IP Subnet Management
This section of API document provides all the operations that can be performed as part of IP Subnet management API in CER.
Add New IP Subnet
CopyPOST https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/ipsubnetphone
Add a new IPv4 Subnet in CER. The request should be made using the POST
method with a body formatted as below. On successful addition, a 200 OK
response will be sent along with the direct url for the user in response. In case of failures, an appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request example
"ERLNAME": "erl2",
"LOCATION": "Nashik",
Fields | Description |
Subnet ID | IP Address of the subnet |
Subnet Mask | Mask of the subnet |
ERL Name | ERL to assign to the IP subnet |
Do not track phones under this IP subnet | If checked, do not track the IPSubnet and the underlying phones in CER |
Location (Optional) | Location of the new IP Subnet |
Response examples
Copy<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<message>IpSubnet Data Added Successfully</message>
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "IpSubnet Data Added Successfully"
Fields | Description |
status | Overall status message for the response |
message | Detailed message for the response |
Add New IPv6 Subnet
CopyPOST https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/v1/ipsubnetv6
Add a new IPv6 Subnet in CER. The request should be made using the POST
method with a body formatted as below. On successful addition, a 200 OK
response will be sent along with the direct url for the user in response. In case of failures, an appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request example
Request Header
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
TrackingID | String | O | Path variable | Empty | Random UUID | A valid Random UUID generated from client side as path variable or will be generated one as part of server side reference |
Request Body
Fields | Description |
Subnet ID | IPv6 Address of the subnet |
Prefix | Prefix ranges from 1 to 128 |
ERL Name | ERL to assign to the IPv6 subnet |
Do not track phones under this IP subnet | If checked, do not track the IPv6Subnet and the underlying phones in CER |
Location | Location of the new IPv6 Subnet |
Response example
Copy<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<message>IpSubnet Data Added Successfully</message>
Fields | Description |
message | Detailed message for the response |
trackingID | Random UUID value |
Delete IP Subnet
CopyDELETE https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/ipsubnetphone
Delete an IP Subnet in CER. The request should be made using the DELETE
method with a body formatted as below. On successful deletion, a 200 OK
response will be sent along with appropriate status message for the respective cluster. In case of failures, an appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request example
Fields | Description |
ipsubnet | IP subnet address to be deleted |
Response examples
Copy<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<message>IpSubnet Data Deleted Successfully</message>
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "IpSubnet Data Deleted Successfully"
Fields | Description |
status | Overall status message for the response |
message | Message related to the delete operation on IP Subnet |
Update IP Subnet
CopyPUT https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/ipsubnetphone/update
Update an existing IP Subnet in CER. The request should be made using the PUT
method with a body formatted as below. On successful update, a 200 OK
response will be sent in response. In case of failures, an appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Request example
"ERLNAME": "Default",
"LOCATION": "Delhi ",
Fields | Description |
Subnet ID | IP Address of the subnet |
ERL Name | ERL to assign to the IP subnet |
Do not track phones under this IP subnet | If checked, do not track the IPSubnet and the underlying phones in CER |
Location (Optional) | Location of the new IP Subnet |
Response example
Copy<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<message>Default ERL cannot be assigned for IPSubnet</message>
"status": "FAILED",
"message": "Default ERL cannot be assigned for IPSubnet"
Fields | Description |
status | Overall status message for the response |
message | Detailed status message for the response |
Fetch IP Subnet
CopyGET https://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/service/v1/ipsubnet
Retrieve the IP Subnet in CER. The request should be made using the GET
method. On successful addition, a 200 OK
response will be sent along with the direct url for the user in response. In case of failures, an appropriate message will be present in the status field with relevant HTTP return code.
Response example
Copy<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<phoneIpv4Address> </phoneIpv4Address>
<phoneType>Cisco IP Communicator </phoneType>
Request URI Param
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
erlname | String | O | Path variable | Null/Empty | ERL Name present in the server | Display results with the erlname 'Contains' filter. |
offset | Integer | O | Path variable | 0 | Positive Integer | The number of subnets after which the current response should list subnets. |
limit | Integer | O | Path variable | 500 | Positive Integer to maximum of 2000 | Total number of subnets to be provided on response. |
Request Header
Key | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Input Method | Default Value | Allowed Value | Description |
TrackingID | String | O | Path variable | Empty | Random UUID | A valid Random UUID generated from client side as path variable or will be generated one as part of server side reference |
Fields | Description |
subnetID | SubnetId value |
subnetMask | SubnetMask value a standard IPv4 address range |
prefix | IPv6 Subnet prefix ranges from 1 to 128 |
location | Location details |
phoneMACAddress | Mac address of the phone |
phoneIpv4Address | IPv4 Address of the Phone |
phoneIpv6Address | IPv6 address of the Phone |
phoneExt | Phone's Extension |
phoneType | Phone's Type |
isnontrackable | False shows 'Do Not Track' checkbox Enable, True shows 'Do Not Track' checkbox Disable |
paging.next | URL of the next page of Subnets |
paging.prev | URL of the previous page of Subnets |
paging.offset | The starting value of the index for every page for List of Subnets |
paging.limit | The number of entries for the requested page of the list of Subnets |
paging.count | Total number of Available Subnets basis on query |
TrackingID | random UUID value |