each Vlan we found configured on the device for vlan_data in parsed_results: # We are only interested in vlans between 1 and 999 # vlan_data[0] is the vlan number if 1 < int(vlan_data[0]) < 1000: ints_in_vlan = len(vlan_data[3]) # If the vlan has no associated interfaces, then add it to the remove_vlan_list list if ints_in_vlan == 0: remove_vlan_list.append(vlan_data[0]) # Build a dictionary where the key is the device or host and the value the list of vlans to remove # This will be passed along when we build our configs j2_data_dict.update({dev: remove_vlan_list}) # ====== Generate Configs # Execute a task "run" in the Nornir environment using our config_file Task function and pass it the customized data # which is required to build out a custom config for each device removing any unused vlans and adding the standard # vlans r =, arg=j2_data_dict) print("\n") # Prints abbreviated output print_result(r, vars=['stdout']) # Prints full output -- good for troubleshooting # print_result(r)
Upon successful execution of this script you should see new configuration files with a "cfg-" prefix in your working directory.
(nornir) Claudias-iMac:nornir-config claudia$ ls -al cfg*
-rw-r--r--@ 1 claudia staff 149 Jul 30 16:31 cfg-ToR_esx01.txt
-rw-r--r--@ 1 claudia staff 184 Jul 30 16:31 cfg-arctic-as01.txt
-rw-r--r--@ 1 claudia staff 675 Jul 30 16:31 cfg-eu-med-as01.txt
-rw-r--r--@ 1 claudia staff 314 Jul 30 16:31 cfg-pacific-as01.txt
(nornir) Claudias-iMac:nornir-config claudia$
Lets look at one.
(nornir) Claudias-iMac:nornir-config claudia$ cat cfg-arctic-as01.txt
! For device arctic-as01
no vlan20
no vlan30
no vlan40
vlan 10
name Data_Vlan
vlan 100
name Voice_Vlan
vlan 300
name Digital_Signage
vlan 666
name User_Static_IP_Devices
So for the switch with hostname arctic-as01, we are removing vlans 20, 30, and 40 and adding the 4 standard vlans per our new policy.
If you recall from the discovery script output:
== Parsing vlan output for device arctic-as01 using TextFSM and NetworkToCode template.
Analyzing Vlans and required actions to implement new vlan policy for device arctic-as01
1 default active 7 Keeping this vlan
10 Management_Vlan active 1 Keeping this vlan
20 Web_Tier active 0 This vlan will be removed!
30 App_Tier active 0 This vlan will be removed!
40 DB_Tier active 0 This vlan will be removed!
I think that is quite enough for now. I hope all (or some) of this has been useful. In our next installment I'll look at taking the customized configurations we've created and applying them to each device and validating that each device is now compliant with our new vlan policy.
This code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE for details.
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