Why Use UDS?

Here are some User Data Services use cases:

  • Directory search - find other users both local and remote
    • search using first, last, name, number, numberLast, email, uri (directoryUri or msUri)
  • Manage preferences and settings - configure a user's speed dials, mobility and remote destinations, call forward all, and do not disturb
    • user settings can be queried from any server in any cluster in your network
  • Create collaboration widgets - allow users to update their UC feature status and message waiting indicator (MWI) status
    • users can manage their settings in a user-centric way

In this mock-up of a collaboration widget, you can see that this application allows a user to manage their own personal settings, enable and disable features, and search users by name and number.

Mock-up of Collaboration Widget


 How Does UDS Work?

Learn how it all comes together with the REST APIs

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