- Start
- What's New
- Getting Started
- User Guide
- About
- Basic Operations
- Network Element Drivers and Adding Devices
- Managing Network Services
- The NSO Device Manager
- SSH Key Management
- Alarm Manager
- Plug-and-play Scripting
- Compliance Reporting
- NSO Packages
- Life-cycle Operations - Manipulating Existing Services and Devices
- Web User Interface
- Network Simulator
- Administration Guide
- Northbound APIs
- Development Guide
- Preface
- Development Environment and Resources
- The Configuration Database and YANG
- Basic Automation with Python
- Developing a Simple Service
- Applications in NSO
- Implementing Services
- Templates
- Services Deep Dive
- The NSO Java VM
- The NSO Python VM
- Embedded Erlang applications
- The YANG Data Modeling Language
- Using CDB
- Java API Overview
- Python API Overview
- NSO Packages
- Package Development
- Service Development Using Java
- NED Development
- NED Upgrades and Migration
- Service Handling of Ambiguous Device Models
- Scaling and Performance Optimization
- NSO Concurrency Model
- Developing Alarm Applications
- SNMP Notification Receiver
- The web server
- Kicker
- Scheduler
- Progress Trace
- Nano Services for Staged Provisioning
- Encryption Keys
- External Logging
- NSO Developer Studio
- Web UI
- Layered Service Architecture
- Manual Pages
- NSO Documentation Home
- NSO SDK API Reference
- NSO Change Log Explorer
- NSO NED Change Log Explorer
- NSO NED Capabilities Explorer
- NSO on DevNet
- Get Support
This documentation corresponds to an older version of the product, is no longer updated, and may contain outdated information.
Please access the latest versions from https://cisco-tailf.gitbook.io/nso-docs and update your bookmarks. OK
When using CDB to store the configuration data, the applications need to be able to:
Read configuration data from the database.
React to changes to the database. There are several possible writers to the database, such as the CLI, NETCONF sessions, the Web UI, either of the NSO sync commands, alarms that get written into the alarm table, NETCONF notifications that arrive at NSO or the NETCONF agent.
Figure 23, “NSO CDB Architecture Scenario” illustrates the architecture when CDB is used. The Application components read configuration data and subscribe to changes to the database using a simple RPC-based API. The API is part of the Java library and is fully documented in the Javadoc for CDB.
While CDB is the default data store for configuration
data in NSO, it is possible to use an external database, if
needed. See the example
for details.
In the following, we will use the files in
as a
source for our examples. Refer to README
in that directory for additional details.
NSO is designed to manage devices and services. NSO uses YANG
as the overall modeling language. YANG models describe the NSO
configuration, the device configurations and the configuration
of services. Therefore it is vital to understand the data model
for NSO including these aspects. The YANG models are available
in $NCS_DIR/src/ncs/yang
and are structured
as follows.
is the top module that
includes the following sub-modules:
common definitions
this sub-module defines the management of packages that are run by NSO. A package contains custom code, models, documentation for any function added to the NSO platform. It can for example be a service application, or a southbound integration to a device.
this is a core model of NSO. The device model defines everything a user can do with a device that NSO speaks to via a Network Element Driver, NED.
services represent anything that spans across devices. This can for example be MPLS VPN, MEF e-line, BGP peer, web site. NSO provides several mechanisms to handle services in general which are specified by this model. Also it defines placeholder containers under which developers, as an option, can augment their specific services.
NSO can subscribe to SNMP notifications from the devices. The subscription is specified by this model.
Custom code that is part of a package is loaded and executed by the NSO Java VM. This is managed by this model.
Further, when browsing $NCS_DIR/src/ncs/yang
you will find models for all aspects of NSO functionality, for example
This model defines how NSO manages alarms. The source of an alarm can be anything like an NSO state change, SNMP or NETCONF notification.
This model defines how to configure the NSO northbound SNMP agent.
This models describes the layout of the NSO config file, usually called
This models describes the layout of the file
. All user code, data models MIBS, Java code is always contained in an NSO package. Thepackage-meta-data.xml
file must always exist in a package and describes the package.
These models will be illustrated and briefly explained below. Note that the figures only contain some relevant aspects of the model and are far from complete. The details of the model are explained in the respective sections.
A good way to learn the model is to start the NSO CLI and use tab completion to navigate the model. Note that depending if you are in operation mode or configuration mode different parts of the model will show up. Also try using TAB to get a list of actions at the level you want, for example devices TAB.
Another way to learn and explore the NSO model is to use the yanger tool to render a tree output from the NSO model: yanger -f tree --tree-depth=3 tailf-ncs.yang This will show a tree for the complete model. Below is a truncated example:
$ yanger -f tree --tree-depth=3 tailf-ncs.yang
module: tailf-ncs
+--rw ssh
| +--rw host-key-verification? ssh-host-key-verification-level
| +--rw private-key* [name]
| +--rw name string
| +--rw key-data ssh-private-key
| +--rw passphrase? tailf:aes-256-cfb-128-encrypted-string
+--rw cluster
| +--rw remote-node* [name]
| | +--rw name node-name
| | +--rw address? inet:host
| | +--rw port? inet:port-number
| | +--rw ssh
| | +--rw authgroup -> /cluster/authgroup/name
| | +--rw trace? trace-flag
| | +--rw username? string
| | +--rw notifications
| | +--ro device* [name]
| +--rw authgroup* [name]
| | +--rw name string
| | +--rw default-map!
| | +--rw umap* [local-user]
| +--rw commit-queue
| | +--rw enabled? boolean
| +--ro enabled? boolean
| +--ro connection*
| +--ro remote-node? -> /cluster/remote-node/name
| +--ro address? inet:ip-address
| +--ro port? inet:port-number
| +--ro channels? uint32
| +--ro local-user? string
| +--ro remote-user? string
| +--ro status? enumeration
| +--ro trace? enumeration
As CDB stores hierarchical data as specified by a YANG
model, data is addressed by a path to the key. We call this a
keypath. A keypath provides a path through
the configuration data tree. A keypath can be either absolute or
relative. An absolute keypath starts from the root of the tree,
while a relative path starts from the "current position" in the
tree. They are differentiated by presence or absence of a leading
“/”. Navigating the configuration data tree is thus
done in the same way as a directory structure. It is possible to
change the current position with for example
the CdbSession.cd()
method. Several of the
API methods take a keypath as a parameter.
YANG elements that are lists of other YANG elements can be traversed using two different path notations. Consider the following YANG model fragment:
module l3vpn { namespace "http://com/example/l3vpn"; prefix l3vpn; ... container topology { list role { key "role"; tailf:cli-compact-syntax; leaf role { type enumeration { enum ce; enum pe; enum p; } } leaf-list device { type leafref { path "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:name"; } } } list connection { key "name"; leaf name { type string; } container endpoint-1 { tailf:cli-compact-syntax; uses connection-grouping; } container endpoint-2 { tailf:cli-compact-syntax; uses connection-grouping; } leaf link-vlan { type uint32; } } }
We can use the method
to find the
number of elements in a list has, and then traverse them using a
standard index notation, i.e.,
The children of a list are numbered starting from 0. Looking at
Example 32, “L3 VPN YANG Extract” the path
<path to
refers to the
leaf of the third
. This numbering is only valid during the
current CDB session. CDB is always locked for writing during
a read session.
We can also refer to list instances using the values of the
keys of the list. In a YANG model you specify which leafs (there
can be several) are to be used for keys by using the key
statement at the beginning of the list. In our
case a connection
has the name
leaf as
key. So the path
refers to
the endpoint-2
leaf of the connection
name is “c1”.
A YANG list may have more than one key. The syntax for the
keys is a space separated list of key values
enclosed within curly brackets: {Key1 Key2
Which version of list element referencing to use depends on the
situation. Indexing with an integer is convenient when
looping through all elements. As a convenience all methods
expecting keypaths accept formatting characters and accompanying
data items. For example you can use
CdbSession.getElem("server[%d]/ifc{%s}/mtu", 2,
to fetch the MTU of the third server instance's
interface named "eth0". Using relative paths and
it is possible to write code that
can be re-used for common sub-trees.
The current position also includes the namespace. To read
elements from a different namespace use the prefix qualified tag
for that element like in l3vpn:topology
The CDB subscription mechanism allows an external program to be notified when some part of the configuration changes. When receiving a notification it is also possible to iterate through the changes written to CDB. Subscriptions are always towards the running data-store (it is not possible to subscribe to changes to the startup data-store). Subscriptions towards operational data (see the section called “Operational Data in CDB”) kept in CDB are also possible, but the mechanism is slightly different.
The first thing to do is to inform CDB which paths we want
to subscribe to. Registering a path returns a subscription point
identifier. This is done by acquiring an subscriber instance by
calling CdbSubscription Cdb.newSubscription()
method. For the subscriber (or
instance) the paths are
registered with the
that that returns
the actual subscription point identifier. A subscriber can have
multiple subscription points, and there can be many different
subscribers. Every point is defined through a path - similar to
the paths we use for read operations, with the exception that
instead of fully instantiated paths to list instances we can
selectively use tagpaths.
When a client is done defining subscriptions it should
inform NSO that it is ready to receive notifications by calling
, after which
the subscription socket is ready to be polled.
We can subscribe either to specific leaves, or entire subtrees. Explaining this by example we get:
Subscription to a leaf. Only changes to this leaf will generate a notification.
Subscription to the subtree rooted at
. Any changes to this subtree will generate a notification. This includes additions or removals ofdevice
instances, as well as changes to already existingdevice
instances. /ncs:devices/device{"ex0"}/address
Subscription to a specific element in a list. A notification will be generated when the device “ex0” changes its ip address.
Subscription to a leaf in a list. A notification will be generated leaf
is changed in any device instance.
When adding a subscription point the client must also
provide a priority, which is an integer (a smaller number means
higher priority). When data in CDB is changed, this change is
part of a transaction. A transaction can be initiated by a
commit operation from the CLI or a
edit-config operation in NETCONF resulting in
the running database being modified. As the last part of the
transaction CDB will generate notifications in lock-step
priority order. First all subscribers at the lowest numbered
priority are handled, once they all have replied and synchronized
by calling CdbSubscription.sync()
the next
set - at the next priority level - is handled by CDB. Not until
all subscription points have been acknowledged is the transaction
complete. This implies that if the initiator of the transaction
was for example a commit command in the CLI,
the command will hang until notifications have been
Note that even though the notifications are delivered within the transaction it is not possible for a subscriber to reject the changes (since this would break the two-phase commit protocol used by the NSO backplane towards all data-providers).
As a subscriber has read its subscription notifications
using CdbSubscription.read()
it can iterate
through the changes that caused the particular subscription
notification using the
method. It is
also possible to start a new read-session to the
database to read the
running database as it was before the pending transaction.
To view registered subscribers use the ncs --status command.
It is important to note that CDB is locked for writing
during a read session using the Java API. A session starts with
CdbSession Cdb.startSession()
and the lock is not
released until the CdbSession.endSession()
(or the
) call. CDB will also
automatically release the lock if the socket is closed for some
other reason, such as program termination.
When NSO starts for the first time, the CDB database is
empty. The location of the database files used by CDB are given
in ncs.conf
. At first startup, when CDB is
empty, i.e., no database files are found in the directory
specified by <db-dir>
as given by Example 33, “CDB Init”), CDB will try
to initialize the database from all XML documents found in the
same directory.
<!-- Where the database (and init XML) files are kept --> <cdb> <db-dir>./ncs-cdb</db-dir> </cdb>
This feature can be used to reset the configuration to factory settings.
Given the YANG model in Example 32, “L3 VPN YANG Extract” the initial data for
can be found in
as seen in Example 34, “Initial Data for Topology”
<config xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/config/1.0"> <topology xmlns="http://com/example/l3vpn"> <role> <role>ce</role> <device>ce0</device> <device>ce1</device> <device>ce2</device> ... </role> <role> <role>pe</role> <device>pe0</device> <device>pe1</device> <device>pe2</device> <device>pe3</device> </role> ... <connection> <name>c0</name> <endpoint-1> <device>ce0</device> <interface>GigabitEthernet0/8</interface> <ip-address></ip-address> </endpoint-1> <endpoint-2> <device>pe0</device> <interface>GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3</interface> <ip-address></ip-address> </endpoint-2> <link-vlan>88</link-vlan> </connection> <connection> <name>c1</name> ...
Another example of using this features is when initializing the AAA database. This is described in The AAA infrastructure in Administration Guide.
All files ending in .xml
will be loaded
(in an undefined order) and committed in a single transaction when
CDB enters start phase 1 (see
the section called “Starting NSO” in Administration Guide
for more details on
start phases). The format of the init files is rather lax in that
it is not required that a complete instance document following the
data-model is present, much like the NETCONF
operation. It is also possible to wrap
multiple top-level tags in the file with a surrounding config tag,
as shown in Example 35, “Wrapper for Multiple Top Level Tags”
like this:
<config xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/config/1.0"> ... </config>
The actual names of the XML files does not matter, i.e., they do not need to correspond to the part of the YANG model being initialized.
In addition to handling configuration data, CDB can also
take care of operational data such as alarms and traffic
statistics. By default, operational data is not
persistent and thus not kept between restarts. In the YANG model
annotating a node with config false
will mark the
subtree rooted at that node as operational data. Reading and
writing operational data is done similar to ordinary configuration
data, with the main difference being that you have to specify that
you are working against operational data. Also, the subscription
model is different.
Subscriptions towards the operational data in CDB are similar to the above, but due to the fact that the operational data store is designed for light-weight access, and does not have transactions and normally avoids the use of any locks, there are several differences - in particular:
Subscription notifications are only generated if the writer obtains the “subscription lock”, by using the
method with the CdbLockType.LOCK_REQUEST flag. -
Subscriptions are registered with the
method with the flagCdbSubscriptionType.SUB_OPERATIONAL
rather thanCdbSubscriptionType.SUB_RUNNING
. -
No priorities are used.
Neither the writer that generated the subscription notifications nor other writes to the same data are blocked while notifications are being delivered. However the subscription lock remains in effect until notification delivery is complete.
The previous value for modified leaf is not available when using the
Essentially a write operation towards the operational data
store, combined with the subscription lock, takes on the role of a
transaction for configuration data as far as subscription
notifications are concerned. This means that if operational data
updates are done with many single-element write operations, this
can potentially result in a lot of subscription notifications.
Thus it is a good idea to use the multi-element
etc methods for updating
operational data that applications subscribe to.
Since write operations that do not attempt to obtain the subscription lock are allowed to proceed even during notification delivery, it is the responsibility of the applications using the operational data store to obtain the lock as needed when writing. If subscribers should be able to reliably read the exact data that resulted from the write that triggered their subscription, the subscription lock must always be obtained when writing that particular set of data elements. One possibility is of course to obtain the lock for all writes to operational data, but this may have an unacceptable performance impact.
We will take a first look at the
example. This example is a NSO project with two
packages: cdb and
- router
A NED package with a simple but still realistic model of a network device. The only component in this package is the NED component that uses NETCONF to communicate with the device. This package is used in many NSO examples including
which is an introduction to NSO device manager, NSO netsim and this router package. - cdb
This package has an even simpler YANG model to illustrate some aspects of CDB data retrieval. The package consists of 5 application components:
Plain CDB Subscriber - This cdb subscriber subscribes to changes under the path
Whenever a change occurs there, the code iterates through the change and prints the values. -
CdbCfgSubscriber - An more advanced CDB subscriber that subscribes to changes under the path
. -
OperSubscriber - An operational data subscribe that subscribes to changes under the path
The cdb package include the YANG shown in Example 36, “1-cdb Simple Config Data”.
module test { namespace "http://example.com/test"; prefix t; import tailf-common { prefix tailf; } description "This model is used as a simple example model illustrating some aspects of CDB subscriptions and CDB operational data"; revision 2012-06-26 { description "Initial revision."; } container test { list config-item { key ckey; leaf ckey { type string; } leaf i { type int32; } } list stats-item { config false; tailf:cdb-oper; key skey; leaf skey { type string; } leaf i { type int32; } container inner { leaf l { type string; } } } } }
Let us new populate the database and look at the "Plain CDB
Subscriber" and how it can use the Java API to react to changes to
the data. This component subscribes on changes under the path
which is configuration
changes for the device named “ex0” which is a device
connected to NSO via the router NED.
Being an application component in the cdb package implies that this
component is realized by a Java class that implements the
Java interface.
This interface inherits the Java standard Runnable
interface which requires
the run()
method to be implemented.
In addition to this method there is a init()
and a
method that has to be implemented.
When the NSO Java-VM starts this class will be started in a
separate thread
with an initial call to init()
before thread start. When
the package is requested to stop execution a call to finish()
is performed and this method is expected to end thread execution.
public class PlainCdbSub implements ApplicationComponent { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(PlainCdbSub.class); @Resource(type = ResourceType.CDB, scope = Scope.INSTANCE, qualifier = "plain") private Cdb cdb; private CdbSubscription sub; private int subId; private boolean requestStop; public PlainCdbSub() { } public void init() { try { LOGGER.info(" init cdb subscriber "); sub = new CdbSubscription(cdb); String str = "/devices/device{ex0}/config"; subId = sub.subscribe(1, new Ncs(), str); sub.subscribeDone(); LOGGER.info("subscribeDone"); requestStop = false; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("FAIL in init", e); } } public void run() { try { while (!requestStop) { try { sub.read(); sub.diffIterate(subId, new Iter()); } finally { sub.sync(CdbSubscriptionSyncType.DONE_SOCKET); } } } catch (ConfException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.ERR_EOF) { // Triggered by finish method // if we throw further NCS JVM will try to restart // the package LOGGER.warn(" Socket Closed!"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("FAIL in run", e); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Exception:" + e.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("FAIL in run", e); } finally { requestStop = false; LOGGER.warn(" run end "); } } public void finish() { requestStop = true; LOGGER.warn(" PlainSub in finish () =>"); try { // ResourceManager will close the resource (cdb) used by this // instance that triggers ConfException with ErrorCode.ERR_EOF // in run method ResourceManager.unregisterResources(this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("FAIL in finish", e); } LOGGER.warn(" PlainSub in finish () => ok"); } private class Iter implements CdbDiffIterate { public DiffIterateResultFlag iterate(ConfObject[] kp, DiffIterateOperFlag op, ConfObject oldValue, ConfObject newValue, Object state) { try { String kpString = Conf.kpToString(kp); LOGGER.info("diffIterate: kp= " + kpString + ", OP=" + op + ", old_value=" + oldValue + ", new_value=" + newValue); return DiffIterateResultFlag.ITER_RECURSE; } catch (Exception e) { return DiffIterateResultFlag.ITER_CONTINUE; } } } }
We will walk through the code and highlight different
aspects. We start with how the Cdb
instance is
retrieved in this example. It is always possible to open a socket
to NSO and create the Cdb
instance with this
socket. But with this comes the responsibility to manage that
socket. In NSO there is a ResourceMananger
that can take over this responsibility. In the code, the field
that should contain the Cdb
instance is simply
annotated with a @Resource
annotation. The
ResourceManager will find this annotation and create the
instance as specified. In this example (Example 38, “Resource Annotation”)
implies that new instances of this
example class should have unique Cdb
instances (see
more on this in the section called “The Resource Manager”).
@Resource(type = ResourceType.CDB, scope = Scope.INSTANCE,
qualifier = "plain")
private Cdb cdb;
The init()
method (shown in Example 39, “Plain Subscriber Init” is called before this
application component thread is started. For this subscriber this
is the place to setup the subscription. First an
instance is created and in this
instance the subscription points are registered (one in this
case). When all subscription points are registered a call to
will indicate
that the registration is finished and the subscriber is ready to
public void init() {
try {
LOGGER.info(" init cdb subscriber ");
sub = new CdbSubscription(cdb);
String str = "/devices/device{ex0}/config";
subId = sub.subscribe(1, new Ncs(), str);
requestStop = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("FAIL in init", e);
The run()
method comes from the
standard Java API Runnable interface and is executed when the
application component thread is started. For this subscriber
(Example 40, “Plain CDB Subscriber”) a loop over the
method drives the
subscription. This call will block until data has changed for some
of the subscription points that was registered, and the ids for
these subscription points will then be returned. In our example
since we only have one subscription point we know that this id the
one stored as subId
. This subscriber choose to find
the changes by calling the
Important is to acknowledge the subscription by calling
or else this
subscription will block the ongoing transaction.
public void run() { try { while (!requestStop) { try { sub.read(); sub.diffIterate(subId, new Iter()); } finally { sub.sync(CdbSubscriptionSyncType.DONE_SOCKET); } } } catch (ConfException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.ERR_EOF) { // Triggered by finish method // if we throw further NCS JVM will try to restart // the package LOGGER.warn(" Socket Closed!"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("FAIL in run", e); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Exception:" + e.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("FAIL in run", e); } finally { requestStop = false; LOGGER.warn(" run end "); } }
The call to the
requires an
object instance implementing an iterate()
method. To
do this the CdbDiffIterate
interface is implemented
by a suitable class. In our example this done by a private inner
class called Iter
(Example 41, “Plain Subscriber Iterator Implementation”). The iterate()
method is called for every all changes and the path, type of
change and data is provided as arguments. In the end the
should return a flag that controls how
further iteration should prolong, of if it should stop. Our
example iterate()
method just logs the changes.
private class Iter implements CdbDiffIterate { public DiffIterateResultFlag iterate(ConfObject[] kp, DiffIterateOperFlag op, ConfObject oldValue, ConfObject newValue, Object state) { try { String kpString = Conf.kpToString(kp); LOGGER.info("diffIterate: kp= " + kpString + ", OP=" + op + ", old_value=" + oldValue + ", new_value=" + newValue); return DiffIterateResultFlag.ITER_RECURSE; } catch (Exception e) { return DiffIterateResultFlag.ITER_CONTINUE; } } }
The finish()
method (Example 42, “Plain Subscriber finish
”) is called when the NSO
Java-VM wants the application component thread to stop
execution. An orderly stop of the thread is expected. Here the
subscription will stop if the subscription socket and underlying
instance is closed. This will be done by the
ResourceManager when we tell it that the
resources retrieved for this Java object instance could be
unregistered and closed. This is done by a call to the
public void finish() { requestStop = true; LOGGER.warn(" PlainSub in finish () =>"); try { // ResourceManager will close the resource (cdb) used by this // instance that triggers ConfException with ErrorCode.ERR_EOF // in run method ResourceManager.unregisterResources(this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("FAIL in finish", e); } LOGGER.warn(" PlainSub in finish () => ok"); }
We will now compile and start the 1-cdb
example, populate some config data and look at the result. Example 43, “Plain Subscriber Startup” shows how to do this.
$ make clean all $ncs-netsim start
By far the easiest way to populate the database with some actual data is to run the CLI (Example 44, “Populate Data using CLI”).
$ncs_cli -u admin
admin connected from using console on ncs admin@ncs#config exclusive
Entering configuration mode exclusive Warning: uncommitted changes will be discarded on exit admin@ncs(config)#devices sync-from
sync-result { device ex0 result true } sync-result { device ex1 result true } sync-result { device ex2 result true } admin@ncs(config)#devices device ex0 config r:sys syslog server enabled
Commit complete. admin@ncs(config-server-
admin@ncs#show devices device ex0 config r:sys syslog
NAME ----------
We have now added a server to the syslog. What remains is to
check what our "Plain CDB Subscriber" ApplicationComponent got as
a result of this update. In the logs
directory of the 1-cdb
example there is a
file named PlainCdbSub.out
which contains the
log data from this application component. In the beginning of this
file a lot of logging is performed which emanates from the
of the device. In the end of this file we
can find the three logrows which comes from our update. See
extract in Example 45, “Plain Subscriber Output” (with each
row split over several to fit on the page).
<INFO> 05-Feb-2015::13:24:55,760 PlainCdbSub$Iter (cdb-examples:Plain CDB Subscriber) -Run-4: - diffIterate: kp= /ncs:devices/device{ex0}/config/r:sys/syslog/server{}, OP=MOP_CREATED, old_value=null, new_value=null <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::13:24:55,761 PlainCdbSub$Iter (cdb-examples:Plain CDB Subscriber) -Run-4: - diffIterate: kp= /ncs:devices/device{ex0}/config/r:sys/syslog/server{}/name, OP=MOP_VALUE_SET, old_value=null, new_value= <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::13:24:55,762 PlainCdbSub$Iter (cdb-examples:Plain CDB Subscriber) -Run-4: - diffIterate: kp= /ncs:devices/device{ex0}/config/r:sys/syslog/server{}/enabled, OP=MOP_VALUE_SET, old_value=null, new_value=true
We will turn to look at another subscriber which has a more
elaborate diff iteration method.
In our example cdb package we have an
application component named "CdbCfgSubscriber". This component
consists of a subscriber for the subscription point
The iterate() method is here implemented as an inner class called
The code for this subscriber is left out but can be found
in the file ConfigCdbSub.java
Example 46, “Run CdbCfgSubscriber Example” shows how to build and run the example.
$make clean all
$ncs-netsim start
$ncs_cli -u admin
admin@ncs#devices sync-from suppress-positive-result
admin@ncs(config)#no devices device ex* config r:sys interfaces
admin@ncs(config)#devices device ex0 config r:sys interfaces \ > interface en0 mac 3c:07:54:71:13:09 mtu 1500 duplex half unit 0 family inet \ > address broadcast prefix-length 32
Commit complete. admin@ncs(config-address-
admin@ncs(config)# exit
If we look in the file logs/ConfigCdbSub.out
we will find logrecords from the subscriber
(Example 47, “Subscriber Output”). In the end of this
file the last DUMP DB
will show only one remaining interface.
... <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,346 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - Device {ex0} <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,346 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - INTERFACE <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,346 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - name: {en0} <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,346 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - description:null <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,350 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - speed:null <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,354 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - duplex:half <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,354 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - mtu:1500 <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,354 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - mac:<<60,7,84,113,19,9>> <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,354 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - UNIT <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,354 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - name: {0} <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,355 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - descripton: null <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,355 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - vlan-id:null <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,355 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - ADDRESS-FAMILY <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,355 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - key: {} <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,355 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - prefixLength: 32 <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,355 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - broadCast: <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,356 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - Device {ex1} <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:10:23,356 ConfigCdbSub (cdb-examples:CdbCfgSubscriber)-Run-1: - Device {ex2}
We will look once again at the the YANG model for the cdb
package in the
example. Inside the test.yang
YANG model
there is a test
container. As a child to this
container there is a list stats-item
(see Example 48, “1-cdb Simple Operational Data”
list stats-item { config false; tailf:cdb-oper; key skey; leaf skey { type string; } leaf i { type int32; } container inner { leaf l { type string; } } }
Note the list stats-item
has the substatement
config false;
and below it we find a
statement. A standard way to implement
operational data is to define a callpoint in the YANG model and write
instrumentation callback methods for retrieval of the operational data
(see more on data callbacks in
the section called “DP API”).
Here on the other hand we use the tailf:cdb-oper;
which implies that these instrumentation callbacks are automatically
provided internally by NSO. The downside is that we must populate this
operational data in CDB from the outside.
An example of Java code that create operational data using the Navu API is shown in Example 49, “Creating Operational Data using Navu API”).
public static void createEntry(String key)
throws IOException, ConfException {
Socket socket = new Socket("", Conf.NCS_PORT);
Maapi maapi = new Maapi(socket);
maapi.startUserSession("system", InetAddress.getByName(null),
"system", new String[]{},
NavuContext operContext = new NavuContext(maapi);
int th = operContext.startOperationalTrans(Conf.MODE_READ_WRITE);
NavuContainer mroot = new NavuContainer(operContext);
LOGGER.debug("ROOT --> " + mroot);
ConfNamespace ns = new test();
NavuContainer testModule = mroot.container(ns.hash());
NavuList list = testModule.container("test").list("stats-item");
LOGGER.debug("LIST: --> " + list);
List<ConfXMLParam> param = new ArrayList<>();
param.add(new ConfXMLParamValue(ns, "skey", new ConfBuf(key)));
param.add(new ConfXMLParamValue(ns, "i",
new ConfInt32(key.hashCode())));
param.add(new ConfXMLParamStart(ns, "inner"));
param.add(new ConfXMLParamValue(ns, "l", new ConfBuf("test-" + key)));
param.add(new ConfXMLParamStop(ns, "inner"));
list.setValues(param.toArray(new ConfXMLParam[0]));
maapi.applyTrans(th, false);
An example of Java code that delete operational data using the CDB API is shown in Example 50, “Deleting Operational Data using CDB API”.
public static void deleteEntry(String key) throws IOException, ConfException { Socket s = new Socket("", Conf.NCS_PORT); Cdb c = new Cdb("writer", s); CdbSession sess = c.startSession(CdbDBType.CDB_OPERATIONAL, EnumSet.of(CdbLockType.LOCK_REQUEST, CdbLockType.LOCK_WAIT)); ConfPath path = new ConfPath("/t:test/stats-item{%x}", new ConfKey(new ConfBuf(key))); sess.delete(path); sess.endSession(); s.close(); }
In the 1-cdb
example in the cdb package there is
also a application component with a operational data subscriber that
subscribes on data from the path "/t:test/stats-item"
(see Example 51, “CDB Operational Subscriber Java code”).
public class OperCdbSub implements ApplicationComponent, CdbDiffIterate { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(OperCdbSub.class); // let our ResourceManager inject Cdb sockets to us // no explicit creation of creating and opening sockets needed @Resource(type = ResourceType.CDB, scope = Scope.INSTANCE, qualifier = "sub-sock") private Cdb cdbSub; @Resource(type = ResourceType.CDB, scope = Scope.INSTANCE, qualifier = "data-sock") private Cdb cdbData; private boolean requestStop; private int point; private CdbSubscription cdbSubscription; public OperCdbSub() { } public void init() { LOGGER.info(" init oper subscriber "); try { cdbSubscription = cdbSub.newSubscription(); String path = "/t:test/stats-item"; point = cdbSubscription.subscribe( CdbSubscriptionType.SUB_OPERATIONAL, 1, test.hash, path); cdbSubscription.subscribeDone(); LOGGER.info("subscribeDone"); requestStop = false; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Fail in init", e); } } public void run() { try { while (!requestStop) { try { int[] points = cdbSubscription.read(); CdbSession cdbSession = cdbData.startSession(CdbDBType.CDB_OPERATIONAL); EnumSet<DiffIterateFlags> diffFlags = EnumSet.of(DiffIterateFlags.ITER_WANT_PREV); cdbSubscription.diffIterate(points[0], this, diffFlags, cdbSession); cdbSession.endSession(); } finally { cdbSubscription.sync( CdbSubscriptionSyncType.DONE_OPERATIONAL); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Fail in run shouldrun", e); } requestStop = false; } public void finish() { requestStop = true; try { ResourceManager.unregisterResources(this); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Fail in finish", e); } } @Override public DiffIterateResultFlag iterate(ConfObject[] kp, DiffIterateOperFlag op, ConfObject oldValue, ConfObject newValue, Object initstate) { LOGGER.info(op + " " + Arrays.toString(kp) + " value: " + newValue); switch (op) { case MOP_DELETED: break; case MOP_CREATED: case MOP_MODIFIED: { break; } default: break; } return DiffIterateResultFlag.ITER_RECURSE; } }
Notice that the CdbOperSubscriber
is very
similar to the CdbConfigSubscriber
In the 1-cdb
examples there are two
shellscripts setoper
and deloper
will execute the above CreateEntry()
respectively. We can use these to
populate the operational data in CDB for the
YANG model (see Example 52, “Populating Operational Data”).
$make clean all
$./setoper eth0
$./setoper ethX
$./deloper ethX
$ncs_cli -u admin
admin@ncs#show test
SKEY I L -------------------------- eth0 3123639 test-eth0
And if we look at the output from the "CDB
Operational Subscriber" that is found in the
we will see output
similar to Example 53, “Operational subscription Output”.
<INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:27:46,583 OperCdbSub (cdb-examples:OperSubscriber)-Run-0: - MOP_CREATED [{eth0}, t:stats-item, t:test] value: null <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:27:46,584 OperCdbSub (cdb-examples:OperSubscriber)-Run-0: - MOP_VALUE_SET [t:skey, {eth0}, t:stats-item, t:test] value: eth0 <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:27:46,584 OperCdbSub (cdb-examples:OperSubscriber)-Run-0: - MOP_VALUE_SET [t:l, t:inner, {eth0}, t:stats-item, t:test] value: test-eth0 <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:27:46,585 OperCdbSub (cdb-examples:OperSubscriber)-Run-0: - MOP_VALUE_SET [t:i, {eth0}, t:stats-item, t:test] value: 3123639 <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:27:52,429 OperCdbSub (cdb-examples:OperSubscriber)-Run-0: - MOP_CREATED [{ethX}, t:stats-item, t:test] value: null <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:27:52,430 OperCdbSub (cdb-examples:OperSubscriber)-Run-0: - MOP_VALUE_SET [t:skey, {ethX}, t:stats-item, t:test] value: ethX <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:27:52,430 OperCdbSub (cdb-examples:OperSubscriber)-Run-0: - MOP_VALUE_SET [t:l, t:inner, {ethX}, t:stats-item, t:test] value: test-ethX <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:27:52,431 OperCdbSub (cdb-examples:OperSubscriber)-Run-0: - MOP_VALUE_SET [t:i, {ethX}, t:stats-item, t:test] value: 3123679 <INFO> 05-Feb-2015::16:28:00,669 OperCdbSub (cdb-examples:OperSubscriber)-Run-0: - MOP_DELETED [{ethX}, t:stats-item, t:test] value: null
Software upgrades and downgrades represent one of the main
problems of managing configuration data of network devices. Each
software release for a network device is typically associated with
a certain version of configuration data layout, i.e., a schema.
In NSO the schema is the data model stored in the
files. Once CDB has initialized it
also stores a copy of the schema associated with the data it
Every time NSO starts, CDB will check the current
contents of the .fxs
files with its own copy
of the schema files. If CDB detects any changes in the schema it
initiates an upgrade transaction. In the simplest case CDB
automatically resolves the changes and commits the new data before
NSO reaches start-phase one.
The CDB upgrade can be followed by checking the
. The development log is meant to be
used as support while the application is developed. It is enabled
in ncs.conf
as shown in Example 54, “Enabling Developer Logging”
<developer-log> <enabled>true</enabled> <file> <name>./logs/devel.log</name> <enabled>true</enabled> </file> <syslog> <enabled>true</enabled> </syslog> </developer-log> <developer-log-level>trace</developer-log-level>
CDB can automatically handle the following changes to the schema:
- Deleted elements
When an element is deleted from the schema, CDB simply deletes it (and any children) from the database.
- Added elements
If a new element is added to the schema it needs to either be optional, dynamic, or have a default value. New elements with a default are added set to their default value. New dynamic or optional elements are simply noted as a schema change.
- Re-ordering elements
An element with the same name, but in a different position on the same level, is considered to be the same element. If its type hasn't changed it will retain its value, but if the type has changed it will be upgraded as described below.
- Type changes
If a leaf is still present but its type has changed, automatic coercions are performed, so for example integers may be transformed to their string representation if the type changed from e.g. int32 to string. Automatic type conversion succeeds as long as the string representation of the current value can be parsed into its new type. (Which of course also implies that a change from a smaller integer type, e.g. int8, to a larger type, e.g. int32, succeeds for any value - while the opposite will not hold, but might!)
If the coercion fails, any supplied default value will be used. If no default value is present in the new schema, the automatic upgrade will fail and the leaf will be deleted after CDB upgrade.
The conversion between the "empty" and "boolean" types deviates from the aforementioned rule. Let's consider a scenario where a leaf of type "boolean" is being upgraded to a leaf of type "empty". If the original leaf is set to true, it will be upgraded to a "set" empty leaf. Conversely, if the original leaf is set to false, it will be deleted after the upgrade. On the other hand, a "set" empty leaf will be upgraded to a leaf of type "boolean" and will be set to true.
Type changes when user-defined types are used are also handled automatically, provided that some straightforward rules are followed for the type definitions. Read more about user-defined types in the confd_types(3) manual page, which also describes these rules.
- Node type changes
CDB can handle automatic type change between a container and a list. When converting from a container to a list, the child nodes of the container are mapped to child nodes of the list, applying type coercion on the nodes when necessary. Conversely, a list can be automatically transformed into a container provided the list contains at most one list entry. Node attributes will remain intact, with the exception of the list key entry. Attributes set on a container will be transferred to the list key entry and vice versa. However, attributes on the container child node corresponding to the list key value will be lost in the upgrade.
Additionally, type changes between leaf and leaf-list are allowed, and the data is kept intact if the number of entries in the leaf-list is exactly one. If a leaf-list has more than one entry, all entries will be deleted when upgrading to leaf.
Type changes to and from empty leaf are possible to some extent. A type change from any type is allowed to empty leaf, but an empty leaf can only be changed to a presence container. Node attributes will only be preserved for node changes between empty leaf and container.
- Hash changes
When a hash value of particular element has changed (due to an addition of, or a change to, a
statement) CDB will update that element. - Key changes
When a key of a list is modified, CDB tries to upgrade the key using the same rules as explained above for adding, deleting, re-ordering, change of type, and change of hash value. If automatic upgrade of a key fails the entire list entry will be deleted.
When individual entries upgrade successfully, but results in an invalid list, all list entries will be deleted. This can happen, e.g., when an upgrade removes a leaf from the key, resulting in several entries having the same key.
- Default values
If a leaf has a default value, which has not been changed from its default, then the automatic upgrade will use the new default value (if any). If the leaf value has been changed from the old default, then that value will be kept.
- Adding / Removing namespaces
If a namespace no longer is present after an upgrade, CDB removes all data in that namespace. When CDB detects a new namespace, it is initialized with default values.
- Changing to/from operational
Elements that previously had
config false
set that are changed into database elements will be treated as a added elements. In the opposite case, where data elements in the new data model are tagged withconfig false
, the elements will be deleted from the database. - Callpoint changes
CDB only considers the part of the data model in YANG modules that do not have external data callpoints. But while upgrading, CDB does handle moving subtrees into CDB from a callpoint and vice versa. CDB simply considers these as added and deleted schema elements.
Thus an application can be developed using CDB in the first development cycle. When the external database component is ready it can easily replace CDB without changing the schema.
Should the automatic upgrade fail, exit codes and log-entries will indicate the reason (see the section called “Disaster management” in Administration Guide).
As described earlier, when NSO starts with an empty CDB
database, CDB will load all instantiated XML documents found in
the CDB directory and use these to initialize the the database.
We can also use this mechanism for CDB upgrade, since CDB will
again look for files in the CDB directory ending in
when doing an upgrade.
This allows for handling many of the cases that the automatic upgrade can not do by itself, e.g., addition of mandatory leaves (without default statements), or multiple instances of new dynamic containers. Most of the time we can probably simply use the XML init file that is appropriate for a fresh install of the new version also for the upgrade from a previous version.
When using XML files for initialization of CDB, the complete contents of the files is used. On upgrade however, doing this could lead to modification of the user's existing configuration - e.g., we could end up resetting data that the user has modified since CDB was first initialized. For this reason two restrictions are applied when loading the XML files on upgrade:
Only data for elements that are new as of the upgrade, i.e., elements that did not exist in the previous schema, will be considered.
The data will only be loaded if all old, i.e., previously existing, optional/dynamic parent elements and instances exist in the current configuration.
To clarify this, lets make up the following example. Some
package was developed and delivered.
It was realized that the data model had a serious shortcoming in
that there was no way to specify the protocol to use, TCP or UDP.
To fix this, in a new version of the package, another leaf was
added to the /servers/server
list, and the new YANG
module can be seen in Example 55, “New YANG module for the ServerManager Package”.
module servers {
namespace "http://example.com/ns/servers";
prefix servers;
import ietf-inet-types {
prefix inet;
revision "2007-06-01" {
description "added protocol.";
revision "2006-09-01" {
description "Initial servers data model";
/* A set of server structures */
container servers {
list server {
key name;
max-elements 64;
leaf name {
type string;
leaf ip {
type inet:ip-address;
mandatory true;
leaf port {
type inet:port-number;
mandatory true;
leaf protocol {
type enumeration {
enum tcp;
enum udp;
mandatory true;
The differences from the earlier version of the YANG module can be seen in Example 56, “Difference between YANG Modules”.
diff ../servers1.5.yang ../servers1.4.yang
< revision "2007-06-01" {
< description "added protocol.";
< }
< mandatory true;
< }
< leaf protocol {
< type enumeration {
< enum tcp;
< enum udp;
< }
Since it was considered important that the user explicitly specified the protocol, the new leaf was made mandatory. The XML init file must include this leaf, and the result can be seen in Example 57, “Protocol Upgrade Init File” like this:
<servers:servers xmlns:servers="http://example.com/ns/servers"> <servers:server> <servers:name>www</servers:name> <servers:ip></servers:ip> <servers:port>88</servers:port> <servers:protocol>tcp</servers:protocol> </servers:server> <servers:server> <servers:name>www2</servers:name> <servers:ip></servers:ip> <servers:port>80</servers:port> <servers:protocol>tcp</servers:protocol> </servers:server> <servers:server> <servers:name>smtp</servers:name> <servers:ip></servers:ip> <servers:port>25</servers:port> <servers:protocol>tcp</servers:protocol> </servers:server> <servers:server> <servers:name>dns</servers:name> <servers:ip></servers:ip> <servers:port>53</servers:port> <servers:protocol>udp</servers:protocol> </servers:server> </servers:servers>
We can then just use this new init file for the upgrade, and
the existing server instances in the user's configuration will get
the new /servers/server/protocol
leaf filled in as
expected. However some users may have deleted some of the original
servers from their configuration, and in those cases we obviously
do not want those servers to get re-created during the upgrade
just because they are present in the XML file - the above
restrictions make sure that this does not happen. The
configuration after the upgrade can be seen in Example 58, “Configuration after Upgrade” Here is what the
configuration looks like after upgrade if the "smtp" server has
been deleted before upgrade:
<servers xmlns="http://example.com/ns/servers"> <server> <name>dns</name> <ip></ip> <port>53</port> <protocol>udp</protocol> </server> <server> <name>www</name> <ip></ip> <port>88</port> <protocol>tcp</protocol> </server> <server> <name>www2</name> <ip></ip> <port>80</port> <protocol>tcp</protocol> </server> </servers>
This example also implicitly shows a limitation with this method. If the user has created additional servers, the new XML file will not specify what protocol to use for those servers, and the upgrade cannot succeed unless the package upgrade component method is used, see below. However the example is a bit contrived. In practice this limitation is rarely a problem. It does not occur for new lists or optional elements, nor for new mandatory elements that are not children of old lists. And in fact correctly adding this "protocol" leaf for user-created servers would require user input - it can not be done by any fully automated procedure.
Since CDB will attempt to load all
files in the CDB directory at the
time of upgrade, it is important to not leave XML init files
from a previous version that are no longer valid there.
It is always possible to write a package specific upgrade component to change the data belonging to a package before the upgrade transaction is committed. This will be explained in the following section.
One case the system does not handle directly is addition of new
custom validation points using the tailf:validate
statement during an upgrade. The issue that surfaces is that the
schema upgrade is performed before the (new) user code gets
deployed and therefore the code required for validation is not yet
available. It results in an error similar to
“no registration found for callpoint
/validate” or simply
“application communication failure”.
One way to solve this problem is to first redeploy the package with
the custom validation code, then perform the schema upgrade through
the full packages reload action. For example,
suppose you are upgrading the package test-svc
Then you first perform packages package test-svc
redeploy, followed by packages reload.
The main downside to this approach is that the new code must work
with the old data model, which may require extra effort when there
are major data model changes.
An alternative is to temporarily disable the validation by starting
the NSO with the --ignore-initial-validation
option. In this case, you should stop the ncs process and
start it using --ignore-initial-validation
options to perform the schema
upgrade without custom validation. However, this may result in data
in the CDB that would otherwise not pass custom validation. If you
still want to validate the data, you can write an upgrade component
to do this one-time validation.
In previous sections we showed how automatic upgrades and XML initialization files can help in upgrading CDB when YANG models have changed. In some situations this is not sufficient. For instance if a YANG model is changed and new mandatory leaves are introduced that need calculations to set the values then a programmatic upgrade is needed. This is when the upgrade component of a package comes in play.
A upgrade component is a Java class with a
standard main()
method that becomes a standalone
program that is run as part of the package reload
As with any package component types, the upgrade components has to be defined in the package-meta-data.xml file for the package (Example 59, “Upgrade Package Components”).
<ncs-package xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs-packages"> .... <component> <name>do-upgrade</name> <upgrade> <java-class-name>com.example.DoUpgrade</java-class-name> </upgrade> </component> </ncs-package>
Lets recapitulate how packages are loaded and reloaded. NSO can search
the /ncs-config/load-path
for packages to run and will
copy these to a private directory tree under
with root directory
. However NSO will only do this
search when packages-in-use.cur
is empty or when
a reload is requested. This scheme makes
package upgrades controlled and predictable, for more on this see
the section called “Loading Packages”.
![]() |
NSO Package before reload
So in preparation for a package upgrade the new packages replaces the old ones in the load path. In our scenario the YANG model changes are such that the automatic schema upgrade that CDB performs are not sufficient, therefore the new packages also contain upgrade components. At this point NSO is still running with the old package definitions.
![]() |
NSO Package at reload
When the package reload is requested the packages in the load-path is copied to the state directory. The old state directory is scratched so that packages than no longer exist in the load path are removed and new packages are added. Obviously, unchanged packages will be unchanged. Automatic schema CDB upgrades will be performed, and afterwards, for all packages which have and upgrade component and for which at least one YANG model was changes, this upgrade component will be executed. Also for added packages that have an upgrade component this component will be executed. Hence the upgrade component needs to be programmed in such a way that care is taken for both the new and upgrade package scenarios.
So how should an upgrade component be implemented? In the previous section we described how CDB can perform an automatic upgrade. But this means that CDB has deleted all values that are no longer part of the schema? Well, not quite yet. At an initial phase of the NSO startup procedure (called start-phase0) it is possible to use all the CDB Java API calls to access the data using the schema from the database as it looked before the automatic upgrade. That is, the complete database as it stood before the upgrade is still available to the application. It is under this condition that the upgrade components are executed and is the reason why they are standalone programs and not executed by the NSO Java-VM as all other java code for components are.
So the CDB Java API can be used to read data defined by the old YANG
models. To write new config data Maapi has a specific method
. This method attaches a
Maapi instance to the upgrade transaction (or init transaction)
during phase0
. This special upgrade transaction
is only available during phase0. NSO will commit this transaction
when the phase0 is ended, so the user should only write config data (not
attempt commit etc).
We take a look at the example
to see how a upgrade component can be implemented.
Here the vlan package has an original version which
is replaced with a version vlan_v2. See the README
and play with example to get aquainted.
The 14-upgrade-service
is a
service package. But the upgrade components here
described work equally well and in the same way for any package type.
The only requirement is that the package contain at least one YANG model
for the upgrade component to have meaning. If not the upgrade component
will never be executed.
The complete YANG model for the version 2 of the VLAN service looks as follows:
module vlan-service { namespace "http://example.com/vlan-service"; prefix vl; import tailf-common { prefix tailf; } import tailf-ncs { prefix ncs; } description "This service creates a vlan iface/unit on all routers in our network. "; revision 2013-08-30 { description "Added mandatory leaf global-id."; } revision 2013-01-08 { description "Initial revision."; } augment /ncs:services { list vlan { key name; leaf name { tailf:info "Unique service id"; tailf:cli-allow-range; type string; } uses ncs:service-data; ncs:servicepoint vlanspnt_v2; tailf:action self-test { tailf:info "Perform self-test of the service"; tailf:actionpoint vlanselftest; output { leaf success { type boolean; } leaf message { type string; description "Free format message."; } } } leaf global-id { type string; mandatory true; } leaf iface { type string; mandatory true; } leaf unit { type int32; mandatory true; } leaf vid { type uint16; mandatory true; } leaf description { type string; mandatory true; } } } }
If we diff
the changes between the two YANG models for the service we
see that in version 2 a new mandatory leaf has been added (see
Example 61, “YANG Service diff”).
$ diff vlan/src/yang/vlan-service.yang \
> revision 2013-08-30 {
> description
> "Added mandatory leaf global-id.";
> }
> leaf global-id {
> type string;
> mandatory true;
> }
We need to create a Java class with a main()
method that connects to CDB and MAAPI. This main will be executed as a
separate program an all private and shared jars defined by the package will
be in the classpath. To upgrade the vlan service the following Java code
is needed:
public class UpgradeService {
public UpgradeService() {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Socket s1 = new Socket("localhost", Conf.NCS_PORT);
Cdb cdb = new Cdb("cdb-upgrade-sock", s1);
CdbUpgradeSession cdbsess =
Socket s2 = new Socket("localhost", Conf.NCS_PORT);
Maapi maapi = new Maapi(s2);
int th = maapi.attachInit();
int no = cdbsess.getNumberOfInstances("/services/vlan");
for(int i = 0; i < no; i++) {
Integer offset = Integer.valueOf(i);
ConfBuf name = (ConfBuf)cdbsess.getElem("/services/vlan[%d]/name",
ConfBuf iface = (ConfBuf)cdbsess.getElem("/services/vlan[%d]/iface",
ConfInt32 unit =
ConfUInt16 vid =
String nameStr = name.toString();
System.out.println("SERVICENAME = " + nameStr);
String globId = String.format("%1$s-%2$s-%3$s", iface.toString(),
unit.toString(), vid.toString());
ConfPath gidpath = new ConfPath("/services/vlan{%s}/global-id",
maapi.setElem(th, new ConfBuf(globId), gidpath);
Lets go through the code and point out the different aspects
of writing a upgrade component. First (see Example 63, “Upgrade Init”) we open a socket and connect
to NSO. We pass this socket to a Java API Cdb
instance and call
. This method will
prepare cdb sessions for reading old data from the CDB database,
and it should only be called in this context. In the end of this
first code fragment we start the CDB upgrade session:
Socket s1 = new Socket("localhost", Conf.NCS_PORT); Cdb cdb = new Cdb("cdb-upgrade-sock", s1); cdb.setUseForCdbUpgrade(); CdbUpgradeSession cdbsess = cdb.startUpgradeSession( CdbDBType.CDB_RUNNING, EnumSet.of(CdbLockType.LOCK_SESSION, CdbLockType.LOCK_WAIT));
We then open and connect a second socket to NSO and pass
this to a Java API Maapi instance. We call the
method to get the init
transaction (Example 64, “Upgrade Get Transaction”).
Socket s2 = new Socket("localhost", Conf.NCS_PORT); Maapi maapi = new Maapi(s2); int th = maapi.attachInit();
Using the CdbSession
instance we read the
number of service instance that exists in the CDB database. We
will work on all these instances. Also if the number of instances
is zero the loop will not be entered. This is a simple way to
prevent the upgrade component from doing any harm in the case of
this being a new package that is added to NSO for the first
int no = cdbsess.getNumberOfInstances("/services/vlan");
for(int i = 0; i < no; i++) {
Via the CdbUpgradeSession
, the old service data is
ConfBuf name = (ConfBuf)cdbsess.getElem("/services/vlan[%d]/name", offset); ConfBuf iface = (ConfBuf)cdbsess.getElem("/services/vlan[%d]/iface", offset); ConfInt32 unit = (ConfInt32)cdbsess.getElem("/services/vlan[%d]/unit", offset); ConfUInt16 vid = (ConfUInt16)cdbsess.getElem("/services/vlan[%d]/vid", offset);
The value for new leaf introduced in the new version of the YANG model is calculated, and the value is set using Maapi and the init transaction:
String globId = String.format("%1$s-%2$s-%3$s", iface.toString(), unit.toString(), vid.toString()); ConfPath gidpath = new ConfPath("/services/vlan{%s}/global-id", name.toString()); maapi.setElem(th, new ConfBuf(globId), gidpath);
In the end of the program the sockets are closed. Important to note is that no commits or other handling of the init transaction is done. This is NSO responsibility:
s1.close(); s2.close();
More complicated service package upgrades scenarios occur when
a YANG model containing a service point is renamed, or moved and augmented
to a new place in the NSO model. This is because, not only, does the
complete config data set need to be recreated on the new position but a
service also have hidden private data that is part of the FASTMAP algorithm
and necessary for the service to be valid. For this reason a specific
MAAPI method Maapi.ncsMovePrivateData()
exists that
takes the both the old and the new position for the service point and
moves the service data between these positions.
![]() |
NSO Advanced service upgrade
In the 14-upgrade-service example this more complicated scenario is illustrated with the tunnel package. The tunnel package YANG model maps the vlan_v2 package one-to-one but is a complete rename of the model containers and all leafs:
module tunnel-service { namespace "http://example.com/tunnel-service"; prefix tl; import tailf-common { prefix tailf; } import tailf-ncs { prefix ncs; } description "This service creates a tunnel assembly on all routers in our network. "; revision 2013-01-08 { description "Initial revision."; } augment /ncs:services { list tunnel { key tunnel-name; leaf tunnel-name { tailf:info "Unique service id"; tailf:cli-allow-range; type string; } uses ncs:service-data; ncs:servicepoint tunnelspnt; tailf:action self-test { tailf:info "Perform self-test of the service"; tailf:actionpoint tunnelselftest; output { leaf success { type boolean; } leaf message { type string; description "Free format message."; } } } leaf gid { type string; mandatory true; } leaf interface { type string; mandatory true; } leaf assembly { type int32; mandatory true; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; mandatory true; } leaf descr { type string; mandatory true; } } } }
To upgrade from the vlan_v2 to the tunnel package an new upgrade component for the tunnel package has to be implemented:
public class UpgradeService { public UpgradeService() { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ArrayList<ConfNamespace> nsList = new ArrayList<ConfNamespace>(); nsList.add(new vlanService()); Socket s1 = new Socket("localhost", Conf.NCS_PORT); Cdb cdb = new Cdb("cdb-upgrade-sock", s1); cdb.setUseForCdbUpgrade(nsList); CdbUpgradeSession cdbsess = cdb.startUpgradeSession( CdbDBType.CDB_RUNNING, EnumSet.of(CdbLockType.LOCK_SESSION, CdbLockType.LOCK_WAIT)); Socket s2 = new Socket("localhost", Conf.NCS_PORT); Maapi maapi = new Maapi(s2); int th = maapi.attachInit(); int no = cdbsess.getNumberOfInstances("/services/vlan"); for(int i = 0; i < no; i++) { ConfBuf name =(ConfBuf)cdbsess.getElem("/services/vlan[%d]/name", Integer.valueOf(i)); String nameStr = name.toString(); System.out.println("SERVICENAME = " + nameStr); ConfCdbUpgradePath oldPath = new ConfCdbUpgradePath("/ncs:services/vl:vlan{%s}", name.toString()); ConfPath newPath = new ConfPath("/services/tunnel{%x}", name); maapi.create(th, newPath); ConfXMLParam[] oldparams = new ConfXMLParam[] { new ConfXMLParamLeaf("vl", "global-id"), new ConfXMLParamLeaf("vl", "iface"), new ConfXMLParamLeaf("vl", "unit"), new ConfXMLParamLeaf("vl", "vid"), new ConfXMLParamLeaf("vl", "description"), }; ConfXMLParam[] data = cdbsess.getValues(oldparams, oldPath); ConfXMLParam[] newparams = new ConfXMLParam[] { new ConfXMLParamValue("tl", "gid", data[0].getValue()), new ConfXMLParamValue("tl", "interface", data[1].getValue()), new ConfXMLParamValue("tl", "assembly", data[2].getValue()), new ConfXMLParamValue("tl", "tunnel-id", data[3].getValue()), new ConfXMLParamValue("tl", "descr", data[4].getValue()), }; maapi.setValues(th, newparams, newPath); maapi.ncsMovePrivateData(th, oldPath, newPath); } s1.close(); s2.close(); } }
We will walk throw this code also and point out the aspects
that differ from the earlier more simple scenario. First we want
to create the Cdb
instance and get the
CdbSession. However in this scenario the old namespace is removed
and the Java API cannot retrieve it from NSO. To be able to use
CDB to read and interpret the old YANG Model the old generated
and removed Java namespace classes has to be temporarily
reinstalled. This is solved by adding a jar (Java archive)
containing these removed namespaces into the
directory of the tunnel
package. The removed namespace can then be instantiated and passed
to Cdb via an overridden version of the
ArrayList<ConfNamespace> nsList = new ArrayList<ConfNamespace>(); nsList.add(new vlanService()); Socket s1 = new Socket("localhost", Conf.NCS_PORT); Cdb cdb = new Cdb("cdb-upgrade-sock", s1); cdb.setUseForCdbUpgrade(nsList); CdbUpgradeSession cdbsess = cdb.startUpgradeSession( CdbDBType.CDB_RUNNING, EnumSet.of(CdbLockType.LOCK_SESSION, CdbLockType.LOCK_WAIT));
As an alternative to including the old namespace file in the
package, a ConfNamespaceStub
can be constructed for each
old model that is to be accessed:
nslist.add(new ConfNamespaceStub(500805321,
Since the old YANG model with the service point is removed the new service container with the new service has to be created before any config data can we written to this position:
ConfPath newPath = new ConfPath("/services/tunnel{%x}", name); maapi.create(th, newPath);
The complete config for the old service is read via the
. Note in particular that the path
is constructed as a ConfCdbUpgradePath
These are paths that allow access to nodes that are not available in
the current schema (i.e., nodes in deleted models).
ConfXMLParam[] oldparams = new ConfXMLParam[] { new ConfXMLParamLeaf("vl", "global-id"), new ConfXMLParamLeaf("vl", "iface"), new ConfXMLParamLeaf("vl", "unit"), new ConfXMLParamLeaf("vl", "vid"), new ConfXMLParamLeaf("vl", "description"), }; ConfXMLParam[] data = cdbsess.getValues(oldparams, oldPath);
The new data structure with the service data is created and written to NSO via Maapi and the init transaction:
ConfXMLParam[] newparams = new ConfXMLParam[] { new ConfXMLParamValue("tl", "gid", data[0].getValue()), new ConfXMLParamValue("tl", "interface", data[1].getValue()), new ConfXMLParamValue("tl", "assembly", data[2].getValue()), new ConfXMLParamValue("tl", "tunnel-id", data[3].getValue()), new ConfXMLParamValue("tl", "descr", data[4].getValue()), }; maapi.setValues(th, newparams, newPath);
Last the service private data is moved from the old position to
the new position via the method
maapi.ncsMovePrivateData(th, oldPath, newPath);