Getting Started
Add Dependencies/Generate Client
APIs are available using .proto
files and gRPC to autogenerate client libraries for most popular languages.
files are available at
Quickstart guides for popular languages such as Go, C++, Java, Python, and C# are available at
gRPCurl (like cURL, but for gRPC) is also available to use APIs from the command line.
Run Hello world
1. Install gRPCurl
brew install grpcurl
grpcurl() {
docker run fullstorydev/grpcurl "$@"
2. Make a Request
grpcurl \ \
3. See Results
"metadata": {
"timestamp": "2021-09-30T14:27:55.468Z",
"identifier": {
"subscriptionIdentifier": {
"value": "ce78..."
"ackInfo": {
"value": "Ch5..."
"handsetChangeEvent": {
"previous": {
"imeiSv": {
"imei": "867...",
"softwareVersion": "64"
"current": {
"imeiSv": {
"imei": "867...",
"softwareVersion": "65"
"imsi": {
"value": "Rn..."
Move Out of Sandboxed Environment
To make onboarding easy, all our sample doc omits the Authorization
Authentication is optional for our sandbox environment, but must be added before going to production.
You will need to create an OAuth 2.0 client to access our production environment.
Get a Correctly Scoped Client From Developer Portal
Follow the Authentication guide for how you can create a client and get your first access token.
This guide also shows how to include the access token in your requests.
For this API, you will need to the scope subscription.handset_details:read
If you are unfamiliar with OAuth 2.0 see How OAuth 2.0 works.
Change URL To Target Production
to api.{region}
See Environments reference for more.
Get an Access Token
This API requires that you use the client credentials flow, so the access token will authenticate your product.
Use API With Authorization (Access Token)
grpcurl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-d '
"stream_configuration": {
"regular": {},
"disable_explicit_ack": {}
' \ \
About stream_configuration
For testing purposes, we include the config:
"stream_configuration": {
"regular": {}, Reading position will not be stored in the server and load is not spread between your clients
"disable_explicit_ack": {} Let events be automatically acked
By default, load will automatically be spread between all connections using the same OAuth 2.0 client and you will need to reply with a ack once your service has handled the message. This is also what we would recommend for real production usage.
The steps needed to get started are:
Install dependencies or generate a client library from the public
files at Developer portal: Create an organization, create a product, create a client, and add needed scopes.
Once this is done you can get an access token using OAuth 2.0 and use APIs accessing real data using that access token.