


The purpose of writing this document is to install Cisco NSO on a docker container rather than using a dedicated VM. There is an official Cisco NSO docker image available if you like to use it but I have had few issues working with that image, so I thought to bring up mine own.

There are two types of NSO installation available Local vs System, I have created my docker file based on the Local as Local Install is used for development, lab, and evaluation purposes. This is not meant to be used for production.

Instead of writing the step-by-step process required for Cisco NSO local install, I have created two files Dockerfile and Makefile and they will install and run the docker container respectively. To see the Local Install process, please check out this link.

Lastly, I have created this container on my DevNet Expert Candidate Workstation (CWS) Ubunut 20.04 for my DevNet Expert studies, but you can build this on other operating systems running docker.

DISCLAIMER This repository was created by myself to practice with NSO in the Lab environment and should NOT be used for production use. This is not endorsed by the Cisco Systems.


Before you start, you need to make sure you have Cisco NSO installer and Network Element Drivers (NEDs) downloaded already from Cisco Developer website. Latest version for both is 5.7 at the time of writing this document. However, I used 5.5 in this document.

List the currently available docker images

(main) expert@expert-cws:~$ docker image ls 
debian       buster       8fa7d0c3e99c   12 days ago    114MB
ubuntu       20.04        53df61775e88   3 weeks ago    72.8MB
python       3.9-alpine   e49e2f1d4108   4 months ago   48.4MB
python       3.9-slim     f565a9e996f5   4 months ago   122MB
python       <none>       ae3c4906b72c   5 months ago   122MB
python       <none>       21a7e8111dc2   5 months ago   45.1MB
python       <none>       3ba8c1c68e98   6 months ago   122MB
python       <none>       8c034acf745b   6 months ago   45.2MB

Check the running docker containers

(main) expert@expert-cws:~ $ docker ps -a

Download or clone the files from this repository and place them in the folder where you like to build and run the contrainer from, I have used nso folder available in CWS.

(main) expert@expert-cws:~/nso$ ls -l
total 187532
-rw-rw-r-- 1 expert expert      2171 May 23 23:48 Dockerfile
-r--r--r-- 1 expert expert       364 Mar  8 17:00 INSTALL_NSO_README
-rw-rw-r-- 1 expert expert       236 May 23 19:09 Makefile
-rwxr-xr-x 1 expert expert 192008887 May 21 13:04 nso-5.5.linux.x86_64.installer.bin
drwxrwxr-x 2 expert expert      4096 May 23 12:28 packages

You may notice that I have nso-5.5.linux.x86_64.installer.bin in my nso directory, however, when you downloaded the installer, it has *.signed.bin extention. This is becuase after dowloading the NSO installer and NEDs, we need to extract them.

To extract the NSO installer, run sh nso-5.5.linux.x86_64.signed.bin

sh nso-5.5.linux.x86_64.signed.bin 

 # Output
 Verifying signature...
 Downloading CA certificate from ...
 Successfully downloaded and verified crcam2.cer.
 Downloading SubCA certificate from ...
 Successfully downloaded and verified innerspace.cer.
 Successfully verified root, subca and end-entity certificate chain.
 Successfully fetched a public key from tailf.cer.
 Successfully verified the signature of nso-5.5.linux.x86_64.installer.bin using tailf.cer

This will generate the folloiwng files, however you may delete all of them except installer binary file (nso-5.5.linux.x86_64.installer.bin)


For unpacking the NEDs, we will see it later in the section but they exist in the packages folder.

(main) expert@expert-cws:~/nso$ ls -l packages/
total 65556
-rw-r--r-- 1 expert expert 57809612 Feb  5  2021 ncs-5.5-cisco-ios-6.69.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 expert expert  9316936 Jan 13  2021 ncs-5.5-cisco-nx-5.21.tar.gz
(main) expert@expert-cws:~/nso$ 

Build a new Docker image with the Dockerfile in the nso directory

(main) expert@expert-cws:~/nso$ docker build -t cisco-nso-dev:0.1 .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  259.1MB
Step 1/14 : FROM ubuntu:20.04
 ---> 53df61775e88
Step 2/14 : USER root
 ---> Running in f21b8de61c97
Removing intermediate container f21b8de61c97
 ---> 5eb1e887d4a7
Step 3/14 : MAINTAINER Muhammad Rafi
 ---> Running in f34175e5c29b
Removing intermediate container f34175e5c29b
 ---> 16049935c46b
Step 4/14 : LABEL image.authors="" image.verions="0.1"
 ---> Running in da3dd6333325
Removing intermediate container da3dd6333325
 ---> 1c80888cc0e1
Step 5/14 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y         openssh-client         openssl         libexpat1         default-jdk         ant         net-tools
 ---> Running in 97a7dd0da219

Output omitted ..
Step 9/14 : RUN sh nso-5.5.linux.x86_64.installer.bin --local-install ~/nso-5.5
 ---> Running in 4960ae46877f
INFO  Using temporary directory /tmp/ncs_installer.6 to stage NCS installation bundle
INFO  Unpacked ncs-5.5 in /root/nso-5.5
INFO  Found and unpacked corresponding DOCUMENTATION_PACKAGE
INFO  Found and unpacked corresponding EXAMPLE_PACKAGE
INFO  Found and unpacked corresponding JAVA_PACKAGE
INFO  Generating default SSH hostkey (this may take some time)
INFO  SSH hostkey generated
INFO  Environment set-up generated in /root/nso-5.5/ncsrc
INFO  NSO installation script finished
INFO  Found and unpacked corresponding NETSIM_PACKAGE
INFO  NCS installation complete

Removing intermediate container 4960ae46877f
 ---> f75fb2c32d01
Step 10/14 : RUN rm -f nso-5.5.linux.x86_64.installer.bin
 ---> Running in 38311d4e0b5c
Removing intermediate container 38311d4e0b5c
 ---> 38467349fd3f
Step 11/14 : RUN echo "source $HOME/nso-5.5/ncsrc" >> ~/.bashrc
 ---> Running in ee6b9ccbc078
Removing intermediate container ee6b9ccbc078
 ---> dcc4aed78b05
Step 12/14 : SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c", "source $HOME/nso-5.5/ncsrc"]
 ---> Running in dc0fcff361e6
Removing intermediate container dc0fcff361e6
 ---> 30688ce6126a
Step 13/14 : COPY ${pwd}/packages/ncs-5.5-cisco* /root/nso-5.5/packages/neds/
 ---> 7dafa1f3c2e1
Step 14/14 : EXPOSE 2022 2024 8080 8888
 ---> Running in 93c710e099c8
Removing intermediate container 93c710e099c8
 ---> c600427e2bcf
Successfully built c600427e2bcf
Successfully tagged cisco-nso-dev:0.1

Verify cisco-nso-dev image has been created with the 0.1 version tag

(main) expert@expert-cws:~/nso$ docker image ls
REPOSITORY      TAG          IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
cisco-nso-dev   0.1          c600427e2bcf   7 minutes ago   1.46GB
debian          buster       8fa7d0c3e99c   12 days ago     114MB
ubuntu          20.04        53df61775e88   3 weeks ago     72.8MB
python          3.9-alpine   e49e2f1d4108   4 months ago    48.4MB
python          3.9-slim     f565a9e996f5   4 months ago    122MB
python          <none>       ae3c4906b72c   5 months ago    122MB
python          <none>       21a7e8111dc2   5 months ago    45.1MB
python          <none>       3ba8c1c68e98   6 months ago    122MB
python          <none>       8c034acf745b   6 months ago    45.2MB
(main) expert@expert-cws:~/nso$ 

Next step is to build a container with the image we have created in the previous step, simply run make run command and it will create a container in detached mode.

(main) expert@expert-cws:~/nso$ make run
docker run -itd --name cisco-nso-dev \
                   -p 2024:2024 \
                   -p 8080:8080 \

Verify container has been built and it is up and running.

(main) expert@expert-cws:~/nso$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE               COMMAND   CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                                                                                      NAMES
63f8d1977f88   cisco-nso-dev:0.1   "bash"    7 seconds ago   Up 6 seconds>2024/tcp, :::2024->2024/tcp, 2022/tcp, 8888/tcp,>8080/tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp   cisco-nso-dev

Now, login to the container via docker exec command and create a nso instance*

docker exec -it 63f8d1977f88 bash

Verify following required packages are installed before proceeed

root@63f8d1977f88:~# java -version
openjdk version "11.0.15" 2022-04-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.15+10-Ubuntu-0ubuntu0.20.04.1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.15+10-Ubuntu-0ubuntu0.20.04.1, mixed mode, sharing)
root@63f8d1977f88:~# ant -version
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.7 compiled on October 24 2019

If you want to create a nso instance without any ‘ned’, you can follow the below commands

source $HOME/nso-5.5/ncsrc
ncs-setup --dest $HOME/ncs-run
cd ncs-run 

If you want to create a nso instance with the specific ‘neds’, you can follow the below Method (I will be showing here only this method)

But before you create a nso instance, you need to extract the ‘neds’ in the container's folder nso-5.5/packages/neds, see the files ending with tar.gz

root@63f8d1977f88:~/nso-5.5/packages/neds# ls -l
total 65596
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root     4096 Dec 21  2020 a10-acos-cli-3.0
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root     4096 Dec 21  2020 alu-sr-cli-3.4
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root     4096 Dec 21  2020 cisco-asa-cli-6.6
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root     4096 Dec 21  2020 cisco-ios-cli-3.0
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root     4096 Dec 21  2020 cisco-ios-cli-3.8
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root     4096 Dec 21  2020 cisco-iosxr-cli-3.0
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root     4096 Dec 21  2020 cisco-iosxr-cli-3.5
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root     4096 Dec 21  2020 cisco-nx-cli-3.0
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root     4096 Dec 21  2020 dell-ftos-cli-3.0
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root     4096 Dec 21  2020 juniper-junos-nc-3.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 57809612 Feb  5  2021 ncs-5.5-cisco-ios-6.69.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  9316936 Jan 13  2021 ncs-5.5-cisco-nx-5.21.tar.gz

Extracting the NEDs

root@63f8d1977f88:~/nso-5.5/packages/neds# tar -zxvf ncs-5.5-cisco-ios-6.69.tar.gz
root@63f8d1977f88:~/nso-5.5/packages/neds# tar -zxvf ncs-5.5-cisco-nx-5.21.tar.gz

I am omitting the output, but there will be extraction output, once extracted, you will see the below folders are created in this directory.

root@63f8d1977f88:~/nso-5.5/packages/neds# ls -l | grep cisco-ios-cli-6.69
drwxr-xr-x 8 9001 users     4096 Feb  4  2021 cisco-ios-cli-6.69

root@63f8d1977f88:~/nso-5.5/packages/neds# ls -l | grep cisco-nx-cli-5.21 
drwxr-xr-x 9 9001 users     4096 Jan 12  2021 cisco-nx-cli-5.21

You can safely delete the .tar.gz files

root@63f8d1977f88:~/nso-5.5/packages/neds# rm -f ncs-5.5-cisco-ios-6.69.tar.gz ncs-5.5-cisco-nx-5.21.tar.gz

Finally go back to the root folder and run the following commands to create a nso instance with the specific NEDs.

Here I am creating a nso instance with the following NEDs.

root@63f8d1977f88:~# source $HOME/nso-5.5/ncsrc
root@63f8d1977f88:~# ncs-setup --package ~/nso-5.5/packages/neds/cisco-ios-cli-6.69 \
>    --package ~/nso-5.5/packages/neds/cisco-nx-cli-5.21 \
>    --dest ncs-instance
root@63f8d1977f88:~# cd ncs-instance/
root@63f8d1977f88:~/ncs-instance# ncs

Verify the NCS service has been started and check the NCS version

root@63f8d1977f88:~/ncs-instance# ncs --status | grep status
status: started
        db=running id=33 priority=1 path=/ncs:devices/device/live-status-protocol/device-type
root@63f8d1977f88:~# ncs --version

You may also try to login via ncs_cli command

root@63f8d1977f88:~/ncs-instance# ncs_cli -C -u admin

User admin last logged in 2022-05-23T19:29:37.671064+00:00, to 63f8d1977f88, from using webui-http
admin connected from using console on 63f8d1977f88
admin@ncs# exit

Try login via ssh and webui, default username/password is admin/admin.

(main) expert@expert-cws:~/nso$ ssh -p2024 admin@localhost
The authenticity of host '[localhost]:2024 ([]:2024)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:SGZ0MdK6yHp8IMg8hOkd1aQyX053+Y4PE7XPeXRjFXo.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:2024' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
admin@localhost's password: 

User admin last logged in 2022-05-23T19:30:06.270458+00:00, to 63f8d1977f88, from using cli-console
admin connected from using ssh on 63f8d1977f88

App Screenshot

App Screenshot


Installing Cisco NSO

Getting and Installing NSO


Muhammad Rafi

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