Version 1.52.0 to 1.53.0

Summary of Changes

5 - New

37 - Updated

773 - Total Endpoints

520 - Total Paths

What's Updated

[ licensing ]


List available subscriptions

GET /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions

- Property smartAccountStatus Deleted

- Property id Deleted

- Property name Deleted

- Optional property status Added

- Optional property account Added

- Optional property lastUpdatedAt Added

- Optional property renewalRequested Added

- Response property status value added

- Response property account value added

- Response property lastUpdatedAt value added

- Response property renewalRequested value added

Claim a subscription into an organization.

POST /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions/claim

- Property smartAccountStatus Deleted

- Property id Deleted

- Property name Deleted

- Optional property status Added

- Optional property account Added

- Optional property lastUpdatedAt Added

- Optional property renewalRequested Added

Find a subscription by claim key

POST /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions/claimKey/validate

- Property smartAccountStatus Deleted

- Property id Deleted

- Property name Deleted

- Optional property status Added

- Optional property account Added

- Optional property lastUpdatedAt Added

- Optional property renewalRequested Added

[ devices ]


Return a ping job

GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/ping/{id}

- Property sourceInterface Deleted

- Optional property serial Added

- Response property serial value added

Enqueue a job to ping a target host from the device

POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/ping

- Property sourceInterface Deleted

- Optional property serial Added


Return a ping device job

GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/pingDevice/{id}

- Optional property serial Added

- Response property serial value added

Enqueue a job to check connectivity status to the device

POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/pingDevice

- Optional property serial Added

[ wireless ]


Return the L3 firewall rules for an SSID on an MR network

GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/firewall/l3FirewallRules

- Optional property allowLanAccess Added

- Response property allowLanAccess value added

Update the L3 firewall rules of an SSID on an MR network

PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/firewall/l3FirewallRules

- Optional property allowLanAccess Added

[ organizations ]


Initiates or updates an import session

POST /organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/onboarding/cloudMonitoring/prepare

- Optional property options Added

What's New

[ devices ]


PATH /devices/{serial}/liveTools/leds/blink

- Path added

- New endpoint

POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/leds/blink

    "ledsBlinkId": "123",
    "url": "/devices/QXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ/liveTools/leds/blink/1738",
    "status": "complete",
    "request": {
        "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678",
        "duration": 30
    "error": "error description",
    "callback": {
        "id": "1284392014819",
        "url": "",
        "status": "new"

PATH /devices/{serial}/liveTools/leds/blink/{ledsBlinkId}

- Path added

- New endpoint

GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/leds/blink/{ledsBlinkId}

    "ledsBlinkId": "123",
    "url": "/devices/QXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ/liveTools/leds/blink/1738",
    "status": "complete",
    "request": {
        "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678",
        "duration": 30
    "error": "error description"

[ switch ]


PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/clients/overview/byDevice

- Path added

- New endpoint

List the number of clients for all switchports with at least one online client in an organization.

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/clients/overview/byDevice

    "items": [
            "name": "Example Switch",
            "serial": "Q555-5555-5555",
            "mac": "01:23:45:67:ab:cd",
            "network": {
                "name": "Example Network",
                "id": "L_12345"
            "model": "MS120-8",
            "ports": [
                    "portId": "1",
                    "counts": {
                        "byStatus": {
                            "online": 0
    "meta": {
        "counts": {
            "items": {
                "total": 1,
                "remaining": 0

PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/statuses/bySwitch

- Path added

- New endpoint

List the switchports in an organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/statuses/bySwitch

    "items": [
            "name": "Example Switch",
            "serial": "Q555-5555-5555",
            "mac": "01:23:45:67:ab:cd",
            "network": {
                "name": "Example Network",
                "id": "L_12345"
            "model": "MS120-8",
            "ports": [
                    "portId": "1",
                    "enabled": true,
                    "status": "Connected",
                    "isUplink": false,
                    "errors": [
                        "PoE overload",
                        "Very high proportion of CRC errors"
                    "warnings": [
                        "SecurePort authentication in progress",
                        "PoE port was denied power",
                        "High proportion of CRC errors"
                    "speed": "10 Gbps",
                    "duplex": "full",
                    "spanningTree": {
                        "statuses": [
                    "poe": {
                        "isAllocated": false
                    "securePort": {
                        "active": true,
                        "authenticationStatus": "Authentication in progress"
    "meta": {
        "counts": {
            "items": {
                "total": 1,
                "remaining": 0

PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/topology/discovery/byDevice

- Path added

- New endpoint

List most recently seen LLDP/CDP discovery and topology information per switch port in an organization.

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/topology/discovery/byDevice

    "items": [
            "name": "Example Switch",
            "serial": "Q555-5555-5555",
            "mac": "01:23:45:67:ab:cd",
            "network": {
                "name": "Example Network",
                "id": "L_12345"
            "model": "MS120-8",
            "ports": [
                    "portId": "1",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "ISO8061Z",
                    "cdp": [
                            "name": "System name",
                            "value": "MS350-24X - Test"
                    "lldp": [
                            "name": "System name",
                            "value": "MS350-24X - Test"
    "meta": {
        "counts": {
            "items": {
                "total": 1,
                "remaining": 0