CallHistory and PhoneDetails management
This section of API document covers GET
operations related to callhistory, unlocated phones, Manual config phones, non-tracked phones and tracked phones.
Get CallHistory Details
CopyGET https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/v2/callhistorydetails
Retrieve the Call History details in CER. The request should be made using the GET
method. On successful addition, a 200 OK response will be sent along with the direct url for the user in response. In case of failures, an appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request URI Param
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
offset | Integer | O | Path variable | 0 | Positive Integer | The number of calls after which the current response should list Call History. |
limit | Integer | O | Path variable | 500 | Positive Integer to maximum of 2000 | Total number of call to be provided on response. |
Request Header
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
TrackingID | String | O | Path variable | Empty | Random UUID | Service name should be a 6 letter word from client side if not provided by default it will be CERAPP"+ underscore +A valid Random UUID generated from client side as path variable or will be generated one as part of server side reference. |
Request Body
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
FilterType | String | O | Path variable | All | FilterType allow 'All 'or 'Any 'String values. | Filter data with all (and) or any (or) condition. |
DateFilter | String | O | Path variable | is | date filter validates with 1) is 2) isNot 3) isAfter 4) isBefore | Based on filter it will give Call History records. |
erlname | String | O | Path variable | Null/Empty | ERL Name present in the server | Display results with the erlname 'Contains' filter. |
Extension | String | O | Path variable | Null/Empty | Valid Extension Value | Display results with the Extension 'Contains' Filter. |
CallDate | String | O | Path variable | Null/Empty | Valid date with below format (YYYY-MM-DD) | Display results with the Extension 'is' , 'isNot ', 'isBefore and 'isAfter' CallDate Filter. |
RPELINMap | String | O | Path variable | Null/Empty | Valid Rout Point + ELIN value | Display results with the ELIN 'Contains' RPELINMap Filter. |
Location | String | O | Path variable | Null/Empty | Valid Location Value | Display results with the Location 'Contains' Location Filter. |
IsCallAcknowledged | String | O | Path variable | Null/Empty | Valid CallAcknowledged value 'Yes' or 'No' | Display results with the CallAknowledged with 'Yes' and 'No' IsCallAcknowledged Filter. |
CallAcknowledgeDate | String | O | Path variable | Null/Empty | Valid Aknowledged date with format(YYYY-MM-DD) | Display results with the Extension 'is' , 'isNot ', 'isBefore and 'isAfter' CallAcknowledgeDate Filter. |
Comments | String | O | Path variable | Null/Empty | Valid Comments value | Display results with the Comments 'Contains' Comments Filter. |
Acknowledgeduser | String | O | Path variable | Null/Empty | Valid Acknowledged By value | Display results with the Acknowledged By User 'Contains' Acknowledgeduser Filter. |
Response example
XML response
<CallTime>10:43:49 AM IST</CallTime>
<CallDate>March 28, 2024</CallDate>
<CallTime>9:52:33 AM IST</CallTime>
<CallDate>March 28, 2024</CallDate>
<CallAcknowledgeTime>9:54:42 AM IST</CallAcknowledgeTime>
<CallAcknowledgeDate>March 28, 2024</CallAcknowledgeDate>
<CallTime>9:50:31 AM IST</CallTime>
<CallDate>March 28, 2024</CallDate>
<CallAcknowledgeTime>9:51:17 AM IST</CallAcknowledgeTime>
<CallAcknowledgeDate>March 28, 2024</CallAcknowledgeDate>
<CallTime>7:06:20 PM IST</CallTime>
<CallDate>March 26, 2024</CallDate>
<CallTime>7:04:57 PM IST</CallTime>
<CallDate>March 26, 2024</CallDate>
<CallTime>7:04:29 PM IST</CallTime>
<CallDate>March 26, 2024</CallDate>
<CallTime>7:04:20 PM IST</CallTime>
<CallDate>March 26, 2024</CallDate>
<CallTime>7:04:15 PM IST</CallTime>
<CallDate>March 26, 2024</CallDate>
<CallTime>7:04:09 PM IST</CallTime>
<CallDate>March 26, 2024</CallDate>
<CallTime>7:04:04 PM IST</CallTime>
<CallDate>March 26, 2024</CallDate>
Fields | Description |
ErlName | ERL name of the call History record |
CallerExtension | Extension of the phone |
CallTime | Time at which the call occurred |
CallDate | Date at which the call occurred |
RPELINMap | Route Pattern--ELIN No |
Location | Location of the Phone |
IsCallAcknowledged | Call Acknowledged by the user |
CallAcknowledgeTime | Time at which the call is Acknowledged |
CallAcknowledgeDate | Date at which the call is Acknowledged |
Comments | Comments provided by user | | URL of the next page of Call History |
paging.prev | URL of the previous page of Call History |
paging.offset | The starting value of the index for every page for List of Call History |
paging.limit | The number of entries for the requested page of the list of Call History |
paging.count | Total number of available Call History basis on query |
TrackingID | Random UUID value |
Get Manual Config Phone Details
CopyGET https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/v2/manualconfigphones
Retrieve the manual config phone details in CER. The request should be made using the GET
method. On successful addition, a 200 OK response will be sent along with the direct url for the user in response. In case of failures, an appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request URI Param
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
offset | Integer | O | Path variable | 0 | Positive Integer | The number of manually configured phones after which the current response should list manually configured phones. |
limit | Integer | O | Path variable | 500 | Positive Integer to maximum of 2000 | Total number of manually configured phones to be provided on response. |
linenum | String | O | Path variable | Null/Empty | Valid Line Number | Search criteria includes the Phones Containing the Line Number. |
Request Header
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
TrackingID | String | O | Path variable | Empty | Random UUID | Service name should be a 6 letter word from client side if not provided by default it will be CERAPP"+ underscore +A valid Random UUID generated from client side as path variable or will be generated one as part of server side reference. |
Response example
XML response
Fields | Description |
Extension | Extension of the phone |
Type | Type of the Phone |
Version | Version of the Phone |
IPV4Address | IPV4Address of the Phone |
IPV6Address | IPV6Address of the Phone |
MACAddress | MACAddress of the Phone |
ERLName | ERLName |
Location | Location | | URL of the next page of Manual Configured Phones |
paging.prev | URL of the previous page of Manual Configured Phones |
paging.offset | The starting value of the index for every page for list of Manual Configured Phones |
paging.limit | The number of entries for the requested page of the list of Manual Configured Phones |
paging.count | Total number of available Manual Configured Phones basis on query |
TrackingID | Random UUID value |
Get Non Tracked Phone Details
CopyGET https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/v2/nontrackedphones
Retrieve the non-tracked phones in CER. The request should be made using the GET
method. On successful addition, a 200 OK response will be sent along with the direct url for the user in response. In case of failures, an appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request URI Param
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
offset | Integer | O | Path variable | 0 | Positive Integer | The number of calls after which the current response should list NonTrackable phones. |
limit | Integer | O | Path variable | 500 | Positive Integer to maximum of 2000 | Total number of NonTrack phones to be provided on response. |
Request Header
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
TrackingID | String | O | Path variable | Empty | Random UUID | Service name should be a 6 letter word from client side if not provided by default it will be CERAPP"+ underscore +A valid Random UUID generated from client side as path variable or will be generated one as part of server side reference. |
Response example
XML response
<Extension>1009 </Extension>
<Type>Cisco 9971</Type>
<Extension>1011 </Extension>
<Type>Cisco IP Communicator</Type>
Fields | Description |
Extension | Extension of the phone |
Type | Type of the Phone |
Devicename | Name of the device |
IPV4Address | IPV4Address of the Phone |
IPV6Address | IPV6Address of the Phone | | URL of the next page of Non-trackable Phones |
paging.prev | URL of the previous page of Non-trackable Phones |
paging.offset | The starting value of the index for every page for list of Non-trackable Phones |
paging.limit | The number of entries for the requested page of the list of Non-trackable Phones |
paging.count | Total number of available Non-trackable Phones basis on query |
TrackingID | Random UUID value |
Get Tracked Phone Details
CopyGET https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/v2/trackedphones
Retrieve the tracked phones in CER. The request should be made using the GET
method. On successful addition, a 200 OK response will be sent along with the direct url for the user in response. In case of failures, an appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Note: Tracked phones will not include Manual Config phones, since we have separte api for Manual Config phones.
Request URI Param
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
offset | Integer | O | Path variable | 0 | Positive Integer | The number of trackable phones after which the current response should list manually configured phones. |
limit | Integer | O | Path variable | 500 | Positive Integer to maximum of 2000 | Total number of trackable phones to be provided on response. |
Request Header
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
TrackingID | String | O | Path variable | Empty | Random UUID | Service name should be a 6 letter word from client side if not provided by default it will be CERAPP"+ underscore +A valid Random UUID generated from client side as path variable or will be generated one as part of server side reference. |
Response example
XML response
<Extension>1009 </Extension>
<Type>Cisco 9971</Type>
<Extension>1011 </Extension>
<Type>Cisco IP Communicator</Type>
Fields | Description |
Extension | Extension of the phone |
Type | Type of the Phone |
Devicename | Name of the device |
IPV4Address | IPV4Address of the Phone |
IPV6Address | IPV6Address of the Phone | | URL of the next page of trackable Phones |
paging.prev | URL of the previous page of trackable Phones |
paging.offset | The starting value of the index for every page for list of trackable Phones |
paging.limit | The number of entries for the requested page of the list of trackable Phones |
paging.count | Total number of available trackable Phones basis on query |
TrackingID | Random UUID value |
Get Unlocated Phone Details
CopyGET https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/v2/unlocatedphones
Retrieve the unlocated phones in CER. The request should be made using the GET
method. On successful addition, a 200 OK response will be sent along with the direct url for the user in response. In case of failures, an appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request URI Param
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
offset | Integer | O | Path variable | 0 | Positive Integer | The number of unlocated phones after which the current response should list manually configured phones. |
limit | Integer | O | Path variable | 500 | Positive Integer to maximum of 2000 | Total number of unlocated phones to be provided on response. |
Request Header
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
TrackingID | String | O | Path variable | Empty | Random UUID | Service name should be a 6 letter word from client side if not provided by default it will be CERAPP"+ underscore +A valid Random UUID generated from client side as path variable or will be generated one as part of server side reference. |
Request Body
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
FilterType | String | O | Path variable | All | FilterType allow 'All 'or 'Any 'String values. | Input "all" to indicate that only phones that match every criteria be selected (an AND search); select "any" to indicate that phones that match any search criteria be selected (an OR search). |
PhoneIpv4Address | String | O | Request | NA | A full Ipv4 address or part of Ipv4 address | Search criteria includes the Phones 'Containing' the Ipv4 address. |
PhoneIpv6Address | String | O | Request | NA | A full Ipv6 address or part of Ipv6 address | Search criteria includes the Phones 'Containing' the Ipv6 address. |
erlname | String | O | Request | NA | String | Search criteria includes the Phones 'Containing' the ERLName as effective ERL. |
PhoneMACAddress | String | O | Request | NA | String | Search criteria includes the Phones 'Containing' the Mac Address. |
PhoneExtension | String | O | Request | NA | String | Search criteria includes the Phones 'Containing' the Extension. |
Response example
XML response
Copy<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ERLUsedInfo>Manually Configured Phone Extension</ERLUsedInfo>
<ERLUsedInfo>Manually Configured Phone Extension</ERLUsedInfo>
<ERLUsedInfo>Manually Configured Phone Extension</ERLUsedInfo>
Fields | Description |
CerServerGroup | Servergroup to which the phone belongs |
Extension | Extension of the phone |
Type | Type of the Phone |
Devicename | Name of the device |
PhoneIPv4Address | IPV4Address of the Phone |
PhoneIPv6Address | IPV6Address of the Phone |
PhoneMACAddress | Mac Address of phone. Incase of Manual config phones the mac address can be null. |
AssignedERL | Assigned ERL of the phone assigned via Unlocated phones page. |
EffectiveERL | Phone's ERL can be assigned on various pages like switchport, unlocated, manualconfig, Ipsubnet, Access points, Effective ERL suggests among the assigned ERL which is effective according to call order |
ERLUsedInfo | Phone belongs to which type | | URL of the next page of trackable Phones |
paging.prev | URL of the previous page of trackable Phones |
paging.offset | The starting value of the index for every page for list of trackable Phones |
paging.limit | The number of entries for the requested page of the list of trackable Phones |
paging.count | Total number of available trackable Phones basis on query |
TrackingID | Random UUID value |