ERL Management
This section of API document provides all the operations that can be performed as part of ERL Management API in CER.
ERL Management
Fetch Conventional ERL
CopyGET https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/cerl
The /cerl
resource retrieves all the conventional ERLs currently available in CER.
Response examples
XML response
JSON response
"status": "Success",
"ConventionalERLDetails": {
"ConventionalERL": [
"ERLName": "Default",
"Description": "",
"TestERL": "false",
"TimeZone": "",
"ELINSettings": null,
"OnsiteAlertSettings": {
"OnsiteAlertID": "lobby2"
"ALIDetails": {
"HouseNumber": "3213",
"HouseNumberSuffix": "",
"StreetName": "addsa",
"PrefixDirectional": "",
"StreetSuffix": "",
"PostDirectional": "",
"CommunityName": "fsda",
"State": "fd",
"MainNPA": "",
"CustomerName": "asdsd",
"COS": "5",
"TOS": "4",
"Exchange": "",
"MainTelNum": "",
"OrderNumber": "",
"CountyID": "",
"CompanyID": "dsads",
"ZipCode": "",
"ZipCodeExt": "",
"CustomerCode": "sds",
"Comments": "",
"Longitude": "",
"Latitude": "",
"Elevation": "",
"TARCode": "",
"Location": "",
"ProvReserved": ""
"links": null
"ERLName": "erl1",
"Description": "erldef",
"TestERL": "false",
"TimeZone": "",
"ELINSettings": {
"ELINDetails": {
"RoutePattern": "10911",
"ELIN": "6011621123"
"OnsiteAlertSettings": {
"OnsiteAlertID": "lobby1"
"ALIDetails": {
"HouseNumber": "3213",
"HouseNumberSuffix": "",
"StreetName": "addsa",
"PrefixDirectional": "",
"StreetSuffix": "",
"PostDirectional": "",
"CommunityName": "fsda",
"State": "fd",
"MainNPA": "",
"CustomerName": "asdsd",
"COS": "5",
"TOS": "4",
"Exchange": "",
"MainTelNum": "",
"OrderNumber": "",
"CountyID": "",
"CompanyID": "dsads",
"ZipCode": "",
"ZipCodeExt": "",
"CustomerCode": "sds",
"Comments": "",
"Longitude": "",
"Latitude": "",
"Elevation": "",
"TARCode": "",
"Location": "",
"ProvReserved": ""
"links": {
"publisherURL": "https://unity-pri/cerappservices/service/cerl?erlName=erl1",
"subscriberURL": "https://cucm207/cerappservices/service/cerl?erlName=erl1"
Fields | Description |
status | Overall status message for the response |
ERLName | Name of the conventional ERL |
Description | Description of the ERL |
TestERL | Flag to specify if its a test ERL |
TimeZone | Timezone which the ERL belongs to |
ELIN Details | ELIN Details which include RoutePattern and ELIN |
ALI Details | The ALI details which includes HouseNumber, HouseNumberSuffix, StreetName, PrefixDirectional, StreetSuffix, PostDirectional, CommunityName, State, MainNPA, CustomerName, COS, TOS, Exchange, MainTelNum, OrderNumber, CountyID, CompanyID, ZipCode, ZipCodeExt, CustomerCode, Comments, Longitude, Latitude, Elevation, TARCode, Location, ProvReserved |
links | publisherURL and subscriberURL are the direct urls for the conventional ERL in publisher and subscriber respectively |
Fetch Class of Service
CopyGET https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/cerl/cos
The /cerL/cos/
resource retrieves Class of Service currently available in CER.
Response examples
XML response
<cos>Mobile/Wireless Phase 0</cos>
<cos>Coin 2Way</cos>
<cos>Coin 1W out</cos>
<cos>Business PBX</cos>
<cos>Residence PBX</cos>
<cos>Business OPX</cos>
JSON response
"classOfService": {
"cos": [
"Mobile/Wireless Phase 0",
"Coin 2Way",
"Coin 1W out",
"Business PBX",
"Residence PBX",
"Business OPX"
Fields | Description |
cos | Class of service of conventional ERL in CER |
Type of Service
CopyGET https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/cerl/tos/
The /cer/tos/
resource retrieves Type of Service currently available in CER.
Response examples
XML response
<tos>Local Ported Number (LNP)</tos>
<tos>Non-Pub FX outside 911 area</tos>
<tos>Non-Pub FX in 911 area</tos>
<tos>FX outside 911 area</tos>
<tos>FX in 911 area</tos>
<tos>Not FX nor Non-Pub</tos>
JSON response
"typeOfService": {
"tos": [
"Local Ported Number (LNP)",
"Non-Pub FX outside 911 area",
"Non-Pub FX in 911 area",
"FX outside 911 area",
"FX in 911 area",
"Not FX nor Non-Pub"
Fields | Description |
tos | Type of service of conventional ERL in CER |
Fetch all Timezone
CopyGET https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/cerl/timezone
The /cer/timezone
resource retrieves Timezone currently available in CER.
Response examples
XML response
JSON response
"timeZones": {
"timeZone": [
Fields | Description |
Timezone | Timezones in CER |
Add New Conventional ERL
CopyPOST https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/cerl
This URL adds new Conventional ERL in CER. The request should be made using HTTP POST
method with a body in below mentioned format. On successful insertion, a 200 OK
response will be sent. In case of failures appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request examples
XML request
<COS>Coin 1W out</COS>
<TOS>Not FX nor Non-Pub</TOS>
JSON request
"ConventionalERL": {
"ERLName": "erl10",
"Description": "erl10",
"TestERL": "true",
"TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta",
"ELINSettings": {
"ELINDetails": [
"RoutePattern": "1091",
"ELIN": "6012449001"
"RoutePattern": "1091",
"ELIN": "601244902"
"OnsiteAlertSettings": {
"OnsiteAlertID": "OnsiteAlert"
"ALIDetails": {
"HouseNumber": "d",
"HouseNumberSuffix": "",
"StreetName": "d",
"CommunityName": "d",
"State": "dd",
"CustomerName": "d",
"COS": "Coin 1W out",
"TOS": "Not FX nor Non-Pub",
"CompanyID": "d",
"CustomerCode": "dqw"
Fields | Description |
ERLName | Name of the conventional ERL |
Description | Description of the conventional ERL |
TestERL | Flag to specify if its a test ERL |
TimeZone | Timezone which the ERL belongs to |
ELIN Details | ELIN Details which include RoutePattern and ELIN |
OnsiteAlertID | Onsite AlertID that belongs to onsiteAlertSettings |
ALI Details | The ALI details which includes HouseNumber, HouseNumberSuffix, StreetName, PrefixDirectional, StreetSuffix, PostDirectional, CommunityName, State, MainNPA, CustomerName, COS, TOS, Exchange, MainTelNum, OrderNumber, CountyID, CompanyID, ZipCode, ZipCodeExt, CustomerCode, Comments, Longitude, Latitude, Elevation, TARCode, Location, ProvReserved |
Response examples
XML response
<message>Conventional ERL 'erl11' added successfully</message>
JSON response
"status": "Success",
"message": "Conventional ERL 'erl12' added successfully",
"links": {
"publisherURL": "https://cer151/cerappservices/service/cerl?erlName=erl12",
"subscriberURL": "https://unity-sec/cerappservices/service/cerl?erlName=erl12"
Fields | Description |
status | Overall status message for the response |
message | Detailed message for the response |
links | Lists direct URLs for the Conventional ERL in publisher and subscriber (publisherURL, subscriberURL) |
Delete Conventional ERL
CopyDELETE https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/cerl?erlName=erl10
This URL deletes an existing Conventional ERL in CER. The request should be made using HTTP DELETE
method. On successful deletion, a 200 OK
response will be sent in response. In case of failures appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Path parameters
Parameters | Description |
erlName | Conventional ERL name as stored in CER |
Response examples
XML response
<message>Conventional ERL 'erl10' deleted successfully</message>
JSON response
"status": "Success",
"message": "Conventional ERL 'erl11' deleted successfully"
Fields | Description |
status | Status corresponding to current ERL |
message | Message related to the delete operation on the current ERL |
Update Conventional ERL
CopyPUT https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/cerl
This URL updates an existing Conventional ERL in CER. The request should be made using HTTP PUT
method with a body in below mentioned format. On successful insertion, a 200 OK
response will be sent in response. In case of failures appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request examples
XML request
<TOS>FX outside 911 area</TOS>
JSON request
"ConventionalERL": {
"ERLName": "erl10",
"Description": "",
"TestERL": "false",
"TimeZone": "",
"ELINSettings": {
"ELINDetails": {
"RoutePattern": "10911.",
"ELIN": "6012440005"
"OnsiteAlertSettings": {
"OnsiteAlertID": "OnsiteAlert"
"ALIDetails": {
"HouseNumber": "sd",
"HouseNumberSuffix": "aedf",
"StreetName": "d",
"PrefixDirectional": "qe",
"StreetSuffix": "PdK",
"PostDirectional": "ae",
"CommunityName": "d",
"State": "dd",
"MainNPA": "654",
"CustomerName": "d",
"COS": "Centrex",
"TOS": "FX outside 911 area",
"Exchange": "qwdq",
"MainTelNum": "567",
"OrderNumber": "qwdqwd",
"CountyID": "qwdq",
"CompanyID": "d",
"ZipCode": "dqwwq",
"ZipCodeExt": "dqwd",
"CustomerCode": "fwe",
"Comments": "dqddw",
"Longitude": "12.457",
"Latitude": "12.31",
"Elevation": "qdqwd",
"TARCode": "dqwdwq",
"Location": "qdqdwq",
"ProvReserved": "dqdwqwdq"
Fields | Description |
ERLName | Name of the conventional ERL |
Description | Description of the conventional ERL |
TestERL | Flag to specify if its a test ERL |
TimeZone | Timezone which the ERL belongs to |
ELIN Details | ELIN Details which include RoutePattern and ELIN |
OnsiteAlertID | Onsite AlertID that belongs to onsiteAlertSettings |
ALI Details | The ALI details which includes HouseNumber, HouseNumberSuffix, StreetName, PrefixDirectional, StreetSuffix, PostDirectional, CommunityName, State, MainNPA, CustomerName, COS, TOS, Exchange, MainTelNum, OrderNumber, CountyID, CompanyID, ZipCode, ZipCodeExt, CustomerCode, Comments, Longitude, Latitude, Elevation, TARCode, Location, ProvReserved |
Response examples
XML response
<message>ConventionalERL 'erl12' updated successfully</message>
JSON response
"status": "Success",
"message": "ConventionalERL 'erl10' updated successfully"
Fields | Description |
status | Overall status message for the response |
message | Detailed status message for the response |
ERL Assignment
ERL assignment of Manual Configured Phone
CopyPUT https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/manualconfigphone/
This URL assigns the ERL to manual configured phone availabLe in CER. The request should be made using HTTP PUT
method with a body in below mentioned format. On successful insertion, a 200 OK
response will be sent in response. In case of failures appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request examples
XML request
JSON request
"Extension": "1016",
"ERLName": "erl02"
Fields | Description |
Extension | Line Number for manual configured phone |
ERL name | ERL name for manual configured phone |
Response examples
XML response
<message>ERL Updated Sucessfully</message>
JSON response
"status": "Update_Success",
"message": "ERL Updated Sucessfully"
Fields | Description |
status | It will show the status of updated ERL |
message | It will will display the success or failure reason according to the status |
- Make sure you have manual configure phone entry available which you want to update.
- ERL should be present in CER server which you want to update.
- Test ERL are not allowed to assigned.
ERL assignment of Unlocated Phone
CopyPUT http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/unlocatedphone
The /unlocatedphone
update the ERL of unlocated phone which is available in CER.
Request examples
XML request
JSON request
"PhoneMACAddress": "b4-a4-e3-28-9b-64",
"AssignERL": "erl02"
Fields | Description |
PhoneMACAddress | Phone MAC Address present under unlocated phone |
AssignERL | ERL name for unlocated phone |
Response examples
XML response
<message>Erl assigned Sucessfully</message>
JSON response
"status": "UpdatedSucessfully",
"message": "Erl assigned Sucessfully"
Fields | Description |
status | It will show the status of updated ERL |
message | It will will display the success or failure reason according to the status |
- Make sure you have unlocated phone entry available which you want update it.
- ERL should be present in CER server which you want to update it.
- Test ERL are not allowed to assigned.
ERL assignment of Switch Ports
CopyPUT http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/switchport/
This URL updates the ERL to crossponding switch port as available in CER. Confirm discovery is complete before invoking this API.
Request Example
XML request
JSON request
"IPaddress": "",
"Allports": "false",
"ERLName": "erl10",
"Ports": [
Fields | Description |
IPaddress | IP Address of switch Port |
Allports | True will apply the changes for all ports associated with this IP and false will apply the changes on specific PortID. |
ERLName | ERL name for switch port |
PortID | PortID of switch port |
Response Example
XML response
<status>Partially failed</status>
<message>Update of ERL to switch port Failed for ports [0/8/11d] and Success for ports [0/8/12] </message>
JSON response
"status": "Partially failed",
"message": "Update of ERL to switch port Failed for ports [0/8/11d] and Success for ports [0/8/12]"
Fields | Description |
status | It will show the status of updated ERL |
message | It will will display the success or failure reason according to the status |
ERL assignment of IPSubnet Phones
CopyPUT http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/ipsubnetphone
This URL updates ERL to the IP subnet as available in CER.
Request Example
XML request
JSON request
"ERLNAME": "erl03"
Fields | Description |
SUBNETID | Subnet ID for IPsubnet |
SUBNETMASK | Subnet Mask for IPsubnet |
ERLName | ERL name for IPsubnet |
Response Examples
XML response
<message>IP Subnet Phone Updated Sucessfully</message>
JSON response
"status": "UpdateSuccess",
"message": "IP Subnet Phone Updated Sucessfully"
Fields | Description |
status | It will show the status of updated ERL |
message | It will display the success or failure reason according to the status |
Note: Test ERL are not allowed to be assigned.
ERL assignment of Access Points.
CopyPUT http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/accesspoints
This URL updates ERL to the Access Point as available in CER.
Request Example
XML request
JSON request
"Bssid": "123:4:45",
"ErlName": "erl1"
Fields | Description |
Bssid | BSSID of AccessPoint |
ErlName | ERL name for AccessPoint |
Response Example
XML response
<message>Assignment of ERL to AccessPoint got Success</message>
JSON response
"status": "UpdatedSuccessfully",
"message": "Assignment of ERL to AccessPoint got Success"
Fields | Description |
status | It will show the status of updated ERL |
message | It will will display the success or failure reason according to the status |
Note: Test ERL are not allowed to assigned.
Fetch all Access Points
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/accesspoints
The /accesspoints
API resource retrieves all the Access Point available in CER.
Response Example
XML response
<location>CER ap2</location>
<location>CER ap1</location>
<location>CER ap3</location>
JSON response
"status": "Success",
"AccessPoints": [
"name": "cer-test",
"erlName": [],
"location": "CER ap2",
"numberOfPhones": "0",
"AccessPointPhones": [],
"links": {
"publisherURL": "https://cer151/cerappservices/service/accesspoints?apname=cer-test",
"subscriberURL": "https://unity-sec/cerappservices/service/accesspoints?apname=cer-test"
"name": "test",
"erlName": [],
"location": "CER ap1",
"numberOfPhones": "0",
"AccessPointPhones": [],
"links": {
"publisherURL": "https://cer151/cerappservices/service/accesspoints?apname=test",
"subscriberURL": "https://unity-sec/cerappservices/service/accesspoints?apname=test"
"name": "cer-test2",
"erlName": [],
"location": "CER ap3",
"numberOfPhones": "0",
"AccessPointPhones": [],
"links": {
"publisherURL": "https://cer151/cerappservices/service/accesspoints?apname=cer-test2",
"subscriberURL": "https://unity-sec/cerappservices/service/accesspoints?apname=cer-test2"
Fields | Description |
name | Name of the AccessPoint |
bssid | Name of the associated BSSID |
ERLName | Associated ERL name for AccessPoint |
MACAddress | Phone Mac-Address present under Accesspoint |
IPAddress | IP Address present under Accesspoint |
Extension | Extension name of the phone present under Accesspoint |
numberOfPhones | It will show the number of phone associated with the AccessPoint |
location | Location of the AccessPoint |
Type | Phone type presents under the Accesspoint |
Fetch single AccessPoint
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/accesspoints?apname=cer-test
The accesspoints?apname=cer-test
API resource retrieves single access Point information detail available in CER.
Path parameters
Parameters | Description |
apname | AccessPoint name which is available inr CER |
Response Example
XML response
<location>CER ap2</location>
JSON response
"status": "Success",
"AccessPoints": {
"AccessPoint": {
"name": "cer-test",
"erlName": [],
"location": "CER ap2",
"numberOfPhones": "0",
"AccessPointPhones": [],
"links": {
"publisherURL": "https://cer151/cerappservices/service/accesspoints?apname=cer-test",
"subscriberURL": "https://unity-sec/cerappservices/service/accesspoints?apname=cer-test"
Fields | Description |
name | Name of the associated AccessPoint |
bssid | Name of the associated BSSID |
ERLName | Associated ERL name for AccessPoint |
MACAddress | Phone Mac-Address present under Accesspoint |
IPAddress | IP Address present under Accesspoint |
Extension | Extension name of the phone present under Accespoint |
numberOfPhones | It will show the number of phone associated with the AccessPoint |
location | Location of the AccessPoint |
Type | Phone type presents under the Accesspoint |