Dashboard API and Postman

Postman is a popular graphical tool for working with REST APIs. You can use it to easily explore and work with the Meraki Dashboard API.


If you are new to programming or a seasoned software engineer, knowing what’s possible is half the battle. Postman allows you to select from a "Collection" of API calls that you can run with a push of a button. You can explore the data responses and build custom requests without any programming knowledge. But, there are certainly some powerful things you can do with this as you learn to navigate APIs and build custom collections.


By selecting from an exsiting API endpoint or defning your own, hitting the Send button will return the "response" data.


The data typically consists of name/value pairs in a format called JSON, which makes it easy to read and develop with.


You can also export the API call into your preferred programming language, like Python or NodeJS by opening the Code link.


Read the Getting Started section to start exploring the Meraki APIs with Postman.