Module econfd_schema
Support for using schema information in the Erlang API.
Version: 5.7.19
Behaviours: gen_server.
Support for using schema information in the Erlang API.
Keeps schema info in a set of ets tables named by the toplevel namespace.
confd_cs_choice() = #confd_cs_choice{}
confd_cs_node() = #confd_cs_node{}
confd_nsinfo() = #confd_nsinfo{}
confd_type_cbs() = #confd_type_cbs{}
choice_children(Node) -> Children
Get a flat list of children for a confd_cs_node()
with any choice/case structure(s) removed.
get_cs(Ns, Tagpath) -> Result
Find schema node by namespace and tagpath.
Get a list of loaded namespaces with info.
get_type(TypeName) -> Result
Get schema type definition identifier for built-in type.
Get schema type definition identifier for type defined in namespace.
ikeypath2cs(IKeypath) -> Result
Find schema node by ikeypath.
load(Address, Port) -> Result
Load schema info from ConfD.
register_type_cbs(TypeCbs) -> ok
Register callbacks for a user-defined type. For an application
running in its own Erlang VM, this function registers the callbacks
in the loaded schema information, similar to confd_register_node_type()
in the C API. For an application running inside ConfD, this function
registers the callbacks in ConfD's internal schema information, similar
to using a shared object with confd_type_cb_init() in the C API.
str2val(TypeId, Lexical) -> Result
Convert string to value based on schema type.
Note: For type identityref below a mount point
(device data in NSO), TypeId must be
val2str(TypeId, Value) -> Result
Convert value to string based on schema type.
Generated by EDoc