Report collab bot - the app that uses Webex Bot to collect and process answers from users.
For which purpose you can use it:
1. Clone and open project
git clone
cd report_collab_bot
2. Open files app/ and Dockerfile
3. Create a Webex bot and Webhook
Create Webex Bot:
Paste it into the file app/ variable bearer
For sent information to your server/localhost, create Webhook
For testing on localhost, you can use ngrok
After installing ngrok open new terminal window and run the command
ngrok http 56733
Сopy and paste url in file app/ variable webhookUrl
4. Next, you need to edit this variable reportPeopleEmailList
You can insert their email addresses of Webex users who will receive a daily report with an aggregated statistic from the bot.
Add at least one email address.
5. Set daily report time
reportTime = '20:00'
If you run the app at 15:14 bot report will be sent at 20:14
6. Set your time zone in Dockerfile
By default, timezone is Europe/Kyiv
After completing all the above points, we can build a container
Run docker container on port 56733
Check app availability on your server http://ip-address:56733 or http://localhost:56733
For checking docker container you can use next CLI command
docker ps
Running the next command you can see information about container logs, also monitor all output information from the Python app. And command like print, logging.debug,, logging.warning.
docker logs [CONTAINER ID]
If you edit code files or requirements.txt, run next commands to apply changes
sudo docker stop sport_report_collab.docker && sudo docker start sport_report_collab.docker
Remove the docker container. In case if you got some critical errors, or edit your Dockerfile
or uwsgi.ini
docker rm -f [CONTAINER ID]
Find a bot to interact with
Enter the email of bot that you create
Interaction with bot
Sample of daily report
Users, in the time interval (24h), can send message to the bot:
or done/unfinished
or yep/nope
by default: +/-
Get motivated response sentence like "You do great!", "Bad Training Is Devastating".
by default: bot response is adapted for sport exercise
and stored in files:
You can edit this file and add in there your custom responses.
Each response should be in a new line. The code detects the Unix system's newlines (\n) symbol as a line delineator.
The main part of the code is stored in app/
At the end of source code, you can find a scheduler
sched = BackgroundScheduler(daemon=True)
sched.add_job(sendStatistic, 'interval', minutes=60)
When you want to quickly test and debug your changes you can change variable minutes
from 60
to 1
Users can interact with bot by sending a photo, using a smartphone/laptop camera.
For this scenario, you can add Image recognition and count it as a user response.
In sport case: you can add your custom module that can detect whether the user is dressed in a sports uniform or not.
This feature needs to be tested on your production environment
Which libraries and project I suggest to use:
Other Useful links
WebexProgramming Languages
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