This repository implements the architecture proposed on A Network Programmability Essay. Which aims the following problems:
- Abstraction of multiple vendors syntax in a single data model;
- Decoupling of input data and configuration logic;
- Single entry point for the configuration deploy;
- Automatic vendor logic selection;
- Python 3.6.2 or higher
- git
- virtualenv
- pip
Additional requirements going to be installed automatically with pip
git clone https://github.com/renatoalmeidaoliveira/Nornir-Edda.git
cd Nornir-Edda/
virtualenv .
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Repository Structure
├── controllers # Controllers folder
│ ├── Controller.py # Controller Abstract Class
│ ├── Fabric.py # Controller Fabric
│ ├── ios # ios vendor Controller folder
│ │ ├── iosController.py # ios Controller
│ │ ├── templates # ios Jinja2 template
│ │ │ ├── interfaces.j2 # ios Interfaces template
├── models # Models folder
│ ├── Model.py # Model abstract Class
│ ├── interface.py # Interface concrete Class
│ ├── interfaces.py # Interfaces concrete Class
├── data # Hosts data files
│ ├──cisco # Device with hostname cisco data folder
│ │ ├── interfaces.yaml # interfaces data model
│ ├──mikro # Device with hostname mikro data folder
│ │ ├── interfaces.yaml # interfaces data model
├── defaults.yaml # Nornir defaults file
├── hosts.yaml # Nornir hosts file
├── groups.yaml # Nornir groups file
├──main.py # Sample python scrips
├──requirements.txt # Python pip requirements
├──NOTICE # License Notice
└── README.md # Readme file
Getting started
In this version only interfaces model for Cisco IOS, HP ComWare and MikroTik Routeos were implemented.
For testing this repository follow the steps bellow:
- Edit hosts.yaml file to suit your scenario
- Create one folder for each host in your hosts.yml, in the data folder, where the folder name is the hostname, e.q ./data/hostname/
- For each host create an interfaces.yaml with the desired configuration
- Run main.py

Extending the models
If you want to deploy different models, follow the steps bellow:
- Create a concrete class of the Model abstract class that will receive the data and output in some standard form
- Implement the getModel() method that MUST return a string with same value as the Jinja2 template name.
- Implement the getModelData() method that will return the data used by the Jinja2 template
- For each vendor create the appropriate Jinja2 template with the same name returned by getModel(), i.e, f”{getModel()}.j2}”
- Edit main.py to read the data model