SIP User Agent Configurations

You can enable Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) UA commands, using the ios-voice:sip-ua configuration mode. The ios-voice:sip-ua mode is a part of Cisco-IOS-XE-voice module. The following operations are allowed in the ios-voice:sip-ua mode:

Operations X-path
get, get-config, edit-config /native/ios-voice:sip-ua

Prerequisites for SIP-UA Command Configuration

You can configure any of the SIP-UA commands only if you enable the sip-ua command.

Select SIP-UA Configuration Mode

To enter into the ios-voice:sip-ua configuration mode, follow the x-path provided in the following table:

Object X-path
ios-voice:sip-ua /native/ios-voice:sip-ua

Updated YANG Model in Release 17.14.1a

The following YANG model is enhanced from 17.14.1a:

  • transport tcp tls

Newly Added YANG Models in Release 17.10.1a

The following YANG models are supported from 17.10.1a:

  • max-forwards
  • xfer target
  • handle-replaces
  • permit hostname
  • notify
  • disable-early-media

Newly Added YANG Models in Release 17.7.1

The following YANG models are supported from 17.7.1:

  • asymmetric payload
  • assert-id
  • g729-annexb override redirection
  • mid-call signaling
  • min-se
  • remote-party-id
  • retry
  • reason-header
  • set pstn-cause
  • set sip-status
  • set sip request
  • sip-server
  • signaling forward
  • connection-reuse
  • host-registrar
  • protocol mode
  • authentication
  • credentials
  • crypto signaling
  • registrar
  • transport
  • timers

Basic SIP-UA Configurations

The ios-voice:sip-ua configuration mode allows you to configure the following SIP-UA commands:

Crypto Signaling Configuration

Configures the SIP gateway to use its trustpoint when it establishes or accepts TLS connection with a remote device.


You must configure TLS profile using the ios-voice:tls-profile configuration mode under ios-voice:class configuration mode.

To enter into the crypto signaling configuration mode, follow the X-path provided in the following table:

Object X-path
crypto signaling /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:crypto/ios-voice:signaling
Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
default tls-profile To configure the SIP gateway to use a default trustpoint, and associates a TLS profile. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:crypto/ios-voice:signaling/ios-voice:default/ios-voice:tls-profile Min-1, Max-10000 N/A N/A
remote-addr ipv4address To Associate an IP address to the trustpoint. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:crypto/ios-voice:signaling/ios-voice:remote-addr/ios-voice:ipv4address N/A N/A N/A
remote-addr subnetmask To Associate a subnet mask to the trustpoint. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:crypto/ios-voice:signaling/ios-voice:remote-addr/ios-voice:subnetmask N/A N/A Pre-requisite: You must first configure the object "remote-addr ipv4address".
remote-addr tls-profile To Associate a TLS profile to the configured trustpoint. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:crypto/ios-voice:signaling/ios-voice:remote-addr/ios-voice:tls-profile Min-1, Max-10000 N/A Pre-requisite: You must first configure the object "remote-addr ipv4address", followed by "remote-addr subnetmask".
redirection To enable call redirection (3XX) handling. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:redirection N/A N/A N/A
host-registrar To use sip-ua registrar value in diversion and dontact header for 3xx messages. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:host-registrar N/A N/A N/A
remote-party-id To enable remote-party-id support in SIP user agent calls. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:remote-party-id N/A N/A N/A

Timers Configuration

Configures the SIP signaling timers. To enter into the timers configuration mode, follow the X-path provided in the following table:

Object X-path
SIP UA timers /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers
Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
buffer-invite Time to buffer the INVITE while waiting for display info /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:buffer-invite Range of buffer-invite value in msec: 50-5000 N/A N/A
connect Time to wait for confirmation if a session is connected /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:connect Range of connect timer value in msec: 100-1000 N/A N/A
connection Connection related timers /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:connection Range of connect timer value in msec: 100-1000 N/A N/A
connection aging Time to wait before aging out a TCP/UDP connection /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:connection/ios-voice:aging Range of TCP/UDP aging timer value in minutes: 5-1440 N/A N/A
connection aging (tls) Time to wait before aging out a TLS connection /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:connection/ios-voice:aging/ios-voice:tls Range of TLS aging timer value in minutes: 60-4320 N/A N/A
connection establish Time to establish a wait timer /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:connection/ios-voice:establish N/A N/A N/A
connection establish (tls) Time to wait for a TLS connection /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:connection/ios-voice:establish/ios-voice: tls TLS wait timer value in sec: 5-20 N/A N/A
disconnect Time to wait for confirmation if a session is disconnected or not /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:disconnect Disconnect timer value in msec: 100-1000 N/A N/A
dns To set how long the SIP UA waits for the DNS resolved address cache /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:dns 60-65535 N/A N/A
dns registrar-cache To set DNS cache refresh time for registrar /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:dns/ios-voice:registrar-cache Timer value in seconds: 60-65535 N/A N/A
dns registrar-cache (ttl) Time value to be set as ttl seconds /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:dns/ios-voice:registrar-cache/ios-voice:ttl N/A N/A N/A
expires Time to wait for the expiration of an INVITE request /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:expires 60000-1800000 N/A N/A
hold Time to wait during hold before disconnecting /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:hold Hold timer value in minutes: 15-2880 N/A N/A
info Time to wait before INFO retransmission /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:info Info timer value in milliseconds: 100-1000 N/A N/A
keepalive (active) Time to wait between keepalive messages in active state /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:keepalive/ios-voice:active Keepalive active timer value in seconds: 10-600 N/A N/A
keepalive (down) Time to wait between keepalive messages in down state /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:keepalive/ios-voice:down Keepalive active timer value in seconds: 1-120 N/A N/A
notify Time to wait before NOTIFY retransmission /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:notify Notify timer value in milliseconds: 100-1000 N/A N/A
options Time to wait before OPTIONS retransmission /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:options Options timer value in milliseconds: 100-1000 N/A N/A
prack Time to wait before starting PRACKS retransmission /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:prack PRACK timer value in milliseconds: 100-1000 N/A N/A
refer Time to wait before REFER retransmission /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:refer Refer timer value in milliseconds: 100-1000 N/A N/A
register Time to wait before REGISTER retransmission /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:register Register timer value in milliseconds: 100-1000 N/A N/A
rel1xx Time to wait before starting reliable 1xx retransmission /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:rel1xx Reliable 1xx timer value in milliseconds: 100-1000 N/A N/A
trying Time to wait for provisional response to INVITE /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:trying Trying timer value in milliseconds: 100-1000 N/A N/A
update Time to wait before starting UPDATE retransmission /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:timers/ios-voice:trying/ios-voice:system UPDATE timer value in milliseconds: 100-1000 N/A N/A

Protocol Configuration

Configures SIP gateway mode of operation. To enter the protocol configuration mode, follow the X-path provided in the following table:

Object X-path
SIP UA protocol /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:protocol
Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
mode dual-stack preference ipv4 To specify that IPV4 address is preferred in dual-stack mode. /native/iosvoice:sip-ua/ios-voice:protocol/ios-voice:mode/ios-voice:dual-stack/ios-voice:preference/ios-voice:ipv4 N/A To change protocol mode under sip-ua, call service should be stopped under voice service voip. voice service voip --> sip --> call service stop. N/A
mode dual-stack preference ipv6 To specify that IPV6 address is preferred in dual-stack mode. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:protocol/ios-voice:mode/ios-voice:dual-stack/ios-voice:preference/ios-voice:ipv6 N/A N/A N/A
mode ipv4 To configure IPV4-only mode. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:protocol/ios-voice:mode/ios-voice:ipv4 N/A N/A N/A
mode ipv6 To configure IPV6-only mode. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:protocol/ios-voice:mode/ios-voice:ipv6 N/A N/A N/A

Set Configuration

Sets the PSTN cause to SIP status code (and vice versa) and sets the PSTN cause to SIP requests. To enter into the Set configuration mode, follow the X-path provided in the following table:

Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
pstn-cause-code To specify the range for the PSTN . /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:set/ios-voice:pstn-cause/ios-voice:pstn-cause-code Min - 1, Max - 127 N/A The value should be in decimal
sip-status To specify the string that SIP status code shall be followed. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:set/ios-voice:pstn-cause/ios-voice:sip-status Min - 400, Max - 606 N/A The listed pacified ranges are supported: 400-410, 412-417, 420-424, 480-489, 491-None, 493-None, 500-505, 513-None, 580-None, 600-None, 603-604, 606-None
sip-status-code To specify the string that SIP status code shall be followed. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:set/ios-voice:sip-status/ios-voice:sip-status-code Min - 400, Max - 606 N/A The listed pacified ranges are supported: 400-410, 412-417, 420-424, 480-489, 491-None, 493-None, 500-505, 513-None, 580-None, 600-None, 603-604, 606-None
pstn-cause To specify the range for the PSTN . /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:set/ios-voice:sip-status/ios-voice:pstn-cause Min - 1, Max - 127 N/A The value should be decimal.
pstn-cause To specify the string that PSTN cause value shall be followed . /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:set/ios-voice:sip-request/ios-voice:cancel/ios-voice:pstn-cause Min - 1, Max - 127 N/A N/A

G729-annexb Configuration

Configures settings for G729 codec interoperability. To enter into the g729-annexb configuration mode, follow the X-path provided in the following table:

Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
override To override default value, yes, if annexb attribute is not present. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:g729-annexb/ios-voice:override N/A N/A N/A

Connection-reuse Configuration

Uses listener port for sending requests over UDP. To enter into the Connection-reuse configuration mode, follow the X-path provided in the following table:

Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
via-port To send responses to port present in via header. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:connection-reuse/ios-voice:via-port N/A N/A N/A

Transport Configuration

Enables SIP UA transport for TCP/UDP. To enter into the transport configuration mode, follow the X-path provided in the following table:

Object X-path
SIP UA transport /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:transport
Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
transport udp Enable SIP UA in UDP mode /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:transport/ios-voice:udp N/A N/A N/A
tcp Enable SIP UA in TCP Mode /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:transport/ios-voice:tcp N/A N/A N/A
tcp (tls) Enable SIP UA in TLS over TCP mode (Default: All TLS versions with fallback) /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:transport/ios-voice:tcp-tls/ios-voice:tcp/ios-voice:tls N/A N/A N/A
version 1.0 Enable TLS Version 1.0 /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:transport/ios-voice:tcp-tls/ios-voice:tcp/ios-voice:tls-version/ios-voice:tls/ios-voice:version-config/ios-voice:v1.0 v1.0 N/A N/A
version 1.1 Enable TLS Version 1.1 /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:transport/ios-voice:tcp-tls/ios-voice:tcp/ios-voice:tls-version/ios-voice:tls/ios-voice:version-config/ios-voice:v1.1 v1.1 N/A N/A
version 1.2 Enable TLS Version 1.2 /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:transport/ios-voice:tcp-tls/ios-voice:tcp/ios-voice:tls-version/ios-voice:tls/ios-voice:version-config/ios-voice:v1.2 v1.2 N/A N/A
minimum Configure minimum TLS Version to be set /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:transport/ios-voice:tcp-tls/ios-voice:tcp/ios-voice:tls-version/ios-voice:tls/ios-voice:version-config/ios-voice:v1.2/ios-voice:minimum minimum N/A N/A
version 1.3 Enable TLS Version 1.3 /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:transport/ios-voice:tcp-tls/ios-voice:tcp/ios-voice:tls-version/ios-voice:tls/ios-voice:version-config/ios-voice:v1.3 v1.3 N/A N/A

Authentication Configuration

To enable Digest Authentication configuration. To enter into the authentication configuration mode, follow the X-path provided in the following table:

Object X-path
SIP UA authentication /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:authentication
Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
authentication username To specify name of the user authenticating. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:authentication/ios-voice:auth-list/ios-voice:username String N/A N/A
authentication password encryption (0/6/7) To specify whether the password is encrypted or not. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:authentication/ios-voice:auth-list/ios-voice:password/ios-voice:encryption 0, 6, 7 N/A 0: Specifies an unencrypted password follows; 6: Specifies an encrypted password follows; 7: Specifies a hidden password follows.
authentication password password-string To specify the password in a string format. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:authentication/ios-voice:auth-list/ios-voice:password/ios-voice:password-string String N/A N/A
authentication realm To specify realm at which the credentials are applicable. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:authentication/ios-voice:auth-list/ios-voice:realm String N/A You cannot configure same username across two different realms. If you configure the same username, the realm will be overwritten for the existing username.
authentication username To specify the name of the user authenticating. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:authentication/ios-voice:username-password/ios-voice:username String N/A N/A
authentication password encryption (0/6/7) To specify whether the password is encrypted or not. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:authentication/ios-voice:username-password/ios-voice:password/ios-voice:encryption 0, 6, 7 N/A 0: Specifies an unencrypted password follows; 6: Specifies an encrypted password follows; 7: Specifies a hidden password follows.
authentication password password-string To specify the password in a string format. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:authentication/ios-voice:username-password/ios-voice:password/ios-voice:password-string String N/A N/A

Credential Configuration

User credentials for registration. To enter into the credentials configuration mode, follow the X-path provided in the following table:

Object X-path
SIP UA credentials /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials
Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
credentials number To specify the number which is getting registered. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials/ios-voice:number-list/ios-voice:number String N/A You cannot use the same username with different realms.
credentials username To specify the name of the user authenticating. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials/ios-voice:number-list/ios-voice:username String N/A You cannot use the same username with different realms.
credentials password encryption (0/6/7) To specify whether the password is encrypted or not. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials/ios-voice:number-list/ios-voice:password/ios-voice:encryption 0, 6, 7 N/A 0: Specifies an unencrypted password follows; 6: Specifies an encrypted password follows; 7: Specifies a hidden password follows.
credentials password password-string To specify the password in a string format. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials/ios-voice:number-list/ios-voice:password/ios-voice:password-string String N/A N/A
credentials realm To specify the realm at which the credentials are applicable. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials/ios-voice:number-list/ios-voice:realm String N/A You cannot configure same username across two different realms.
credentials username To specify the name of the user authenticating. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials/ios-voice:username-list/ios-voice:username String N/A You cannot use the same username with different realms.
credentials password encryption (0/6/7) To specify whether the password is encrypted or not. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials/ios-voice:username-list/ios-voice:password/ios-voice:encryption 0, 6, 7 N/A 0: Specifies an unencrypted password follows; 6: Specifies an encrypted password follows; 7: Specifies a hidden password follows.
credentials password password-string To specify the password in a string format. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials/ios-voice:username-list/ios-voice:password/ios-voice:password-string String N/A N/A
credentials realm To specify the realm at which the credentials are applicable. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials/ios-voice:username-list/ios-voice:realm String N/A N/A
credentials dhcp password encryption (0/6/7) To specify whether the password is encrypted or not. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials/ios-voice:dhcp/ios-voice:password/ios-voice:encryption 0, 6, 7 N/A 0: Specifies an unencrypted password follows; 6: Specifies an encrypted password follows; 7: Specifies a hidden password follows.
credentials dhcp password password-string To specify the password in a string format. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials/ios-voice:dhcp/ios-voice:password/ios-voice:password-string String N/A N/A
credentials dhcp realm To specify the realm at which the credentials are applicable. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:credentials/ios-voice:dhcp/ios-voice:realm String N/A N/A

Registrar Configuration

Configures SIP Registrar. To enter into the registrar configuration mode, follow the X path provided in the following table:

Object X-path
SIP UA registrar /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar
Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
index id To configure a specific registrar, allowing configuration of multiple registrars (maximum of six). /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:multiple-registrars/ios-voice:index/ios-voice:id Min 1, Max 6 N/A N/A
registrar index registrar-config To specify the SIP registrar server IP address to be used for endpoint registration. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:multiple-registrars/ios-voice:index/ios-voice:registrar-config registrar-ip-address N/A N/A
registrar index expires To configure default registration time in seconds. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:multiple-registrars/ios-voice:index/ios-voice:expires Min 60, Max 65535 N/A Default value is 3600.
registrar index auth-realm To specify the realm for preloaded authorization. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:multiple-registrars/ios-voice:index/ios-voice:auth-realm String N/A N/A
registrar index refresh-ratio To specify the registration refresh ratio in percentage. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:multiple-registrars/ios-voice:index/ios-voice:refresh-ratio Min 1, Max 100 N/A N/A
registrar index random-contact To specify the Random String Contact header used to identify the registration session. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:multiple-registrars/ios-voice:index/ios-voice:random-contact N/A N/A N/A
registrar index scheme To specify the URL scheme. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:multiple-registrars/ios-voice:index/ios-voice:random-contact sip or sips N/A Default is sip.
registrar index tcp To use TCP as Transport Layer Protocol. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:multiple-registrars/ios-voice:index/ios-voice:tcp N/A N/A N/A
registrar index tls To use TLS encryption over TCP Transport Layer Protocol. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:multiple-registrars/ios-voice:index/ios-voice:tls N/A You can configure TLS only after TCP. N/A
registrar primary-registrar To configure primary SIP registrar server. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:primary-registrar N/A The registrar configurations are mutually exclusive and one of these can exist at a time. 1. Multiple registrars configuration (Index container) 2. Primary/secondary registrars configuration (different containers, but you can configure them together - there will not be any errors) 3. Registrar DHCP. N/A
registrar primary-registrar registrar-config To specify the SIP registrar server IP address to e used for endpoint registration. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:primary-registrar/ios-voice:registrar-config registrar-ip-address N/A N/A
registrar primary-registrar expires To configure default registration time in seconds. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:primary-registrar/ios-voice:expires Min 60, Max 65535 N/A Default value is 3600.
registrar primary-registrar auth-realm To specify the realm for preloaded authorization. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:primary-registrar/ios-voice:auth-realm String N/A N/A
registrar primary-registrar refresh-ratio To specify the registration refresh ratio in percentage. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:primary-registrar/ios-voice:refresh-ratio Min 1, Max 100 N/A N/A
registrar primary-registrar random-contact To specify the Random String Contact header used to identify the registration session. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:primary-registrar/ios-voice:random-contact N/A N/A N/A
registrar primary-registrar scheme To specify the URL scheme. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:primary-registrar/ios-voice:scheme sip or sips N/A Default is sip.
registrar primary-registrar tcp To use TCP as Transport Layer Protocol. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:primary-registrar/ios-voice:tcp N/A N/A N/A
registrar primary-registrar tls To use TLS encryption over TCP Transport Layer Protocol. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:primary-registrar/ios-voice:tls N/A TLS can be configured only after TCP is configured. N/A
registrar secondary-registrar To configure secondary SIP registrar server. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:secondary-registrar N/A N/A N/A
registrar secondary-registrar registrar-config To specify the SIP registrar server IP address to e used for endpoint registration. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:secondary-registrar/ios-voice:registrar-config registrar-ip-address N/A N/A
registrar secondary-registrar expires To configure default registration time in seconds for the seondary registrar server. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:secondary-registrar/ios-voice:expires N/A N/A N/A
registrar secondary-registrar auth-realm To specify the realm for preloaded authorization. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:secondary-registrar/ios-voice:auth-realm String N/A N/A
registrar secondary-registrar refresh-ratio To specify the registration refresh ratio in percentage. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:secondary-registrar/ios-voice:refresh-ratio Min 1, Max 100 N/A N/A
registrar secondary-registrar random-contact To specify the Random String Contact header used to identify the registration session. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:secondary-registrar/ios-voice:random-contact N/A N/A N/A
registrar secondary-registrar scheme To specify the URL scheme. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:secondary-registrar/ios-voice:scheme sip or sips N/A Default is sip.
registrar secondary-registrar tcp To use TCP as Transport Layer Protocol. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:secondary-registrar/ios-voice:tcp N/A N/A Default is UDP.
registrar secondary-registrar tls To use TLS encryption over TCP Transport Layer Protocol. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:secondary-registrar/ios-voice:tls N/A TLS can be configured only after TCP is configured. N/A
registrar secondary-registrar secondary To specify a secondary SIP registrar for redundancy if the primary registrar fails. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:secondary-registrar/ios-voice:secondary N/A N/A N/A
registrar dhcp To specify that the domain name of the registrar server is retrieved from a DHCP server. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:dhcp N/A N/A N/A
registrar dhcp expires To configure default registration time in seconds. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:dhcp/ios-voice:expires Min 1, Max 65535 N/A Default value is 3600.
registrar dhcp auth-realm To specify the realm for preloaded authorization. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:dhcp/ios-voice:auth-realm String N/A N/A
registrar dhcp refresh-ratio To specify the registration refresh ratio in percentage. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:dhcp/ios-voice:refresh-ratio Min 1, Max 100 N/A N/A
dhcp random-contact To specify the Random String Contact header used to identify the registration session. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:dhcp/ios-voice:random-contact N/A N/A N/A
registrar dhcp scheme To specify the URL scheme. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:dhcp/ios-voice:scheme sip or sips N/A Default is sip.
registrar dhcp tcp To use TCP as Transport Layer Protocol. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:dhcp/ios-voice:tcp N/A N/A Default is UDP.
registrar dhcp tls To use TLS encryption over TCP Transport Layer Protocol. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:registrar/ios-voice:dhcp/ios-voice:tls N/A TLS can be configured only after TCP is configured. N/A

Retry Configuration

Changes default retries for each SIP Method. To enter into the retry configuration mode, follow the X path provided in the following table:

Object X-path
SIP UA retry /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry
Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
retry bye Enter BYE retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:bye Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry cancel Enter CANCEL retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:cancel Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry info Enter INFO retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:info Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry invite Enter INFO retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:invite Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry keepalive Enter KEEPALIVE retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:keepalive Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry notify Enter NOTIFY retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:notify Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry options Enter OPTIONS retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:options Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry prack Enter PRACK retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:prack Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry refer Enter REFER retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:refer Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry register Enter REGISTER retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:register Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry rel1xx Enter Reliable 1xx response retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:rel1xx Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry response Enter Response Methods retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:response Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry subscribe Enter SUBSCRIBE retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:subscribe Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A
retry update Update retry value /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:retry/ios-voice:update Number of retries: 1-10 N/A N/A

SIP Server Configuration

Configures a SIP Server Interface. To enter into the SIP server configuration mode, follow the X-path provided in the following table:

Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
sip-server To configure a SIP Server Interface /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:sip-server Value should be valid address in the format: ipv4:[0-255].[0-255].[0-255].[0-255], ipv4:[0-255].[0-255].[0-255].[0-255]:[0-65535], ipv6:[X:X:X:X::X], ipv6:[X:X:X:X::X]:[0-65535], dns:host.domain N/A N/A

Reason Header Configuration

Configures settings for supporting SIP Reason Header. To enter into the reason header configuration mode, follow the X-path provided in the following table:

Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
reason-header override Enable Reason header to override SIP<->Q850 Mappings /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:reason-header N/A N/A N/A
Object Description X-path Value Prerequisites Remarks
xfer target To change number of max-forwards for SIP methods. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:xfer/ios-voice:target dial-peer, refer-to N/A Default is dial-peer.
notify ignore substate To ignore Subscription-State header. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:notify/ios-voice:ignore/ios-voice:substate N/A N/A N/A
notify telephone-event max-duration To specify maximum time interval between two consecutive NOTIFYs for a single DTMF event. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:notify/ios-voice:telephone-event/ios-voice:max-duration Integer (Min 40, Max 3000) N/A N/A
permit hostname Permit hostname in Req URI for incoming INVITEs. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:permit/ios-voice:hostname String (format should be either dns:host.domain or dns:domain) N/A N/A
max-forwards To change number of max-forwards for SIP methods. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:max-forwards Integer (Min 1, Max 70) N/A N/A
handle-replaces To handle INVITE with REPLACES header at SIP spi. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:handle-replaces N/A N/A N/A
disable-early-media To disable early media cut through. /native/ios-voice:sip-ua/ios-voice:disable-early-media 180 N/A N/A

Examples: SIP-UA Configurations

Following are the examples for 'crypto signaling' configuration under SIP-UA configuration.

Example for edit-config operation for crypto signaling default tls-profile:



# 484
<nc:rpc xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="urn:uuid:8080750e-21f8-42ba-abb0-3042bd6913fe">
      <native xmlns="">
        <sip-ua xmlns="">



<rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="urn:uuid:8080750e-21f8-42ba-abb0-3042bd6913fe">

Example for get-config operation for crypto signaling default tls-profile:



# 482
<nc:rpc xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="urn:uuid:8f9d2411-4d36-4ee3-9f6a-be8e47615395">
<native xmlns="">
<sip-ua xmlns="">


<rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="urn:uuid:8f9d2411-4d36-4ee3-9f6a-be8e47615395">

Example for edit-config operation for crypto signaling remote-addr tls-profile:



# 553
<nc:rpc xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="urn:uuid:1ece4c11-8056-4f46-b100-be75b29187e5">
<native xmlns="">
<sip-ua xmlns="">



<rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="urn:uuid:1ece4c11-8056-4f46-b100-be75b29187e5">

Example for get-config operation for crypto signaling remote-addr tls-profile:



# 551
<nc:rpc xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="urn:uuid:2f78253a-2d31-4f0c-a26c-074916cef114">
<native xmlns="">
<sip-ua xmlns="">



<rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="urn:uuid:2f78253a-2d31-4f0c-a26c-074916cef114">
<native xmlns="">
<sip-ua xmlns="">