Module _ncs.dp
Low level callback module for connecting data providers to NCS.
This module is used to connect to the NCS Data Provider API. The purpose of this API is to provide callback hooks so that user-written data providers can provide data stored externally to NCS. NCS needs this information in order to drive its northbound agents.
The module is also used to populate items in the data model which are not data or configuration items, such as statistics items from the device.
The module consists of a number of API functions whose purpose is to install different callback functions at different points in the data model tree which is the representation of the device configuration. Read more about callpoints in tailf_yang_extensions(5). Read more about how to use the module in the User Guide chapters on Operational data and External data.
This documentation should be read together with the confd_lib_dp(3) man page.
def aaa_reload(tctx)
When the ConfD AAA tree is populated by an external data provider (see the AAA chapter in the User Guide), this function can be used by the data provider to notify ConfD when there is a change to the AAA data.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
def access_reply_result(actx, result)
The callbacks must call this function to report the result of the access check to ConfD, and should normally return CONFD_OK. If any other value is returned, it will cause the access check to be rejected.
Keyword arguments:
- actx – the authorization context
- result – the result (ACCESS_RESULT_xxx)
def action_delayed_reply_error(uinfo, errstr)
If we use the CONFD_DELAYED_RESPONSE as a return value from the action callback, we must later asynchronously reply. This function is used to reply with error.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- errstr – an error string
def action_delayed_reply_ok(uinfo)
If we use the CONFD_DELAYED_RESPONSE as a return value from the action callback, we must later asynchronously reply. This function is used to reply with success.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
def action_reply_command(uinfo, values)
If a CLI callback command should return data, it must invoke this function in response to the cb_command() callback.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- values – a list of strings or None
def action_reply_completion(uinfo, values)
This function must normally be called in response to the cb_completion() callback.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- values – a list of 3-tuples or None (see below)
The values argument must be None or a list of 3-tuples where each tuple is built up like:
The third item of the tuple (extra) may be set to None.
def action_reply_range_enum(uinfo, values, keysize)
This function must be called in response to the cb_completion() callback when it is invoked via a tailf:cli-custom-range-enumerator statement in the data model.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- values – a list of keys as strings or None
- keysize – number of keys for the list in the data model
The values argument is a flat list of keys. If the list in the data model specifies multiple keys this list is still flat. The keysize argument tells us how many keys to use for each list element. So the size of values should be a multiple of keysize.
def action_reply_rewrite(uinfo, values, unhides)
This function can be called instead of action_reply_command() as a response to a show path rewrite callback invocation.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- values – a list of strings or None
- unhides – a list of strings or None
def action_reply_rewrite2(uinfo, values, unhides, selects)
This function can be called instead of action_reply_command() as a response to a show path rewrite callback invocation.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- values – a list of strings or None
- unhides – a list of strings or None
- selects – a list of strings or None
def action_reply_values(uinfo, values)
If the action definition specifies that the action should return data, it must invoke this function in response to the cb_action() callback.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- values – a list of _lib.TagValue instances or None
def action_set_fd(uinfo, sock)
Associate a worker socket with the action. This function must be called in the action cb_init() callback.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- sock – a previously connected worker socket
A typical implementation of an action cb_init() callback looks like:
def action_set_timeout(uinfo, timeout_secs)
Some action callbacks may require a significantly longer execution time than others, and this time may not even be possible to determine statically (e.g. a file download). In such cases the /confdConfig/capi/queryTimeout setting in confd.conf may be insufficient, and this function can be used to extend (or shorten) the timeout for the current callback invocation. The timeout is given in seconds from the point in time when the function is called.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- timeout_secs – timeout value
def action_seterr(uinfo, errstr)
If action callback encounters fatal problems that can not be expressed via the reply function, it may call this function with an appropriate message and return CONFD_ERR instead of CONFD_OK.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- errstr – an error message string
def action_seterr_extended(uninfo, code, apptag_ns, apptag_tag, errstr)
This function can be used to provide more structured error information from an action callback.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- code – an error code
- apptag_ns – namespace - should be set to 0
- apptag_tag – either 0 or the hash value for a data model node
- errstr – an error message string
def action_seterr_extended_info(uinfo, code, apptag_ns, apptag_tag, error_info, errstr)
This function can be used to provide structured error information in the same way as action_seterr_extended(), and additionally provide contents for the NETCONF
element. Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- code – an error code
- apptag_ns – namespace - should be set to 0
- apptag_tag – either 0 or the hash value for a data model node
- error_info – a list of _lib.TagValue instances
- errstr – an error message string
def auth_seterr(actx, errstr)
This function is used by the application to set an error string.
This function can be used to provide a text message when the callback returns CONFD_ERR. If used when rejecting a successful authentication, the message will be logged in ConfD's audit log (otherwise a generic "rejected by application callback" message is logged).
Keyword arguments:
- actx – the auth context
- errstr – an error message string
The authorization callbacks are invoked on the daemon control socket, and as such are expected to complete quickly. However in case they send requests to a remote server, and such a request needs to be retried, this function can be used to extend the timeout for the current callback invocation. The timeout is given in seconds from the point in time when the function is called.
Keyword arguments:
- actx – the authorization context
- timeout_secs – timeout value
def connect(dx, sock, type, ip, port, path)
Connects to the ConfD daemon. The socket instance provided via the 'sock' argument must be kept alive during the lifetime of the daemon context.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- sock – a Python socket instance
- type – the socket type (CONTROL_SOCKET or WORKER_SOCKET)
- ip – the ip address if socket is AF_INET (optional)
- port – the port if socket is AF_INET (optional)
- path – a filename if socket is AF_UNIX (optional).
def data_get_list_filter(tctx) ‑> ListFilter
Get list filter from transaction context.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
def data_reply_attrs(tctx, attrs)
This function is used by the cb_get_attrs() callback to return the requested attribute values.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- attrs – a list of _lib.AttrValue instances
def data_reply_found(tctx)
This function is used by the cb_exists_optional() callback to indicate to ConfD that a node does exist.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
def data_reply_next_key(tctx, keys, next)
This function is used by the cb_get_next() and cb_find_next() callbacks to return the next key.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- keys – a list of keys of _lib.Value for a list item (se below)
- next – int value passed to the next invocation of cb_get_next() callback
A list may have mutiple key leafs specified in the data model. This is why the keys argument must be a list.
def data_reply_next_object_array(tctx, v, next)
This function is used by the optional cb_get_next_object() and cb_find_next_object() callbacks to return an entire object including its keys. It combines the functions of data_reply_next_key() and data_reply_value_array().
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- v – a list of _lib.Value instances
- next – int value passed to the next invocation of cb_get_next() callback
def data_reply_next_object_arrays(tctx, objs, timeout_millisecs)
This function is used by the optional cb_get_next_object() and cb_find_next_object() callbacks to return multiple objects including their keys, in _lib.Value form.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- objs – a list of tuples or None (see below)
- timeout_millisecs – timeout value for ConfD's caching of returned data
The format of argument objs is list(tuple(list(_lib.Value), long)), or None to indicate end of list. Another way to indicate end of list is to include None as the first item in the 2-tuple last in the list.
def data_reply_next_object_tag_value_array(tctx, tvs, next)
This function is used by the optional cb_get_next_object() and cb_find_next_object() callbacks to return an entire object including its keys
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- tvs – a list of _lib.TagValue instances or None
- next – int value passed to the next invocation of cb_get_next_object() callback
def data_reply_next_object_tag_value_arrays(tctx, objs, timeout_millisecs)
This function is used by the optional cb_get_next_object() and cb_find_next_object() callbacks to return multiple objects including their keys.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- objs – a list of tuples or None (see below)
- timeout_millisecs – timeout value for ConfD's caching of returned data
The format of argument objs is list(tuple(list(_lib.TagValue), long)) or None to indicate end of list. Another way to indicate end of list is to include None as the first item in the 2-tuple last in the list.
def data_reply_not_found(tctx)
This function is used by the cb_get_elem() and cb_exists_optional() callbacks to indicate to ConfD that a list entry or node does not exist.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
def data_reply_tag_value_array(tctx, tvs)
This function is used to return an array of values, corresponding to a complete list entry, to ConfD. It can be used by the optional cb_get_object() callback.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- tvs – a list of _lib.TagValue instances or None
def data_reply_value(tctx, v)
This function is used to return a single data item to ConfD.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- v – a _lib.Value instance
def data_reply_value_array(tctx, vs)
This function is used to return an array of values, corresponding to a complete list entry, to ConfD. It can be used by the optional cb_get_object() callback.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- vs – a list of _lib.Value instances
def data_set_timeout(tctx, timeout_secs)
A data callback should normally complete quickly, since e.g. the execution of a 'show' command in the CLI may require many data callback invocations. In some rare cases it may still be necessary for a data callback to have a longer execution time, and then this function can be used to extend (or shorten) the timeout for the current callback invocation. The timeout is given in seconds from the point in time when the function is called.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- timeout_secs – timeout value
def db_set_timeout(dbx, timeout_secs)
Some of the DB callbacks registered via register_db_cb(), e.g. cb_copy_running_to_startup(), may require a longer execution time than others. This function can be used to extend the timeout for the current callback invocation. The timeout is given in seconds from the point in time when the function is called.
Keyword arguments:
- dbx – a db context of DbCtxRef
- timeout_secs – timeout value
def db_seterr(dbx, errstr)
This function is used by the application to set an error string.
Keyword arguments:
- dbx – a db context
- errstr – an error message string
def db_seterr_extended(dbx, code, apptag_ns, apptag_tag, errstr)
This function can be used to provide more structured error information from a db callback.
Keyword arguments:
- dbx – a db context
- code – an error code
- apptag_ns – namespace - should be set to 0
- apptag_tag – either 0 or the hash value for a data model node
- errstr – an error message string
def db_seterr_extended_info(dbx, code, apptag_ns, apptag_tag, error_info, errstr)
This function can be used to provide structured error information in the same way as db_seterr_extended(), and additionally provide contents for the NETCONF
element. Keyword arguments:
- dbx – a db context
- code – an error code
- apptag_ns – namespace - should be set to 0
- apptag_tag – either 0 or the hash value for a data model node
- error_info – a list of _lib.TagValue instances
- errstr – an error message string
def delayed_reply_error(tctx, errstr)
This function must be used to return an error when tha actual callback returned CONFD_DELAYED_RESPONSE.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- errstr – an error message string
def delayed_reply_ok(tctx)
This function must be used to return the equivalent of CONFD_OK when the actual callback returned CONFD_DELAYED_RESPONSE.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
def delayed_reply_validation_warn(tctx)
This function must be used to return the equivalent of CONFD_VALIDATION_WARN when the cb_validate() callback returned CONFD_DELAYED_RESPONSE.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
def error_seterr(uinfo, errstr)
This function must be called by format_error() (above) to provide a replacement for the default error message. If format_error() is called without calling error_seterr() the default message will be used.
Keyword arguments:
- uinfo – a user info context
- errstr – an string describing the error
def fd_ready(dx, sock)
The database application owns all data provider sockets to ConfD and is responsible for the polling of these sockets. When one of the ConfD sockets has I/O ready to read, the application must invoke fd_ready() on the socket.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- sock – the socket
def init_daemon(name) ‑> DaemonCtxRef
Initializes and returns a new daemon context.
Keyword arguments:
- name – a string used to uniquely identify the daemon
def install_crypto_keys(dtx)
It is possible to define DES3 and AES keys inside confd.conf. These keys are used by ConfD to encrypt data which is entered into the system which has either of the two builtin types tailf:des3-cbc-encrypted-string or tailf:aes-cfb-128-encrypted-string. This function will copy those keys from ConfD (which reads confd.conf) into memory in the library.
This function must be called before register_done() is called.
Keyword arguments:
- dtx – a daemon context wich is connected through a call to connect()
def nano_service_reply_proplist(tctx, proplist)
This function must be called with the new property list, immediately prior to returning from the callback, if the stored property list should be updated. If a callback returns without calling nano_service_reply_proplist(), the previous property list is retained. To completely delete the property list, call this function with the proplist argument set to an empty list or None.
The proplist argument should be a list of 2-tuples built up like this: list( (name, value), (name, value), … ) In a 2-tuple both 'name' and 'value' must be strings.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- proplist – a list of properties or None
def notification_flush(nctx)
Notifications are sent asynchronously, i.e. normally without blocking the caller of the send functions described above. This means that in some cases ConfD's sending of the notifications on the northbound interfaces may lag behind the send calls. This function can be used to make sure that the notifications have actually been sent out.
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_notification_stream()
def notification_replay_complete(nctx)
The application calls this function to notify ConfD that the replay is complete
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_notification_stream()
def notification_replay_failed(nctx)
In case the application fails to complete the replay as requested (e.g. the log gets overwritten while the replay is in progress), the application should call this function instead of notification_replay_complete(). An error message describing the reason for the failure can be supplied by first calling notification_seterr() or notification_seterr_extended().
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_notification_stream()
def notification_reply_log_times(nctx, creation, aged)
Reply function for use in the cb_get_log_times() callback invocation. If no notifications have been aged out of the log, give None for the aged argument.
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_notification_stream()
- creation – a _lib.DateTime instance
- aged – a _lib.DateTime instance or None
def notification_send(nctx, time, values)
This function is called by the application to send a notification defined at the top level of a YANG module, whether "live" or replay.
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_notification_stream()
- time – a _lib.DateTime instance
- values – a list of _lib.TagValue instances or None
def notification_send_path(nctx, time, values, path)
This function is called by the application to send a notification defined as a child of a container or list in a YANG 1.1 module, whether "live" or replay.
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_notification_stream()
- time – a _lib.DateTime instance
- values – a list of _lib.TagValue instances or None
- path – path to the parent of the notification in the data tree
def notification_send_snmp(nctx, notification, varbinds)
Sends the SNMP notification specified by 'notification', without requesting inform-request delivery information. This is equivalent to calling notification_send_snmp_inform() with None as the cb_id argument. I.e. if the common arguments are the same, the two functions will send the exact same set of traps and inform-requests.
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_snmp_notification()
- notification – the notification string
- varbinds – a list of _lib.SnmpVarbind instances or None
def notification_send_snmp_inform(nctx, notification, varbinds, cb_id, ref)
notification_send_snmp_inform(nctx, notification, varbinds, cb_id, ref) ->None
Sends the SNMP notification specified by notification. If cb_id is not None the callbacks registered for cb_id will be invoked with the ref argument.
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_snmp_notification()
- notification – the notification string
- varbinds – a list of _lib.SnmpVarbind instances or None
- cb_id – callback id
- ref – argument send to callbacks
def notification_set_fd(nctx, sock)
This function may optionally be called by the cb_replay() callback to request that the worker socket given by 'sock' should be used for the replay. Otherwise the socket specified in register_notification_stream() will be used.
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_notification_stream()
- sock – a previously connected worker socket
def notification_set_snmp_notify_name(nctx, notify_name)
This function can be used to change the snmpNotifyName (notify_name) for the nctx context.
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_snmp_notification()
- notify_name – the snmpNotifyName
def notification_set_snmp_src_addr(nctx, family, src_addr)
By default, the source address for the SNMP notifications that are sent by the above functions is chosen by the IP stack of the OS. This function may be used to select a specific source address, given by src_addr, for the SNMP notifications subsequently sent using the nctx context. The default can be restored by calling the function with family set to AF_UNSPEC.
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_snmp_notification()
- family – AF_INET, AF_INET6 or AF_UNSPEC
- src_addr – the source address in string format
def notification_seterr(nctx, errstr)
In some cases the callbacks may be unable to carry out the requested actions, e.g. the capacity for simultaneous replays might be exceeded, and they can then return CONFD_ERR. This function allows the callback to associate an error message with the failure. It can also be used to supply an error message before calling notification_replay_failed().
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_notification_stream()
- errstr – an error message string
def notification_seterr_extended(nctx, code, apptag_ns, apptag_tag, errstr)
notification_seterr_extended(nctx, code, apptag_ns, apptag_tag, errstr) ->None
This function can be used to provide more structured error information from a notification callback.
Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_notification_stream()
- code – an error code
- apptag_ns – namespace - should be set to 0
- apptag_tag – either 0 or the hash value for a data model node
- errstr – an error message string
def notification_seterr_extended_info(nctx, code, apptag_ns, apptag_tag, error_info, errstr)
This function can be used to provide structured error information in the same way as notification_seterr_extended(), and additionally provide contents for the NETCONF
element. Keyword arguments:
- nctx – notification context returned from register_notification_stream()
- code – an error code
- apptag_ns – namespace - should be set to 0
- apptag_tag – either 0 or the hash value for a data model node
- error_info – a list of _lib.TagValue instances
- errstr – an error message string
def register_action_cbs(dx, actionpoint, acb)
This function registers up to five callback functions, two of which will be called in sequence when an action is invoked.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- actionpoint – the name of the action point
- vcb – the callback instance (see below)
The acb argument should be an instance of a class with callback methods. E.g.:
Notes about some of the callbacks:
cb_action() The params argument is a list of _lib.TagValue instances.
cb_command() The argv argument is a list of strings.
def register_auth_cb(dx, acb)
Registers the authentication callback.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- abc – the callback instance (see below)
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- abc – the callback instance (see below)
- cmd_filter – set to 0 for no filtering
- data_filter – set to 0 for no filtering
def register_data_cb(dx, callpoint, data, flags)
Registers data manipulation callback functions.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- callpoint – name of a tailf:callpoint in the data model
- data – the callback instance (see below)
- flags – data callbacks flags, dp.DATA_* (optional)
The data argument should be an instance of a class with callback methods. E.g.:
def register_db_cb(dx, dbcbs)
This function is used to set callback functions which span over several ConfD transactions.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- dbcbs – the callback instance (see below)
The dbcbs argument should be an instance of a class with callback methods. E.g.:
def register_done(dx)
When we have registered all the callbacks for a daemon (including the other types described below if we have them), we must call this function to synchronize with ConfD. No callbacks will be invoked until it has been called, and after the call, no further registrations are allowed.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
def register_error_cb(dx, errortypes, ecbs)
This funciton can be used to register error callbacks that are invoked for internally generated errors.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- errortypes – logical OR of the error types that the ecbs should handle
- ecbs – the callback instance (see below)
def register_nano_service_cb(dx, servicepoint, componenttype, state, nscb)
This function registers the nano service callbacks.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- servicepoint – name of the service point (string)
- componenttype – name of the plan component for the nano service (string)
- state – name of component state for the nano service (string)
- nscb – the nano callback instance (see below)
def register_notification_snmp_inform_cb(dx, cb_id, cbs)
If we want to receive information about the delivery of SNMP inform-requests, we must register two callbacks for this.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- cb_id – the callback identifier
- cbs – the callback instance (see below)
def register_notification_stream(dx, ncbs, sock, streamname) ‑> NotificationCtxRef
This function registers the notification stream and optionally two callback functions used for the replay functionality.
The returned notification context must be used by the application for the sending of live notifications via notification_send() or notification_send_path().
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- ncbs – the callback instance (see below)
- sock – a previously connected worker socket
- streamname – the name of the notification stream
def register_notification_sub_snmp_cb(dx, sub_id, cbs)
Registers a callback function to be called when an SNMP notification is received by the SNMP gateway.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- sub_id – the subscription id for the notifications
- cbs – the callback instance (see below)
def register_range_action_cbs(dx, actionpoint, acb, lower, upper, path)
A variant of register_action_cbs() which registers action callbacks for a range of key values. The lower, upper, and path arguments are the same as for register_range_data_cb().
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- actionpoint – the name of the action point
- data – the callback instance (see register_action_cbs())
- lower – a list of Value's or None
- upper – a list of Value's or None
- path – path for the list (string)
def register_range_data_cb(dx, callpoint, data, lower, upper, path, flags)
This is a variant of register_data_cb() which registers a set of callbacks for a range of list entries.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- callpoint – name of a tailf:callpoint in the data model
- data – the callback instance (see register_data_cb())
- lower – a list of Value's or None
- upper – a list of Value's or None
- path – path for the list (string)
- flags – data callbacks flags, dp.DATA_* (optional)
def register_range_valpoint_cb(dx, valpoint, vcb, lower, upper, path)
A variant of register_valpoint_cb() which registers a validation function for a range of key values. The lower, upper and path arguments are the same as for register_range_data_cb().
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- valpoint – name of a validation point
- data – the callback instance (see register_valpoint_cb())
- lower – a list of Value's or None
- upper – a list of Value's or None
- path – path for the list (string)
def register_service_cb(dx, servicepoint, scb)
This function registers the service callbacks.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- servicepoint – name of the service point (string)
- scb – the callback instance (see below)
def register_snmp_notification(dx, sock, notify_name, ctx_name) ‑> NotificationCtxRef
SNMP notifications can also be sent via the notification framework, however most aspects of the stream concept do not apply for SNMP. This function is used to register a worker socket, the snmpNotifyName (notify_name), and SNMP context (ctx_name) to be used for the notifications.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- sock – a previously connected worker socket
- notify_name – the snmpNotifyName
- ctx_name – the SNMP context
def register_trans_cb(dx, trans)
Registers transaction callback functions.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- trans – the callback instance (see below)
The trans argument should be an instance of a class with callback methods. E.g.:
def register_trans_validate_cb(dx, vcbs)
This function installs two callback functions for the daemon context. One function that gets called when the validation phase starts in a transaction and one when the validation phase stops in a transaction.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- vcbs – the callback instance (see below)
The vcbs argument should be an instance of a class with callback methods. E.g.:
def register_usess_cb(dx, ucb)
This function can be used to register information callbacks that are invoked for user session start and stop.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- ucb – the callback instance (see below)
def register_valpoint_cb(dx, valpoint, vcb)
We must also install an actual validation function for each validation point, i.e. for each tailf:validate statement in the YANG data model.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- valpoint – the name of the validation point
- vcb – the callback instance (see below)
The vcb argument should be an instance of a class with a callback method. E.g.:
def release_daemon(dx)
Releases all memory that has been allocated by init_daemon() and other functions for the daemon context. The control socket as well as all the worker sockets must be closed by the application (before or after release_daemon() has been called).
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
def service_reply_proplist(tctx, proplist)
This function must be called with the new property list, immediately prior to returning from the callback, if the stored property list should be updated. If a callback returns without calling service_reply_proplist(), the previous property list is retained. To completely delete the property list, call this function with the proplist argument set to an empty list or None.
The proplist argument should be a list of 2-tuples built up like this: list( (name, value), (name, value), … ) In a 2-tuple both 'name' and 'value' must be strings.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- proplist – a list of properties or None
def set_daemon_flags(dx, flags)
Modifies the API behaviour according to the flags ORed into the flags argument.
Keyword arguments:
- dx – a daemon context acquired through a call to init_daemon()
- flags – the flags to set
def trans_set_fd(tctx, sock)
Associate a worker socket with the transaction, or validation phase. This function must be called in the transaction and validation cb_init() callbacks.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- sock – a previously connected worker socket
A minimal implementation of a transaction cb_init() callback looks like:
def trans_seterr(tctx, errstr)
This function is used by the application to set an error string.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- errstr – an error message string
def trans_seterr_extended(tctx, code, apptag_ns, apptag_tag, errstr)
This function can be used to provide more structured error information from a transaction or data callback.
Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- code – an error code
- apptag_ns – namespace - should be set to 0
- apptag_tag – either 0 or the hash value for a data model node
- errstr – an error message string
def trans_seterr_extended_info(tctx, code, apptag_ns, apptag_tag, error_info, errstr)
This function can be used to provide structured error information in the same way as trans_seterr_extended(), and additionally provide contents for the NETCONF
element. Keyword arguments:
- tctx – a transaction context
- code – an error code
- apptag_ns – namespace - should be set to 0
- apptag_tag – either 0 or the hash value for a data model node
- error_info – a list of _lib.TagValue instances
- errstr – an error message string
class AuthCtxRef (...)
This type represents the c-type struct confd_auth_ctx.
Available attributes:
- uinfo – the user info (UserInfo)
- method – the method (string)
- success – success or failure (bool)
- groups – authorization groups if success is True (list of strings)
- logno – log number if success is False (int)
- reason – error reason if success is False (string)
AuthCtxRef cannot be directly instantiated from Python.
class AuthorizationCtxRef (...)
This type represents the c-type struct confd_authorization_ctx.
Available attributes:
- uinfo – the user info (UserInfo) or None
- groups – authorization groups (list of strings) or None
AuthorizationCtxRef cannot be directly instantiated from Python.
class DaemonCtxRef (...)
struct confd_daemon_ctx references object
class DbCtxRef (...)
This type represents the c-type struct confd_db_ctx.
DbCtxRef cannot be directly instantiated from Python.
def did() ‑> int
def dx() ‑> DaemonCtxRef
def lastop() ‑> int
def qref() ‑> int
def uinfo() ‑> UserInfo
class ListFilter (...)
This type represents the c-type struct confd_list_filter.
Available attributes:
- type – filter type, LF_*
- expr1 – OR, AND, NOT expression
- expr2 – OR, AND expression
- op – operation, CMP_ and EXEC_
- node – filter tagpath
- val – filter value
ListFilter cannot be directly instantiated from Python.
class NotificationCtxRef (...)
This type represents the c-type struct confd_notification_ctx.
Available attributes:
- name – stream name or snmp notify name (string or None)
- ctx_name – for snmp only (string or None)
- fd – worker socket (int)
- dx – the daemon context (DaemonCtxRef)
NotificationCtxRef cannot be directly instantiated from Python.
class TrItemRef (...)
This type represents the c-type confd_tr_item.
Available attributes:
- callpoint – the callpoint (string)
- op – operation, one of C_SET_ELEM, C_CREATE, C_REMOVE, C_SET_CASE, C_SET_ATTR or C_MOVE_AFTER (int)
- hkp – the keypath (HKeypathRef)
- val – the value (Value or None)
- choice – the choice, only for C_SET_CASE (Value or None)
- attr – attribute, only for C_SET_ATTR (int or None)
- next – the next TrItemRef object in the linked list or None if no more items are found
TrItemRef cannot be directly instantiated from Python.