All documentation related to Cisco AJAX XMPP Library is packaged within the SDK debug/release zip file. After extracting the contents of the CAXL zip file, the documentation can be found by opening /doc/index.html within a browser.
The documentation contains the following helpful resources:
- Getting Started Guide:This tutorial will step you through the process of creating a basic web app using Cisco AJAX XMPP Library. Afterwards, you will be able to connect to an XMPP server, send messages and receive messages.
- Cisco AJAX XMPP Library API: CAXL API Documentation generated using JSDocs.
- Developer Guide: Provides an overview on CAXL architecture, Core classes, eventing and error handling.
- Events: Documentation on the various events which CAXL can fire.
- Deployment Guide: High level overview on how to deploy CAXL.
- Cisco-Specific Extensions: Documents the Cisco specific add-ons to CAXL which are defined in
- Public Protocol Compliance: Describes the compliance with public protocols supported by the Cisco AJAX XMPP Library.
- Proprietary Protocol Compliance: Describes the compliance with proprietary protocols supported by the Cisco AJAX XMPP Library.
- CUP Integration Guide: Describes the specific configuration steps that need to be performed to ensure that Cisco AJAX XMPP Library based clients interact correctly with Cisco Unified Presence.
- Sample Clients: These consist of two fully functional clients, one which utilizes the CAXL Core API, while the other utilizes the CAXL UI API in conjunction with the Core API.
- Automated Tests: Consists of a set of unit and integration tests created using QUnit. The unit tests can be run without any connectivity to a CUP server. The integration tests require some modification and a working CUP server in order for them to run.
- jabberwerx.ui Demos: An assortment of clients which demonstrate the various UI views which are distributed as part of CAXL.
- jabberwerx Demos: An assortment of clients which demonstrate how the various Core controllers can be used.