Set descriptions on interfaces according to the hostname collected from connected CDP-Neighbor.
Author: nouse4it github@schlueter-online.net
Illustrate the following conecepts:
- Set descriptions on interfaces according to the hostname collected from connected CDP-Neighbor
- This script also collects the description of the corresponding pyhsical member interfaces of port-channel and renames the PO accordingly
Use Case Description
The script is intended to automatically put the correct desription on every port.
The script collects all cdp neighbor information from all ports.
It then configures the collected hostname informaiton on the corresponding interface (incl. Port-channel)
The script is able to perform the update on multiple devices in parallel. This makes it possible to run the script on many devices at once.
As aneasy example you have small topology here:

Pleae use at least NORNIR Version 3.0
Following Packtes, Modules and Requirements are needed:
For more informations see ---> https://github.com/nornir-automation/nornir
Python Version must be at least v3.6.8
Please create the neccessary inventory files (see in inventory folder) that nornir works with, and adjust them to your enviroment.
For that please use the following files:
- config.yaml ---> basis config of how nornir should handle connections and where to gather informations
- defaults.yaml ---> can be left empty, but must be present as a file
- groups.yaml ---> is used to group your hosts an provide a plattform info (used for authentication)
- hosts.yaml ---> is used to put in the hosts you want to run the scripts against in yaml format
For more help how to setup a inventory please see ---> https://nornir.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/inventory.html
When you finished setting up the inventory you can run the script with python3 nornir3_cdp_map.py
The scripts start an will ask you for the follwing input:
- Username for login on the switches
- Password for login on the switches
Licensing info
Please see LICENSE
The original idea and basic setup of this script came from @IPvZero
Please check out his repo here on github
I added the possibility to rename port channels and enable CDP on specific ports in a VLAN.