Bluetooth Scanning
Meraki APs with an integrated Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) radio can detect and locate nearby Bluetooth Low Energy devices. This data is then provided through API to third-party applications. Examples of such devices include smartwatches, battery-based beacons, Apple iBeacons, fitness monitors, and remote sensors.
Using the BLE beacons, mobile devices within close proximity are enable to perform various actions including but not limited to customer engagement, asset tracking as well as provide valuable business insight based on location. Using the UUID and bytes, organizations are able to determine device location, track end-user behaviors or trigger an action such push notifications. Organization can create use cases for indoor wayfinding and mapping, asset tracking, and more.
Bluetooth clients
Detected devices will also be displayed in the Wireless > Monitor > Bluetooth clients page. The list of BLE clients can be viewed for several different observation time periods (two hours, one day, one week), and displays several useful pieces of information such as the AP that observed the device and, when available, the manufacturer of the device. The dashboard allows tagging the Bluetooth devices to identify individual or groups of devices.
Using the physical placement of the access points from the Map & Floorplan on the Dashboard, the Meraki cloud estimates the location of the client. The geo-location coordinates (latitude, longitude) and X,Y location data accuracy can vary based on a number of factors and should be considered a best effort estimate. AP placement, environmental conditions, and client device orientation can influence X,Y estimation; experimentation can help improve the accuracy of results or determine a maximum acceptable uncertainty for data points.

Email alerts
Additional details about each Bluetooth device can be seen on the client details page. The name of the Bluetooth client can also be edited for easier tracking. Email alerts can be enabled to trigger when the device becomes visible by the access point and when the device is no longer visible.

Enable Bluetooth Scanning
To enable BLE devices to be located first ensure that you've completed the initial Scanning API setup. Then, enable the BLE scanning radio on the access points. BLE Scanning is enabled in the Wireless > Bluetooth Settings > Scanning settings page by selecting "Scanning enabled" in the Scanning section, as shown in Figure 3 below: