Version 1.42.0 to 1.43.0

Summary of Changes

17 - New

139 - Updated

687 - Total operations

442 - Total Paths

What's Updated

[ licensing ]


Claim a subscription into an organization.

POST /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions/claim

- Optional param validate added

[ switch ]


Create an access policy for a switch network

POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies

- Optional property counts Added

List the access policies for a switch network

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies

- Optional property counts Added

- Response property counts value added

Return a specific access policy for a switch network

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies/{accessPolicyNumber}

- Optional property counts Added

- Response property counts value added

Update an access policy for a switch network

PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies/{accessPolicyNumber}

- Optional property counts Added


Return the status for all the ports of a switch

GET /devices/{serial}/switch/ports/statuses

- Optional property spanningTree Added

- Response property spanningTree value added

[ sensor ]


Return all reported readings from sensors in a given timespan, sorted by timestamp

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sensor/readings/history

- Optional property apparentPower Added

- Optional property co2 Added

- Optional property current Added

- Optional property downstreamPower Added

- Optional property frequency Added

- Optional property powerFactor Added

- Optional property realPower Added

- Optional property remoteLockoutSwitch Added

- Optional property voltage Added

- Response property apparentPower value added

- Response property co2 value added

- Response property current value added

- Response property downstreamPower value added

- Response property frequency value added

- Response property powerFactor value added

- Response property realPower value added

- Response property remoteLockoutSwitch value added

- Response property voltage value added

Return the latest available reading for each metric from each sensor, sorted by sensor serial

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sensor/readings/latest

- Optional property apparentPower Added

- Optional property co2 Added

- Optional property current Added

- Optional property downstreamPower Added

- Optional property frequency Added

- Optional property powerFactor Added

- Optional property realPower Added

- Optional property remoteLockoutSwitch Added

- Optional property voltage Added

- Response property apparentPower value added

- Response property co2 value added

- Response property current value added

- Response property downstreamPower value added

- Response property frequency value added

- Response property powerFactor value added

- Response property realPower value added

- Response property remoteLockoutSwitch value added

- Response property voltage value added


Creates a sensor alert profile for a network.

POST /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/profiles

- Optional property realPower Added

- Optional property apparentPower Added

- Optional property powerFactor Added

- Optional property current Added

- Optional property voltage Added

- Optional property frequency Added

- Optional property upstreamPower Added

- Optional property realPower Added

- Optional property apparentPower Added

- Optional property powerFactor Added

- Optional property current Added

- Optional property voltage Added

- Optional property frequency Added

- Optional property upstreamPower Added

Return an overview of currently alerting sensors by metric

GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/current/overview/byMetric

- Optional property apparentPower Added

- Optional property co2 Added

- Optional property current Added

- Optional property frequency Added

- Optional property powerFactor Added

- Optional property realPower Added

- Optional property upstreamPower Added

- Optional property voltage Added

- Response property apparentPower value added

- Response property co2 value added

- Response property current value added

- Response property frequency value added

- Response property powerFactor value added

- Response property realPower value added

- Response property upstreamPower value added

- Response property voltage value added

Return an overview of alert occurrences over a timespan, by metric

GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/overview/byMetric

- Optional property apparentPower Added

- Optional property co2 Added

- Optional property current Added

- Optional property frequency Added

- Optional property powerFactor Added

- Optional property realPower Added

- Optional property upstreamPower Added

- Optional property voltage Added

- Response property apparentPower value added

- Response property co2 value added

- Response property current value added

- Response property frequency value added

- Response property powerFactor value added

- Response property realPower value added

- Response property upstreamPower value added

- Response property voltage value added

Lists all sensor alert profiles for a network.

GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/profiles

- Optional property realPower Added

- Optional property apparentPower Added

- Optional property powerFactor Added

- Optional property current Added

- Optional property voltage Added

- Optional property frequency Added

- Optional property upstreamPower Added

- Response property realPower value added

- Response property apparentPower value added

- Response property powerFactor value added

- Response property current value added

- Response property voltage value added

- Response property frequency value added

- Response property upstreamPower value added

Show details of a sensor alert profile for a network.

GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/profiles/{id}

- Optional property realPower Added

- Optional property apparentPower Added

- Optional property powerFactor Added

- Optional property current Added

- Optional property voltage Added

- Optional property frequency Added

- Optional property upstreamPower Added

- Response property realPower value added

- Response property apparentPower value added

- Response property powerFactor value added

- Response property current value added

- Response property voltage value added

- Response property frequency value added

- Response property upstreamPower value added

Updates a sensor alert profile for a network.

PUT /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/profiles/{id}

- Optional property realPower Added

- Optional property apparentPower Added

- Optional property powerFactor Added

- Optional property current Added

- Optional property voltage Added

- Optional property frequency Added

- Optional property upstreamPower Added

- Optional property realPower Added

- Optional property apparentPower Added

- Optional property powerFactor Added

- Optional property current Added

- Optional property voltage Added

- Optional property frequency Added

- Optional property upstreamPower Added

[ sm ]


List the devices enrolled in an SM network with various specified fields and filters

GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices

- Optional param systemTypes added

[ wireless ]


Return the wireless settings for a network

GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/settings

- Optional property countryCode Added

- Response property countryCode value added

Update the wireless settings for a network

PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/settings

- Optional property countryCode Added

[ organizations ]

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/uplinks/statuses

- Optional property highAvailability Added

- Response property highAvailability value added

What's New

[ sm ]


PATH /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/reboot

- Path added

- New operation

Reboot a set of operations

POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/reboot

    "ids": [

PATH /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/shutdown

- Path added

- New operation

Shutdown a set of operations

POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/shutdown

    "ids": [


PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/admins/roles

- Path added

- New operation

List the Limited Access Roles for an organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/admins/roles

    "items": [
            "roleId": "1284392014819",
            "name": "sample name",
            "scope": "all_tags",
            "tags": [
    "meta": {
        "counts": {
            "items": {
                "total": 10,
                "remaining": 0

- New operation

Create a Limited Access Role

POST /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/admins/roles

    "roleId": "1284392014819",
    "name": "sample name",
    "scope": "all_tags",
    "tags": [

PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/admins/roles/{roleId}

- Path added

- New operation

Return a Limited Access Role

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/admins/roles/{roleId}

    "roleId": "1284392014819",
    "name": "sample name",
    "scope": "all_tags",
    "tags": [

- New operation

Update a Limited Access Role

PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/admins/roles/{roleId}

    "roleId": "1284392014819",
    "name": "sample name",
    "scope": "all_tags",
    "tags": [

- New operation

Delete a Limited Access Role

DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/admins/roles/{roleId}


PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/sentry/policies/assignments

- Path added

- New operation

Update an Organizations Sentry Policies using the provided list. Sentry Policies are ordered in descending order of priority (i.e. highest priority at the bottom, this is opposite the Dashboard UI). Policies not present in the request will be deleted.

PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/sentry/policies/assignments

    "items": [
            "networkId": "N_24329156",
            "policies": [
                    "policyId": "1284392014819",
                    "networkId": "N_24329156",
                    "smNetworkId": "N_24329156",
                    "tags": [
                    "scope": "withAny",
                    "groupNumber": "1234",
                    "groupPolicyId": "1284392014819",
                    "priority": "1",
                    "createdAt": "2018-05-12T00:00:00Z",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-05-12T00:00:00Z"

PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/sentry/policies/assignments/byNetwork

- Path added

- New operation

List the Sentry Policies for an organization ordered in ascending order of priority

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/sentry/policies/assignments/byNetwork

        "items": [
                "networkId": "N_24329156",
                "policies": [
                        "policyId": "1284392014819",
                        "networkId": "N_24329156",
                        "smNetworkId": "N_24329156",
                        "tags": [
                        "scope": "withAny",
                        "groupNumber": "1234",
                        "groupPolicyId": "1284392014819",
                        "priority": "1",
                        "createdAt": "2018-05-12T00:00:00Z",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-05-12T00:00:00Z"
        "meta": {
            "counts": {
                "items": {
                    "total": 10,
                    "remaining": 0

[ organizations ]


PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/networks/byStatus

- Path added

- New operation

List the client and status overview information for the networks in an organization. Usage is measured in kilobytes and from the last seven days.

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/networks/byStatus

        "networkId": "N_24329156",
        "name": "Main Office",
        "url": "",
        "tags": [
        "clients": {
            "counts": {
                "total": 72
            "usage": {
                "upstream": 3732658.44,
                "downstream": 983732658.87
        "statuses": {
            "overall": "online",
            "byProductType": [
                    "productType": "wireless",
                    "counts": {
                        "online": 2,
                        "offline": 1,
                        "alerting": 0,
                        "dormant": 3
        "devices": {
            "byProductType": [
                    "productType": "wireless",
                    "url": ""
        "productTypes": [

[ devices ]


PATH /devices/{serial}/liveTools/cableTest

- Path added

- New operation

Enqueue a job to perform a cable test for the device on the specified ports.

POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/cableTest

    "cableTestId": "1284392014819",
    "url": "/devices/Q234-ABCD-5678/liveTools/cableTest/1284392014819",
    "request": {
        "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678",
        "ports": [
    "status": "complete",
    "callback": {
        "id": "1284392014819",
        "url": "",
        "status": "new"

PATH /devices/{serial}/liveTools/cableTest/{id}

- Path added

- New operation

Return a cable test live tool job.

GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/cableTest/{id}

    "cableTestId": "1284392014819",
    "url": "/devices/Q234-ABCD-5678/liveTools/cableTest/1284392014819",
    "request": {
        "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678",
        "ports": [
    "status": "complete",
    "results": [
            "port": "2",
            "status": "up",
            "speedMbps": 10000,
            "error": "An unexpected error occurred during the execution of the cable test.",
            "pairs": [
                    "index": 0,
                    "status": "ok",
                    "lengthMeters": 1
    "error": "The device is unreachable."


PATH /devices/{serial}/liveTools/wakeOnLan

- Path added

- New operation

Enqueue a job to send a Wake-on-LAN packet from the device

POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/wakeOnLan

    "wakeOnLanId": "123",
    "url": "/devices/QXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ/liveTools/wakeOnLan/1738",
    "status": "complete",
    "request": {
        "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678",
        "vlanId": 12,
        "mac": "00:11:22:33:44:55"
    "error": "The device is unreachable.",
    "callback": {
        "id": "1284392014819",
        "url": "",
        "status": "new"

PATH /devices/{serial}/liveTools/wakeOnLan/{wakeOnLanId}

- Path added

- New operation

Return a Wake-on-LAN job

GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/wakeOnLan/{wakeOnLanId}

    "wakeOnLanId": "123",
    "url": "/devices/QXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ/liveTools/wakeOnLan/1738",
    "status": "complete",
    "request": {
        "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678",
        "vlanId": 12,
        "mac": "00:11:22:33:44:55"
    "error": "The device is unreachable."


PATH /devices/{serial}/liveTools/arpTable

- Path added

- New operation

Enqueue a job to perform a ARP table request for the device. This operation currently supports switches.

POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/arpTable

    "arpTableId": "1284392014819",
    "url": "/devices/Q234-ABCD-5678/liveTools/arpTable/1284392014819",
    "request": {
        "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678"
    "status": "complete",
    "callback": {
        "id": "1284392014819",
        "url": "",
        "status": "new"

PATH /devices/{serial}/liveTools/arpTable/{arpTableId}

- Path added

- New operation

Return an ARP table live tool job.

GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/arpTable/{arpTableId}

    "arpTableId": "1284392014819",
    "url": "/devices/Q234-ABCD-5678/liveTools/arpTable/1284392014819",
    "request": {
        "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678"
    "status": "complete",
    "entries": [
            "ip": "",
            "mac": "00:11:22:33:44:55",
            "vlanId": 100,
            "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-02-11T00:00:00.090210Z"
    "error": "The device is unreachable."

[ appliance ]

PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/uplinks/statuses/overview

- Path added

- New operation

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/uplinks/statuses/overview

    "counts": {
        "byStatus": {
            "active": 5,
            "ready": 5,
            "failed": 4,
            "connecting": 2,
            "notConnected": 1

[ camera ]


PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/boundaries/areas/byDevice

- Path added

- New operation

Returns all configured area boundaries of cameras

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/boundaries/areas/byDevice

        "networkId": "N_24329156",
        "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678",
        "boundaries": {
            "id": "k74272e",
            "type": "area",
            "name": "myarea",
            "vertices": [
                    "x": 0.1,
                    "y": 0.1

PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/boundaries/lines/byDevice

- Path added

- New operation

Returns all configured crossingline boundaries of cameras

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/boundaries/lines/byDevice

        "networkId": "N_24329156",
        "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678",
        "boundaries": {
            "id": "k74272e",
            "type": "line",
            "name": "mycline",
            "vertices": [
                    "x": 0.375,
                    "y": 0.5
            "directionVertex": {
                "x": 0.5,
                "y": 0.54


PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/detections/history/byBoundary/byInterval

- Path added

- New operation

Returns analytics data for timespans

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/detections/history/byBoundary/byInterval

        "boundaryId": "k74272e",
        "type": "line",
        "results": {
            "startTime": "2018-02-11T00:00:00Z",
            "endTime": "2018-05-12T00:00:00Z",
            "objectType": "person",
            "in": 22,
            "out": 13