The CER Configuration API requires a username and password for authentication of each API request. API user accounts are created in the CER system as Local/Remote accounts, and need to have admin privileges (i.e., the CER System Admin
Note: If the API user is configured as a Remote user, it must be present on the associated CUCM.
It is highly recommended to create a separate CER user account for use with the API, as this will make it easier to reset the API user's password or remove API access without disrupting the main Admin account.
HTTP Basic Authentication
The CER Configuration API service requires HTTP Basic Authentication for API requests.
All API HTTP requests should include an Authorization
header constructed as follows:
The username and password are concatenated with a single colon: ":
(This means that the username itself cannot contain a colon.)
The concatenated string is then Base64 encoded (with padding).
The resulting Base64 string is UTF-8 encoded.
The final Authorization
header value is constructed as: Basic
(followed by a space), followed by the encoded authentication string.
For example, if the application uses 'Aladdin' as the username and 'open sesame' as the password, then the string value is the Base64 encoding of Aladdin:open sesame
, i.e.: QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Complete Authorization
Header Example
If the API request credentials are incorrect, a HTTP 401 Not Authorized
status code will be returned.
Note: If using a browser to access API resource URLs, for each API request the browser will prompt for the access credentials (username and password).