Location API v2
Using the physical placement of the access points from the Map & Floorplan on the Dashboard, the cloud estimates the location of the clients observed. This data is then made available via the Location API.
The folliwing information will dive into the details of how the API works and how to get started building your own Location API receiver.
Delivery Frequency
- One JSON
per access point, per minute per, type (WiFi/BLE)
- Expect up to an additional minute for the results to be gathered from the access points to be calculated in the cloud.
Note: Meraki cannot provide a guaranteed interval, as it can depend on a number of factors, including quantity of access points in the network, and the response time (latency) of the customer receiver. Typical POST intervals range from 1-2 minute intervals, but are not guaranteed.
Senario Example
x10 APs with default Location API enabled
x10 APs with Location API & Bluetooth Location enabled
The Location API will send all messages to the "POST URL" specified in the Meraki Dashboard. This URL must be a secure HTTPS receiver to ensure the data is protected.
For examples of open source receivers, see the Resources section in this guide.
The validator must be replied to Meraki to ensure the correct endpoint. The Post URL must respond to a [GET] request with the provided validator string.
[GET] https://youserver/
This endpoint is called by Meraki to validate the receiving server. It expects to receive a string that matches the validator defined in the Meraki Dashboard for the respective network. The receiving server must be using HTTPS (TLS) for secure transmission.
Response Parameters
Return the validator string in the response body.
Name |
Type |
Sample |
validator |
string |
91473298742319492749273285409845 |
Sample Response
[POST] https://yourserver
This endpoint is responsible for receiving the observation data provided by Meraki. The URL path should match that of the [GET] request, used for validation.
The response body will consist of an array of JSON objects containing the observations for an individual access point. The JSON will be determined based on WiFi or BLE device observations as indicated in the type