Module ncs.application
Module for building NCS applications.
def get_device(node, name)
Get a device node by name.
Returns a maagic node representing a device.
- node – any maagic node with a Transaction backend or a Transaction object
- name – the device name (string)
def get_ned_id(device)
Get the ned-id of a device.
Returns the ned-id as a string or None if not found.
- device – a maagic node representing the device
class Application (*args, **kwds)
Class for easy implementation of an NCS application.
This class is intended to be sub-classed and used as a 'component class' inside an NCS package. It will be instantiated by NCS when the package is loaded. The setup() method should to be implemented to register service- and action callbacks. When NCS stops or an error occurs, teardown() will be called. A 'log' attribute is available for logging.
Example application:
Initialize an Application object.
Don't try to initialize this object. I will be done by NCS.
- ncs_pyvm.ncspyvm.NcsPyVM
Class variables
def create_daemon(self, name=None)
Name the underlying dp.Daemon object (deprecated)
def register_action(self, actionpoint, action_cls, init_args=None)
Register an action callback class.
Call this method to register 'action_cls' as the action callback class for action point 'actionpoint'. 'action_cls' should be a subclass of dp.Action. If the optional argument 'init_args' is supplied it will be passed in to the init() method of the subclass.
def register_fun(self, start_fun, stop_fun)
Register custom start and stop functions.
Call this method to register a start and stop function that will be called with a dp.Daemon.State during application setup.
Example start and stop functions:
def register_nano_service(self, servicepoint, componenttype, state, nano_service_cls, init_args=None)
Register a nano service callback class.
Call this method to register 'nano_service_cls' as the nano service callback class for service point 'servicepoint'. 'nano service_cls' should be a subclass of NanoService. If the optional argument 'init_args' is supplied it will be passed in to the init() method of the subclass.
def register_service(self, servicepoint, service_cls, init_args=None)
Register a service callback class.
Call this method to register 'service_cls' as the service callback class for service point 'servicepoint'. 'service_cls' should be a subclass of Service. If the optional argument 'init_args' is supplied it will be passed in to the init() method of the subclass.
def register_trans_cb(self, trans_cb_cls)
Register a transaction callback class.
If a custom transaction callback implementation is needed, call this method with the transaction callback class as the 'trans_cb_cls' argument.
def set_log_level(self, log_level)
Set log level for all workers (only relevant for _ProcessAppWorker)
def setup(self)
Application setup method.
Override this method to register actions and services. Any other initialization could also be done here. If the call to this method throws an exception the teardown method will be immediately called and the application shutdown.
def teardown(self)
Application teardown method.
Override this method to clean up custom resources allocated in setup().
class NanoService (daemon, servicepoint, componenttype, state, log=None, init_args=None)
NanoService callback.
This class makes it easy to create and register nano service callbacks by subclassing it and implementing some of the nano service callbacks.
Initialize this object.
The 'daemon' argument should be a Daemon instance. 'servicepoint' is the name of the tailf:servicepoint to manage. Argument 'log' can be any log object, and if not set the Daemon log will be used. 'init_args' may be any object that will be passed into init() when this object is constructed. Lastly, the low-level function dp.register_nano_service_cb() will be called.
When creating a service callback using Application.register_nano_service there is no need to manually initialize this object as it is then done automatically.
Static methods
def create(fn)
Decorator for the cb_nano_create callback.
Using this decorator alters the signature of the cb_create callback and passes in maagic.Node objects for root and service. The maagic.Node objects received in 'root' and 'service' are backed by a MAAPI connection with the FASTMAP handle attached. To update 'proplist' simply return it from this function.
Example of a decorated cb_create:
Callback arguments:
- tctx - transaction context (TransCtxRef)
- root – root node (maagic.Node)
- service – service node (maagic.Node)
- plan – current plan node (maagic.Node)
- component – plan component active for this invokation
- state – plan component state active for this invokation
- proplist - properties (list(tuple(str, str)))
- compproplist - component properties (list(tuple(str, str)))
def delete(fn)
Decorator for the cb_nano_delete callback.
Using this decorator alters the signature of the cb_delete callback and passes in maagic.Node objects for root and service. The maagic.Node objects received in 'root' and 'service' are backed by a MAAPI connection with the FASTMAP handle attached. To update 'proplist' simply return it from this function.
Example of a decorated cb_create:
Callback arguments:
- tctx - transaction context (TransCtxRef)
- root – root node (maagic.Node)
- service – service node (maagic.Node)
- plan – current plan node (maagic.Node)
- component – plan component active for this invokation
- state – plan component state active for this invokation
- proplist - properties (list(tuple(str, str)))
- compproplist - component properties (list(tuple(str, str)))
Instance variables
var maapi
def init(self, init_args)
Custom initialization.
When registering a service using Application this method will be called with the 'init_args' passed into the register_service() function.
def start(self)
Start NanoService
def stop(self)
Stop NanoService
class PlanComponent (planpath, name, component_type)
Service plan component.
The usage of this class is in conjunction with a service that uses a reactive FASTMAP pattern. With a plan the service states can be tracked and controlled.
A service plan can consist of many PlanComponent's. This is operational data that is stored together with the service configuration.
Initialize a PlanComponent.
def append_state(self, state_name)
Append a new state to this plan component.
The state status will be initialized to 'ncs:not-reached'.
def set_failed(self, state_name)
Set state status to 'ncs:failed'.
def set_reached(self, state_name)
Set state status to 'ncs:reached'.
def set_status(self, state_name, status)
Set state status.
class Service (daemon, servicepoint, log=None, init_args=None)
Service callback.
This class makes it easy to create and register service callbacks by subclassing it and implementing some of the service callbacks.
Initialize this object.
The 'daemon' argument should be a Daemon instance. 'servicepoint' is the name of the tailf:servicepoint to manage. Argument 'log' can be any log object, and if not set the Daemon log will be used. 'init_args' may be any object that will be passed into init() when this object is constructed. Lastly, the low-level function dp.register_service_cb() will be called.
When creating a service callback using Application.register_service there is no need to manually initialize this object as it is then done automatically.
Static methods
def create(fn)
Decorator for the cb_create callback.
Using this decorator alters the signature of the cb_create callback and passes in maagic.Node objects for root and service. The maagic.Node objects received in 'root' and 'service' are backed by a MAAPI connection with the FASTMAP handle attached. To update 'proplist' simply return it from this function.
Example of a decorated cb_create:
Callback arguments:
- tctx - transaction context (TransCtxRef)
- root – root node (maagic.Node)
- service – service node (maagic.Node)
- proplist - properties (list(tuple(str, str)))
def post_modification(fn)
Decorator for the cb_post_modification callback.
For details see Service.pre_modification decorator.
def pre_lock_create(fn)
Decorator for the cb_pre_lock_create callback.
For details see Service.create decorator.
Please note that the cb_pre_lock_create callback is deprecated. Use the cb_create callback instead.
def pre_modification(fn)
Decorator for the cb_pre_modification callback.
Using this decorator alters the signature of the cb_pre_modification. callback and passes in a maagic.Node object for root. This method is invoked outside FASTMAP. To update 'proplist' simply return it from this function.
Example of a decorated cb_pre_modification:
Callback arguments:
- tctx - transaction context (TransCtxRef)
- op – operation (int)
- kp – keypath (HKeypathRef)
- root – root node (maagic.Node)
- proplist - properties (list(tuple(str, str)))
Instance variables
var maapi
def init(self, init_args)
Custom initialization.
When registering a service using Application this method will be called with the 'init_args' passed into the register_service() function.
def start(self)
Start Service
def stop(self)
Stop Service