Fabric Resource Calculation
To calculate the resource per fabric node.
Install the Cisco APIC Python SDK using the documentation here:
How to use
All the codes support three different input methods that are wizard, yaml, and cli.
wizard: configure a mo by following a wizard.
Usage: python policyTCAM.py wizard
To get the help info: python policyTCAM.py wizard â€"h
yaml: configure a mo with a config file (yaml format).
Usage: python policyTCAM.py yaml policyTCAM.yaml
To get the help info: python policyTCAM.py yaml â€"h
There is a sample of yaml file. Please check out the argument format from the sample yaml file.
cli: configure a mo based on you python arguments.
It contains key arguments and optional arguments. Flags are used in order to call the optional arguments.
Usage: python policyTCAM.py cli admin ins3965! -n 101 102 -t '5 mins'
To get the help info: python policyTCAM.py cli â€"h
What are those codes
createMo.py: the basic class/module. It also contains useful functions that help programmers for writing their customized scripts.