TTP is a Python library for semi-structured text parsing using templates.
To save ones time on transforming raw text into structured data and beyond.
Regexes, regexes everywhere... but, dynamically formed out of TTP templates with added capabilities to simplify the process of getting desired outcome.
In essence TTP can help to:
Reference documentation for more information.
TTP Networktocode Slack channel
Collection of TTP Templates
Simple interfaces configuration parsing example
from ttp import ttp import pprint data = """ interface Loopback0 description Router-id-loopback ip address ! interface Vlan778 description CPE_Acces_Vlan ip address 2002::fd37/124 ip vrf CPE1 ! """ template = """ interface {{ interface }} ip address {{ ip }}/{{ mask }} description {{ description }} ip vrf {{ vrf }} """ parser = ttp(data, template) parser.parse() pprint.pprint(parser.result(), width=100) # prints: # [[[{'description': 'Router-id-loopback', # 'interface': 'Loopback0', # 'ip': '', # 'mask': '24'}, # {'description': 'CPE_Acces_Vlan', # 'interface': 'Vlan778', # 'ip': '2002::fd37', # 'mask': '124', # 'vrf': 'CPE1'}]]]
For this example lets say we want to parse BGP peerings output, but combine state with configuration data, at the end we want to get pretty looking text table printed to screen.
template=""" <doc> This template first parses "show bgp vrf CUST-1 vpnv4 unicast summary" commands output, forming results for "bgp_state" dictionary, where peer ip is a key. Following that, "show run | section bgp" output parsed by group "bgp_cfg". That group uses nested groups to form results structure, including absolute path "/bgp_peers*" with path formatter to produce a list of peers under "bgp_peers" path. For each peer "hostname" and local bgp "local_asn" added using previous matches. Additionally, group lookup function used to lookup peer state from "bgp_state" group results, adding found data to peer results. Finally, "bgp_peers" section of results passed via "tabulate_outputter" to from and print this table to terminal: hostname local_asn vrf_name peer_ip peer_asn uptime state description afi rpl_in rpl_out ----------------- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------- ------- ------------- ----- --------------- --------------- ucs-core-switch-1 65100 CUST-1 65101 00:12:33 300 peer-1 ipv4 RPL-1-IMPORT-v4 RPL-1-EXPORT-V4 ucs-core-switch-1 65100 CUST-1 65102 03:55:01 idle peer-2 ipv4 RPL-2-IMPORT-V6 RPL-2-EXPORT-V6 Run this script with "python" </doc> <vars> hostname="gethostname" chain_1 = [ "set('vrf_name')", "lookup('peer_ip', group='bgp_state', update=True)" ] </vars> <group name="bgp_state.{{ peer }}" input="bgp_state"> {{ peer }} 4 65101 20 21 43 0 0 {{ uptime }} {{ state }} </group> <group name="bgp_cfg" input="bgp_config"> router bgp {{ asn | record(asn) }} <group name="vrfs.{{ vrf_name }}" record="vrf_name"> vrf {{ vrf_name }} <group name="/bgp_peers*" chain="chain_1"> neighbor {{ peer_ip }} {{ local_asn | set(asn) }} {{ hostname | set(hostname) }} remote-as {{ peer_asn }} description {{ description }} address-family {{ afi }} unicast route-map {{ rpl_in }} in route-map {{ rpl_out }} out </group> </group> </group> <output name="tabulate_outputter" format="tabulate" path="bgp_peers" returner="terminal" headers="hostname, local_asn, vrf_name, peer_ip, peer_asn, uptime, state, description, afi, rpl_in, rpl_out" /> """ data_bgp_state = """ ucs-core-switch-1#show bgp vrf CUST-1 vpnv4 unicast summary Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 65101 32 54 42 0 0 00:12:33 300 4 65101 11 45 99 0 0 03:55:01 idle """ data_bgp_config = """ ucs-core-switch-1#show run | section bgp router bgp 65100 vrf CUST-1 neighbor remote-as 65101 description peer-1 address-family ipv4 unicast route-map RPL-1-IMPORT-v4 in route-map RPL-1-EXPORT-V4 out neighbor remote-as 65102 description peer-2 address-family ipv4 unicast route-map RPL-2-IMPORT-V6 in route-map RPL-2-EXPORT-V6 out """ from ttp import ttp parser = ttp() parser.add_template(template) parser.add_input(data=data_bgp_state, input_name="bgp_state") parser.add_input(data=data_bgp_config, input_name="bgp_config") parser.parse()
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