CUCM Cluster Management (Robotic Account)
CUCM Cluster Management(Robotic Account Management)
This section of API document provides all the operations that can be performed as part of CUCM Cluster management(Robotic account management) API in CER.
Add New CUCM Cluster
CopyPOST https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/cluster
This URL adds new CUCM Cluster in CER. The request should be made using HTTP POST
method with a body in below mentioned format. On successful insertion, a 200 OK
response will be sent along with the direct url for the user in response. In case of failures appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request examples
XML request
JSON request
"CUCM": "",
"CTIManger": "",
"CTIUser": "CerVarun",
"CTIPassword": "cisco",
"BackupCTIMngr1": "",
"BackupCTIMngr2": "",
"TelePortAddr": "+12",
"NumbrOfTelePorts": "",
"SecureConnection": {
"EnableSecureConn": "false",
"TFTPIpAddr": "",
"TFTPPort": "69",
"BackupTFTPIp": "",
"CAPFIpAddr": "",
"CAPFPort": "3804",
"InstanceIdPub": "",
"AuthStringPub": "test",
"InstanceIdSub": "",
"AuthStringSub": "FDFDFD"
"AXLSettings": {
"AXLUser": "tyuuy",
"AXLPassword": "cisco",
"AXLPort": "2500"
"UseSnmpV3": "true"
Fields | Description |
CUCM | CUCM IP address or hostname |
CTIManager | CTI Manager IP address |
CTIUser | CTI Manager user name |
CTIPassword | CTI Manager Pasword |
BackupCTIManager1 | Backup CTI Manager 1 IP address |
BackupCTIManager2 | Backup CTI Manager 2 IP address |
TeleportAddress | Teleport address |
NumberofTeleports | Number of Teleports |
SecureConnection | Secure Connection attributes which includes TFTP IPaddresses and Port, CAPF IP addresses and Port. |
AXLSetting | AXLSettings which consists of username, password and port |
UseSnmpV3 | Specify whether to use SNMPV3 or not |
Response examples
XML response
<message>CUCM cluster added successfully</message>
JSON response
"status": "Success",
"message": "CUCM cluster added successfully"
Fields | Description |
status | Overall status message for the response |
message | Detailed message for the response |
Delete CUCM Cluster
CopyDELETE https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/cluster
This URL deletes a CUCM Cluster in CER. The request should be made using HTTP DELETE
method with a body in below mentioned format. On successful deletion, a 200 OK
response will be sent along with appropriate status, message for the respective cluster in response. In case of failures appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request example
XML request
JSON request
"cucm": ""
Fields | Description |
cucm | IP address of CUCM node that needs to be deleted |
Response examples
XML response
JSON response
"status": "SUCESS",
"message": "CCM_Deleted_Successfully"
Fields | Description |
status | Overall status message for the response |
message | Message related to the delete operation on the CUCM Cluster |
Update CUCM Cluster
CopyPUT https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/cluster
This URL updates an existing CUCM Cluster in CER. The request should be made using HTTP PUT
method with a body in below mentioned format. On successful insertion, a 200 OK
response will be sent in response. In case of failures appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request examples
XML request
JSON request
"CUCM": "",
"CTIManger": "",
"CTIUser": "CerVarun",
"CTIPassword": "cisco",
"BackupCTIMngr1": "",
"BackupCTIMngr2": "",
"TelePortAddr": "",
"NumbrOfTelePorts": "",
"SecureConnection": {
"EnableSecureConn": "false",
"TFTPIpAddr": "",
"TFTPPort": "6327",
"BackupTFTPIp": "",
"CAPFIpAddr": "",
"CAPFPort": "380",
"InstanceIdPub": "",
"AuthStringPub": "test",
"InstanceIdSub": "1",
"AuthStringSub": "1"
"AXLSettings": {
"AXLUser": "dsdfdsf",
"AXLPassword": "dsfsdfsdf",
"AXLPort": "7000"
"UseSnmpV3": "true"
Fields | Description |
CUCM | CUCM IP address or hostname |
CTIManager | CTI Manager IP address |
CTIUser | CTI Manager user name |
CTIPassword | CTI Manager Pasword |
BackupCTIManager1 | Backup CTI Manager 1 IP address |
BackupCTIManager2 | Backup CTI Manager 2 IP address |
TeleportAddress | Teleport address |
NumberofTeleports | Number of Teleports |
SecureConnection | Secure Connection attributes which includes TFTP IPaddresses and Port, CAPF IP addresses and Port. |
AXLSetting | AXLSettings which consists of username, password and port |
UseSnmpV3 | Specify whether to use SNMPV3 or not |
Response examples
XML response
<message>CUCM cluster updated successfully</message>
JSON response
"status": "Success",
"message": "CUCM cluster updated successfully"
Fields | Description |
status | Overall status message for the response |
message | Detailed status message for the response |