Cisco DNA Center Issue Report via Webex or SMS


This is a Python application that utilizes the Cisco DNA Center API to report issues related to network devices managed by Cisco DNA Center. The application can be configured to run on a regular basis using crontab and can send notifications via Webex or SMS using eCall REST API.


To use this application, you will need the following:

  • Python 3.x
  • Cisco DNA Center > 2.3.3.x
  • Webex account (optional)
  • eCall REST API account (optional)


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the repository directory:

    cd dnac_issue_report
  3. Create a Python virtual environment:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install the required Python packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Create an environment file:

    cp .env.sample .env
  6. Open .env and update the following parameters:

     # Cisco DNA Center
     dnacIP = "Cisco DNA Center URL" # dnacIP = "https://<fqdn or ip>:443"
     dnacUsername = "Cisco DNA Center username"
     dnacPassword = "Cisco DNA Center password"
     # Optional: Webex Notifications
     webexToken = "Webex Teams access token"
     webexRoomId = "Webex Teams roomId" 
     # Optional: eCall Notifications
     ecallUsername = "eCall username"
     ecallPassword = "eCall password"

    Note: If using Notification, please provide corresponding optional information.


To run the application, simply execute the following command:

Print to console


The application will retrieve a list of open issues and print the information to the console.

Send notifcations via Webex


The application will retrieve a list of open issues and send notifications via Webex.

Send notifcations via eCall (SMS)


The application will retrieve a list of open issues and send notifications via SMS.

Send notifcations on regular basis

By default, the application will run once and exit. To run the application on a regular basis, you can use crontab. For example, to run the application every hour, you can add the following line to your crontab:

0 * * * * ~/code/dnac_issue_report/venv/bin/python ~/code/dnac_issue_report/


Print to Console

Cisco DNA Center Issue Report
Occurrence: 25.04.2023 15:52:50
No of Issues: P1=0 P2=6 P3=1 P4=0
List of P1 & P2 Issues:
P2: The RADIUS server ',1813' is not responding to requests being made from the network device 'C9200-24P-1'
P2: The RADIUS server ',1813' is not responding to requests being made from the network device 'C9200-24P-2'
P2: The RADIUS server ',1813' is not responding to requests being made from the network device 'wlsn-border-1'
P2: The RADIUS server ',1813' is not responding to requests being made from the network device 'C9300-24T-1'

Webex Notification


SMS Notification



If you would like to contribute to this project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.

Authors & Maintainers

People responsible for the creation and maintenance of this project:


If you would like to contribute to this project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed to you under the terms of the Cisco Sample
Code License


Please post any issues or comments directly on GitHub.

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