- Start
- What's New
- Getting Started
- User Guide
- About
- Basic Operations
- Network Element Drivers and Adding Devices
- Managing Network Services
- The NSO Device Manager
- SSH Key Management
- Alarm Manager
- Plug-and-play Scripting
- Compliance Reporting
- NSO Packages
- Life-cycle Operations - Manipulating Existing Services and Devices
- Web User Interface
- Network Simulator
- Administration Guide
- Northbound APIs
- Development Guide
- Preface
- Development Environment and Resources
- The Configuration Database and YANG
- Basic Automation with Python
- Developing a Simple Service
- Applications in NSO
- Implementing Services
- Templates
- Services Deep Dive
- The NSO Java VM
- The NSO Python VM
- Embedded Erlang applications
- The YANG Data Modeling Language
- Using CDB
- Java API Overview
- Python API Overview
- NSO Packages
- Package Development
- Service Development Using Java
- NED Development
- NED Upgrades and Migration
- Service Handling of Ambiguous Device Models
- Scaling and Performance Optimization
- NSO Concurrency Model
- Developing Alarm Applications
- SNMP Notification Receiver
- The web server
- Kicker
- Scheduler
- Progress Trace
- Nano Services for Staged Provisioning
- Encryption Keys
- External Logging
- NSO Developer Studio
- Web UI
- Layered Service Architecture
- Manual Pages
- NSO Documentation Home
- NSO SDK API Reference
- NSO Change Log Explorer
- NSO NED Change Log Explorer
- NSO NED Capabilities Explorer
- NSO on DevNet
- Get Support
This documentation corresponds to an older version of the product, is no longer updated, and may contain outdated information.
Please access the latest versions from https://cisco-tailf.gitbook.io/nso-docs and update your bookmarks. OK
The NSO Python library contains a variety of APIs for different purposes. In this chapter we introduce these and explain their usage. The NSO Python modules deliverables are found in two variants, the low-level APIs and the high-level APIs.
The low-level APIs is a direct mapping of the NSO C APIs, CDB and MAAPI. These will follow the evolution of the C APIs. See man confd_lib_lib for further information.
The high-level APIs is an abstraction layer on top of the low-level APIs to make the them easier to use, to improve code readability and development rate for common use cases. E.g. services and action callbacks and common scripting towards NSO.
MAAPI - (Management Agent API) Northbound interface that is transactional and user session based. Using this interface, both configuration and operational data can be read. Configuration and operational data can be written and committed as one transaction. The API is complete in the way that it is possible to write a new northbound agent using only this interface. It is also possible to attach to ongoing transactions in order to read uncommitted changes and/or modify data in these transactions. |
![]() |
Python low-level CDB API - Southbound interface provides access to the CDB configuration database. Using this interface, configuration data can be read. In addition, operational data that is stored in CDB can be read and written. This interface has a subscription mechanism to subscribe to changes. A subscription is specified on an path that points to an element in a YANG model or an instance in the instance tree. Any change under this point will trigger the subscription. CDB has also functions to iterate through the configuration changes when a subscription has triggered. |
![]() |
Python low-level DP API - Southbound interface that enables callbacks, hooks and transforms. This API makes it possible to provide the service callbacks that handles service to device mapping logic. Other usual cases are external data providers for operational data or action callback implementations. There are also transaction and validation callbacks, etc. Hooks are callbacks that are fired when certain data is written and the hook is expected to do additional modifications of data. Transforms are callbacks that are used when complete mediation between two different models is necessary. |
![]() |
Python high-level API - API that resides on top of the MAAPI, CDB, and DP APIs. It provides schema model navigation and instance data handling (read/write). Uses a MAAPI context as data access and incorporates its functionality. It is used in service implementations, action handlers and Python scripting. |
![]() |
Scripting in Python is a very easy and powerful way of accessing NSO. This document has several examples of scripts showing various ways in accessing data and requesting actions in NSO.
The examples are directly executable with the python interpreter after
sourcing the ncsrc
file in the NSO installation
directory. This sets up the PYTHONPATH
variable, which enables access to the NSO Python modules.
Edit a file and execute it directly on the command line like this:
$ python3 script.py
The Python high-level MAAPI API provides an easy to use interface for
accessing NSO. Its main targets is to encapsulate the sockets,
transaction handles, data type conversions and the possibility
to use the Python with
statement for proper resource
The simplest way to access NSO is to use the single_transaction
helper. It creates a MAAPI context and a transaction in
one step.
This example shows its usage, connecting as user 'admin' and 'python' as AAA context:
import ncs with ncs.maapi.single_write_trans('admin', 'python') as t: t.set_elem2('Kilroy was here', '/ncs:devices/device{ce0}/description') t.apply() with ncs.maapi.single_read_trans('admin', 'python') as t: desc = t.get_elem('/ncs:devices/device{ce0}/description') print("Description for device ce0 = %s" % desc)
The example code here shows how to start a transaction but does not properly handle the case of concurrency conflicts when writing data. Please see the section called “Handling Conflicts” for details.
A common use case is to create a MAAPI context and re-use it for several transactions. This reduces the latency and increases the transaction throughput, especially for back-end applications. For scripting the lifetime is shorter and there is no need to keep the MAAPI contexts alive.
This example shows how to keep a MAAPI connection alive between transactions:
import ncs with ncs.maapi.Maapi() as m: with ncs.maapi.Session(m, 'admin', 'python'): # The first transaction with m.start_read_trans() as t: address = t.get_elem('/ncs:devices/device{ce0}/address') print("First read: Address = %s" % address) # The second transaction with m.start_read_trans() as t: address = t.get_elem('/ncs:devices/device{ce1}/address') print("Second read: Address = %s" % address)
Maagic is a module provided as part of the NSO Python APIs. It reduces the complexity of programming towards NSO, is used on top of the MAAPI high-level API and addresses areas which require more programming. First it helps in navigating in the model, using standard Python object dot notation, giving very clear and easily read code. The context handlers removes the need to close sockets, user sessions and transactions and the problems when they are forgotten and kept open. Finally it removes the need to know the data types of the leafs, helping you to focus on the data to be set.
When using Maagic you still do the same procedure of starting a transaction.
with ncs.maapi.Maapi() as m: with ncs.maapi.Session(m, 'admin', 'python'): with m.start_write_trans() as t: # Read/write/request ...
To use the Maagic functionality you get access to a Maagic object either pointing to the root of the CDB:
root = ncs.maagic.get_root(t)
In this case it is a ncs.maagic.Node
object with
a ncs.maapi.Transaction
From here you can navigate in the model. In the table you can see examples how to navigate.
Action | Returns |
root.devices |
Container |
root.devices.device |
List |
root.devices.device['ce0'] |
ListElement |
root.devices.device['ce0'].device_type.cli |
PresenceContainer |
root.devices.device['ce0'].address |
str |
root.devices.device['ce0'].port |
int |
You can also get a Maagic object from a keypath:
node = ncs.maagic.get_node(t, '/ncs:devices/device{ce0}')
Maagic handles namespaces by a prefix to the names of the elements. This is optional, but recommended to avoid future side effects.
The syntax is to prefix the names with the namespace name followed by two underscores, e.g. ns_name__ name.
Examples how to use namespaces:
# The examples are equal unless there is a namespace collision. # For the ncs namespace it would look like this: root.ncs__devices.ncs__device['ce0'].ncs__address # equals root.devices.device['ce0'].address
In cases where there is a name collision, the namespace prefix is
required to access an entity from a module, except for the module that
was first loaded. Namespace is always required for root entities when
there is a collision. The module load order is found in the ncs log file:
# This example have three namespaces referring to a leaf, value, with the same # name and this load order: /ex/a:value=11, /ex/b:value=22 and /ex/c:value=33 root.ex.value # returns 11 root.ex.a__value # returns 11 root.ex.b__value # returns 22 root.ex.c__value # returns 33
Reading data using Maagic is straight forward. You will just specify the leaf you are interested in and the data is retrieved. The data is returned in the nearest available Python data type.
For non-existing leafs, None
is returned.
dev_name = root.devices.device['ce0'].name # 'ce0' dev_address = root.devices.device['ce0'].address # '' dev_port = root.devices.device['ce0'].port # 10022
Writing data using Maagic is straightforward. You will just specify
the leaf you are interested in and assign a value. Any data type can
sent as input, as the str
function is called,
converting it to a string. The format is depending on the data
type. If the type validation fails an Error
exception is thrown.
root.devices.device['ce0'].name = 'ce0'
root.devices.device['ce0'].address = ''
root.devices.device['ce0'].port = 10022
root.devices.device['ce0'].port = '10022' # Also valid
# This will raise an Error exception
root.devices.device['ce0'].port = 'netconf'
Data is deleted the Python way of using the del
del root.devices.device['ce0'] # List element del root.devices.device['ce0'].name # Leaf del root.devices.device['ce0'].device_type.cli # Presence container
Some entities have a delete method, this is explained under the corresponding type.
Object deletion
The delete mechanism in Maagic is implemented using the
method on the
class. This means that executing the del
function on a local or global variable will only delete the object
from the Python local or global namespaces.
E.g. del obj
Containers are addressed using standard Python dot notation:
A presence container is created using the create method:
pc = root.container.presence_container.create()
Existence is checked with the exists or bool functions:
root.container.presence_container.exists() # Returns True or False bool(root.container.presence_container) # Returns True or False
A presence container is deleted with the del or delete functions:
del root.container.presence_container root.container.presence_container.delete()
The case of a choice is checked by addressing the name of the choice in the model:
ne_type = root.devices.device['ce0'].device_type.ne_type if ne_type == 'cli': # Handle CLI elif ne_type == 'netconf': # Handle NETCONF elif ne_type == 'generic': # Handle generic else: # Don't handle
Changing a choice is done by setting a value in any of the other cases:
root.devices.device['ce0'].device_type.netconf.create() str(root.devices.device['ce0'].device_type.ne_type) # Returns 'netconf'
List elements are created using the create method on the
# Single value key ce5 = root.devices.device.create('ce5') # Multiple values key o = root.container.list.create('foo', 'bar')
The objects ce5 and o above are of type ListElement which is actually an ordinary Container object with a different name.
Existence is checked with the exists or bool functions
'ce0' in root.devices.device # Returns True or False
A list element is deleted with the python del function:
# Single value key del root.devices.device['ce5'] # Multiple values key del root.container.list['foo', 'bar']
To delete the whole list use the python del function or delete() on the list.
# use Python's del function del root.devices.device # use List's delete() method root.container.list.delete()
Unions are not handled in any specific way, you just read or write to the leaf and the data is validated according to the model.
Enumerations are returned as an Enum
giving access to both the integer and string values.
str(root.devices.device['ce0'].state.admin_state) # May return 'unlocked' root.devices.device['ce0'].state.admin_state.string # May return 'unlocked' root.devices.device['ce0'].state.admin_state.value # May return 1
Writing values to enumerations accepts both string and integer values.
root.devices.device['ce0'].state.admin_state = 'locked' root.devices.device['ce0'].state.admin_state = 0 # This will raise an Error exception root.devices.device['ce0'].state.admin_state = 3 # Not a valid enum
Leafrefs are read as regular leafs and the returned data type corresponds to the referred leaf.
# /model/device is a leafref to /devices/device/name dev = root.model.device # May return 'ce0'
Leafrefs are set as the leaf it refers. Data type is validated as it is set. The reference is validated when the transaction is committed.
# /model/device is a leafref to /devices/device/name root.model.device = 'ce0'
Identityrefs are read and written as string values. Writing an identityref without prefix is possible, but doing do is error prone and may stop working if another model is added which also has an identity with the same name. The recommendation is to always use prefix when writing identityrefs. Reading an identityref will always return a prefixed string value.
# Read root.devices.device['ce0'].device_type.cli.ned_id # May return 'ios-id:cisco-ios' # Write when identity cisco-ios is unique throughout the system (not recommended) root.devices.device['ce0'].device_type.cli.ned_id = 'cisco-ios' # Write with unique identity root.devices.device['ce0'].device_type.cli.ned_id = 'ios-id:cisco-ios'
Instance-identifiers are read as xpath formatted string values.
# /model/iref is an instance-identifier root.model.iref # May return "/ncs:devices/ncs:device[ncs:name='ce0']"
Instance-identifiers are set as xpath formatted strings. The string is validated as it is set. The reference is validated when the transaction is committed.
# /model/iref is an instance-identifier root.devices.device['ce0'].device_type.cli.ned_id = "/ncs:devices/ncs:device[ncs:name='ce0']"
A leaf-list is represented by a LeafList object. This object behaves very much like a Python list. You may iterate it, check for existence of a specific element using in, remove specific items using the del operator. See examples below.
N.B. From NSO version 4.5 and onwards a yang leaf-list is represented differently than before. Reading a leaf-list using Maagic used to result in an ordinary Python list (or None if the leaf-list was non-existent). Now, reading a leaf-list will give back a LeafList object whether it exists or not. The LeafList object may be iterated like a Python list and you may check for existence using the exists() method or the bool() operator. A Maagic leaf-list node may be assigned using a Python list, just like before, and you may convert it to a Python list using the as_list() method or by doing list(my_leaf_list_node).
# /model/ll is a leaf-list with the type string # read a LeafList object ll = root.model.ll # iteration for item in root.model.ll: do_stuff(item) # check if the leaf-list exists (i.e. is non-empty) if root.model.ll: do_stuff() if root.model.ll.exists(): do_stuff() # check the leaf-list contains a specific item if 'foo' in root.model.ll: do_stuff() # length len(root.model.ll) # create a new item in the leaf-list root.model.ll.create('bar') # set the whole leaf-list in one operation root.model.ll = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] # remove a specific item from the list del root.model.ll['bar'] root.model.ll.remove('baz') # delete the whole leaf-list del root.model.ll root.model.ll.delete() # get the leaf-list as a Python list root.model.ll.as_list()
Binary values are read and written as byte strings.
# Read root.model.bin # May return '\x00foo\x01bar' # Write root.model.bin = b'\x00foo\x01bar'
Reading a bits leaf will give a Bits object back (or None if the bits leaf is non-existent). To get some useful information out of the Bits object you can either use the bytearray() method to get a Python bytearray object in return or the Python str() operator to get a space separated string containing the bit names.
# read a bits leaf - a Bits object may be returned (None if non-existent) root.model.bits # get a bytearray root.model.bits.bytearray() # get a space separated string with bit names str(root.model.bits)
There are four ways of setting a bits leaf. One is to set it using a string with space separated bit names, the other one is to set it using a bytearray, the third by using a Python binary string and as a last option it may be set using a Bits object. Note that updating a Bits object does not change anything in the database - for that to happen you need to assign it to the Maagic node.
# set a bits leaf using a string of space separated bit names
root.model.bits = 'turboMode enableEncryption'
# set a bits leaf using a Python bytearray
root.model.bits = bytearray(b'\x11')
# set a bits leaf using a Python binary string
root.model.bits = b'\x11'
# read a bits leaf, update the Bits object and set it
b = x.model.bits
x.model.bits = b
A type empty leaf (unless part of a union)
is created using create()
. If the type
empty leaf is part of a union,
the leaf must be set to the C_EMPTY
value instead.
pc = root.container.empty_leaf.create()
If the type empty leaf is part of a union, then you read the leaf to see if 'empty' is the current value. Otherwise, existence is checked with the exists or bool functions:
root.container.empty_leaf.exists() # Returns True or False bool(root.container.empty_leaf) # Returns True or False
An empty leaf is deleted with the del or delete functions:
del root.container.empty_leaf root.container.empty_leaf.delete()
Requesting an action may not require an ongoing transaction and this example shows how to use Maapi as a transactionless back-end for Maagic.
import ncs with ncs.maapi.Maapi() as m: with ncs.maapi.Session(m, 'admin', 'python'): root = ncs.maagic.get_root(m) output = root.devices.check_sync() for result in output.sync_result: print('sync-result {') print(' device %s' % result.device) print(' result %s' % result.result) print('}')
This example shows how to request an action that require an ongoing transaction. It is also valid to request an action that does not require an ongoing transaction.
import ncs with ncs.maapi.Maapi() as m: with ncs.maapi.Session(m, 'admin', 'python'): with m.start_read_trans() as t: root = ncs.maagic.get_root(t) output = root.devices.check_sync() for result in output.sync_result: print('sync-result {') print(' device %s' % result.device) print(' result %s' % result.result) print('}')
Providing parameters to an action with Maagic is very easy. You request an
input object, with get_input
from the Maagic action object
and sets the desired (or required) parameters as defined in the model
import ncs
with ncs.maapi.Maapi() as m:
with ncs.maapi.Session(m, 'admin', 'python'):
root = ncs.maagic.get_root(m)
input = root.action.double.get_input()
input.number = 21
output = root.action.double(input)
If you have a leaf-list you need to prepare the input parameters
import ncs with ncs.maapi.Maapi() as m: with ncs.maapi.Session(m, 'admin', 'python'): root = ncs.maagic.get_root(m) input = root.leaf_list_action.llist.get_input() input.args = ['testing action'] output = root.leaf_list_action.llist(input) print(output.result)
A common use case is to script creation of devices. With the Python APIs this is easily done without the need to generate set commands and execute them in the CLI.
import argparse
import ncs
def parseArgs():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--name', help="device name", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--address', help="device address", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--port', help="device address", type=int, default=22)
parser.add_argument('--desc', help="device description",
default="Device created by maagic_create_device.py")
parser.add_argument('--auth', help="device authgroup", default="default")
return parser.parse_args()
def main(args):
with ncs.maapi.Maapi() as m:
with ncs.maapi.Session(m, 'admin', 'python'):
with m.start_write_trans() as t:
root = ncs.maagic.get_root(t)
print("Setting device '%s' configuration..." % args.name)
# Get a reference to the device list
device_list = root.devices.device
device = device_list.create(args.name)
device.address = args.address
device.port = args.port
device.description = args.desc
device.authgroup = args.auth
dev_type = device.device_type.cli
dev_type.ned_id = 'cisco-ios-cli-3.0'
device.state.admin_state = 'unlocked'
print('Committing the device configuration...')
# This transaction is no longer valid
# fetch-host-keys and sync-from does not require a transaction
# continue using the Maapi object
root = ncs.maagic.get_root(m)
device = root.devices.device[args.name]
print("Fetching SSH keys...")
output = device.ssh.fetch_host_keys()
print("Result: %s" % output.result)
print("Syncing configuration...")
output = device.sync_from()
print("Result: %s" % output.result)
if not output.result:
print("Error: %s" % output.info)
if __name__ == '__main__':
This class is a helper to support service progress reporting using plan-data as part of a Reactive FASTMAP nano service. More info about plan-data is found in Nano Services for Staged Provisioning .
The interface of the PlanComponent
is identical to
the corresponding Java class and supports the setup of plans and setting
the transition states.
class PlanComponent(object): """Service plan component. The usage of this class is in conjunction with a nano service that uses a reactive FASTMAP pattern. With a plan the service states can be tracked and controlled. A service plan can consist of many PlanComponent's. This is operational data that is stored together with the service configuration. """ def __init__(self, service, name, component_type): """Initialize a PlanComponent.""" def append_state(self, state_name): """Append a new state to this plan component. The state status will be initialized to 'ncs:not-reached'. """ def set_reached(self, state_name): """Set state status to 'ncs:reached'.""" def set_failed(self, state_name): """Set state status to 'ncs:failed'.""" def set_status(self, state_name, status): """Set state status."""
See pydoc3 ncs.application.PlanComponent for further information about the Python class.
The pattern is to add an overall plan (self) for the service and separate plans for each component that builds the service.
self_plan = PlanComponent(service, 'self', 'ncs:self') self_plan.append_state('ncs:init') self_plan.append_state('ncs:ready') self_plan.set_reached('ncs:init') route_plan = PlanComponent(service, 'router', 'myserv:router') route_plan.append_state('ncs:init') route_plan.append_state('myserv:syslog-initialized') route_plan.append_state('myserv:ntp-initialized') route_plan.append_state('myserv:dns-initialized') route_plan.append_state('ncs:ready') route_plan.set_reached('ncs:init')
When appending a new state to a plan the initial state is set to
. At completion of a plan the state is set to
. In this case when the service is completely
The Python high-level API provides an easy way to implement an action handler for your modeled actions. The easiest way to create a handler is to use the ncs-make-package command. It creates some ready to use skeleton code.
$cd packages
$ncs-make-package --service-skeleton python
\ --action-example
The generated package skeleton:
$ tree pyaction
+-- doc/
+-- load-dir/
+-- package-meta-data.xml
+-- python/
| +-- pyaction/
| +-- __init__.py
| +-- action.py
+-- src/
| +-- Makefile
| +-- yang/
| +-- action.yang
+-- templates/
This example action handler takes a number as input, doubles it, and returns the result.
When debugging Python packages refer to the section called “Debugging of Python packages”.
# -*- mode: python; python-indent: 4 -*- from ncs.application import Application from ncs.dp import Action # --------------- # ACTIONS EXAMPLE # --------------- class DoubleAction(Action): @Action.action def cb_action(self, uinfo, name, kp, input, output): self.log.info('action name: ', name) self.log.info('action input.number: ', input.number) output.result = input.number * 2 class LeafListAction(Action): @Action.action def cb_action(self, uinfo, name, kp, input, output): self.log.info('action name: ', name) self.log.info('action input.args: ', input.args) output.result = [ w.upper() for w in input.args] # --------------------------------------------- # COMPONENT THREAD THAT WILL BE STARTED BY NCS. # --------------------------------------------- class Action(Application): def setup(self): self.log.info('Worker RUNNING') self.register_action('action-action', DoubleAction) self.register_action('llist-action', LeafListAction) def teardown(self): self.log.info('Worker FINISHED')
Test the action by doing a request from the NSO CLI:
admin@ncs> request action double number 21
result 42
[ok][2016-04-22 10:30:39]
The input and output parameters are the most commonly used parameters of the action callback method. They provide the access objects to the data provided to the action request and the returning result.
They are maagic.Node
objects, which provide easy
access to the modeled parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
self |
ncs.dp.Action |
The action object. |
uinfo |
ncs.UserInfo |
User information of the requester. |
name |
string |
The tailf:action name. |
kp |
ncs.HKeypathRef |
The keypath of the action. |
input |
ncs.maagic.Node |
An object containing the parameters of the input section of the action yang model. |
output |
ncs.maagic.Node |
The object where to put the output parameters as defined in the output section of the action yang model. |
The Python high-level API provides an easy way to implement a service handler for your modeled services. The easiest way to create a handler is to use the ncs-make-package command. It creates some skeleton code.
$cd packages
$ncs-make-package --service-skeleton python pyservice \ --component-class service.Service
The generated package skeleton:
$ tree pyservice
+-- doc/
+-- load-dir/
+-- package-meta-data.xml
+-- python/
| +-- pyservice/
| +-- __init__.py
| +-- service.py
+-- src/
| +-- Makefile
| +-- yang/
| +-- service.yang
+-- templates/
This example has some code added for the service logic, including a service template.
When debugging Python packages refer to the section called “Debugging of Python packages”.
Add some service logic to the cb_create
# -*- mode: python; python-indent: 4 -*- from ncs.application import Application from ncs.application import Service import ncs.template # ------------------------ # SERVICE CALLBACK EXAMPLE # ------------------------ class ServiceCallbacks(Service): @Service.create def cb_create(self, tctx, root, service, proplist): self.log.info('Service create(service=', service._path, ')') # Add this service logic >>>>>>> vars = ncs.template.Variables() vars.add('MAGIC', '42') vars.add('CE', service.device) vars.add('INTERFACE', service.unit) template = ncs.template.Template(service) template.apply('pyservice-template', vars) self.log.info('Template is applied') dev = root.devices.device[service.device] dev.description = "This device was modified by %s" % service._path # <<<<<<<<< service logic @Service.pre_modification def cb_pre_modification(self, tctx, op, kp, root, proplist): self.log.info('Service premod(service=', kp, ')') @Service.post_modification def cb_post_modification(self, tctx, op, kp, root, proplist): self.log.info('Service premod(service=', kp, ')') # --------------------------------------------- # COMPONENT THREAD THAT WILL BE STARTED BY NCS. # --------------------------------------------- class Service(Application): def setup(self): self.log.info('Worker RUNNING') self.register_service('service-servicepoint', ServiceCallbacks) def teardown(self): self.log.info('Worker FINISHED')
Add a template to packages/pyservice/templates/service.template.xml
<config-template xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/config/1.0"> <devices xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs"> <device tags="nocreate"> <name>{$CE}</name> <config tags="merge"> <interface xmlns="urn:ios"> <FastEthernet> <name>0/{$INTERFACE}</name> <description>The maagic: {$MAGIC}</description> </FastEthernet> </interface> </config> </device> </devices> </config-template>
Parameter | Type | Description |
self |
ncs.application.Service |
The service object. |
tctx |
ncs.TransCtxRef |
Transaction context. |
root |
ncs.maagic.Node |
An object pointing to the root with the current transaction
context, using shared operations (create ,
set_elem , ...) for configuration
service |
ncs.maagic.Node |
An object pointing to the service with the current transaction
context, using shared operations (create ,
set_elem , ...) for configuration
proplist |
list(tuple(str, str)) | The opaque object for the service configuration used to store hidden state information between invocations. It is updated by returning a modified list. |
The Python high-level API provides an easy way to implement a validation point handler. The easiest way to create a handler is to use the ncs-make-package command. It creates ready to use skeleton code.
$cd packages
$ncs-make-package --service-skeleton python
\ --disable-service-example --validation-example
The generated package skeleton:
$ tree pyaction
+-- doc/
+-- load-dir/
+-- package-meta-data.xml
+-- python/
| +-- pyaction/
| +-- __init__.py
| +-- validation.py
+-- src/
| +-- Makefile
| +-- yang/
| +-- validation.yang
+-- templates/
This example validation point handler accepts all values except 'invalid'.
When debugging Python packages refer to the section called “Debugging of Python packages”.
# -*- mode: python; python-indent: 4 -*-
import ncs
from ncs.dp import ValidationError, ValidationPoint
# ---------------
# ---------------
class Validation(ValidationPoint):
def cb_validate(self, tctx, keypath, value, validationpoint):
self.log.info('validate: ', str(keypath), '=', str(value))
if value == 'invalid':
raise ValidationError('invalid value')
return ncs.CONFD_OK
# ---------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------
class ValidationApplication(ncs.application.Application):
def setup(self):
# The application class sets up logging for us. It is accessible
# through 'self.log' and is a ncs.log.Log instance.
self.log.info('ValidationApplication RUNNING')
# When using actions, this is how we register them:
self.register_validation('pyvalidation-valpoint', Validation)
# If we registered any callback(s) above, the Application class
# took care of creating a daemon (related to the service/action point).
# When this setup method is finished, all registrations are
# considered done and the application is 'started'.
def teardown(self):
# When the application is finished (which would happen if NCS went
# down, packages were reloaded or some error occurred) this teardown
# method will be called.
self.log.info('ValidationApplication FINISHED')
Test the validation by setting the value to invalid and validating the transaction from the NSO CLI:
admin@ncs%set validation validate-value invalid
Failed: 'validation validate-value': invalid value [ok][2016-04-22 10:30:39]
Parameter | Type | Description |
self |
ncs.dp.ValidationPoint |
The validation point object. |
tctx |
ncs.TransCtxRef |
Transaction context. |
kp |
ncs.HKeypathRef |
The keypath of the node being validated. |
value |
ncs.Value |
Current value of the node being validated. |
validationpoint |
string |
The validation point that triggered the validation. |
The Python low-level APIs are a direct mapping of the C-APIs. A C call has
a corresponding Python function entry. From a programmers point of
view it wraps the C data structures into Python objects and handles the
related memory management when requested by the Python garbage collector.
Any errors are reported as error.Error
The low-level APIs will not be described in detail in this document, but you will find a few examples showing its usage in the coming sections.
See pydoc3 _ncs and man confd_lib_lib for further information.
This API is a direct mapping of the NSO MAAPI C API. See pydoc3 _ncs.maapi and man confd_lib_maapi for further information.
Note that additional care must be taken when using this API in service code, as it also exposes functions that do not perform reference counting (see the section called “Reference Counting Overlapping Configuration”).
In service code, you should use the shared_*
set of functions, such as:
shared_apply_template shared_copy_tree shared_create shared_insert shared_set_elem shared_set_elem2 shared_set_values
and avoid the non-shared variants:
load_config() load_config_cmds() load_config_stream() apply_template() copy_tree() create() insert() set_elem() set_elem2() set_object set_values()
The following example is a script to read and de-crypt a password using the Python low-level MAAPI API.
import socket import _ncs from _ncs import maapi sock_maapi = socket.socket() maapi.connect(sock_maapi, ip='', port=_ncs.NCS_PORT) maapi.load_schemas(sock_maapi) maapi.start_user_session( sock_maapi, 'admin', 'python', [], '', _ncs.PROTO_TCP) maapi.install_crypto_keys(sock_maapi) th = maapi.start_trans(sock_maapi, _ncs.RUNNING, _ncs.READ) path = "/devices/authgroups/group{default}/umap{admin}/remote-password" encrypted_password = maapi.get_elem(sock_maapi, th, path) decrypted_password = _ncs.decrypt(str(encrypted_password)) maapi.finish_trans(sock_maapi, th) maapi.end_user_session(sock_maapi) sock_maapi.close() print("Default authgroup admin password = %s" % decrypted_password)
This example is a script to do a check-sync action request using the low-level MAAPI API.
import socket import _ncs from _ncs import maapi sock_maapi = socket.socket() maapi.connect(sock_maapi, ip='', port=_ncs.NCS_PORT) maapi.load_schemas(sock_maapi) _ncs.maapi.start_user_session( sock_maapi, 'admin', 'python', [], '', _ncs.PROTO_TCP) ns_hash = _ncs.str2hash("http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs") results = maapi.request_action(sock_maapi, [], ns_hash, "/devices/check-sync") for result in results: v = result.v t = v.confd_type() if t == _ncs.C_XMLBEGIN: print("sync-result {") elif t == _ncs.C_XMLEND: print("}") elif t == _ncs.C_BUF: tag = result.tag print(" %s %s" % (_ncs.hash2str(tag), str(v))) elif t == _ncs.C_ENUM_HASH: tag = result.tag text = v.val2str((ns_hash, '/devices/check-sync/sync-result/result')) print(" %s %s" % (_ncs.hash2str(tag), text)) maapi.end_user_session(sock_maapi) sock_maapi.close()
This API is a direct mapping of the NSO CDB C API. See pydoc3 _ncs.cdb and man confd_lib_cdb for further information.
Setting of operational data has historically been done using one of the CDB API:s (Python, Java, C). This example shows how set a value and trigger subscribers for operational data using the Python low-level API. API.
import socket
import _ncs
from _ncs import cdb
sock_cdb = socket.socket()
cdb.start_session2(sock_cdb, cdb.OPERATIONAL, cdb.LOCK_WAIT | cdb.LOCK_REQUEST)
path = "/operdata/value"
cdb.set_elem(sock_cdb, _ncs.Value(42, _ncs.C_UINT32), path)
new_value = cdb.get(sock_cdb, path)
print("/operdata/value is now %s" % new_value)
When schemas are loaded, either upon direct request or
automatically by methods and classes in the
module, they are statically cached
inside the Python VM. This fact presents a problem if one
wants to connect to several different NSO nodes with
diverging schemas from the same Python VM.
Take for example the following program that connects to two different NSO nodes (with diverging schemas) and show their ned-id's.
import ncs def print_ned_ids(port): with ncs.maapi.single_read_trans('admin', 'system', db=ncs.OPERATIONAL, port=port) as t: dev_ned_id = ncs.maagic.get_node(t, '/devices/ned-ids/ned-id') for id in dev_ned_id.keys(): print(id) if __name__ == '__main__': print('=== lsa-1 ===') print_ned_ids(4569) print('=== lsa-2 ===') print_ned_ids(4570)
Running this program may produce output like this:
$ python3 read_nedids.py === lsa-1 === {ned:lsa-netconf} {ned:netconf} {ned:snmp} {cisco-nso-nc-5.5:cisco-nso-nc-5.5} === lsa-2 === {ned:lsa-netconf} {ned:netconf} {ned:snmp} {"[<_ncs.Value type=C_IDENTITYREF(44) value='idref<211668964'...>]"} {"[<_ncs.Value type=C_IDENTITYREF(44) value='idref<151824215'>]"} {"[<_ncs.Value type=C_IDENTITYREF(44) value='idref<208856485'...>]"}
The output shows identities in string format for the active
NEDs on the different nodes. Note that for
the last three lines do not show
the name of the identity but instead the representation of a
. The reason for this is that
has different schemas which does
not include these identities. Schemas for this Python VM was
loaded and cached during the first call to
so no schema
loading occurred during the second call.
The way to make the program above work as expected is to
force reloading of schemas by passing an optional argument to
like so:
with ncs.maapi.single_read_trans('admin', 'system', db=ncs.OPERATIONAL, port=port, load_schemas=ncs.maapi.LOAD_SCHEMAS_RELOAD) as t:
Running the program with this change may produce something like this:
=== lsa-1 === {ned:lsa-netconf} {ned:netconf} {ned:snmp} {cisco-nso-nc-5.5:cisco-nso-nc-5.5} === lsa-2 === {ned:lsa-netconf} {ned:netconf} {ned:snmp} {cisco-asa-cli-6.13:cisco-asa-cli-6.13} {cisco-ios-cli-6.72:cisco-ios-cli-6.72} {router-nc-1.0:router-nc-1.0}
Now, this was just an example of what may happen when wrong schemas are loaded. Implications may be more severe though, especially if maagic nodes are kept between reloads. In such cases, accessing an "invalid" maagic object may in best case result in undefined behavior making the program not work, but might even crash the program. So care need to be taken to not reload schemas in a Python VM if there are dependencies to other parts in the same VM that need previous schemas.
Functions and methods that accept the load_schemas
ncs.maapi.Maapi() constructor