Version 1.44.0 to 1.45.0

Summary of Changes

6 - New

203 - Updated

700 - Total operations

454 - Total Paths

What's Changed

[ licensing ]


Get compliance status for requested subscriptions

GET /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions/compliance/statuses

- Param organizationIds became required

[ organizations ]


Creates a new Policy Object.

POST /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects

- paths//organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/post/parameters/createOrganizationPolicyObject/schema/properties/groupIds - Array items type turn from integer to $s{rhs}

Updates a Policy Object.

PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/{policyObjectId}

- paths//organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/{policyObjectId}/put/parameters/updateOrganizationPolicyObject/schema/properties/groupIds - Array items type turn from integer to $s{rhs}

[ switch ]


Create a switch stack

POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks

- Response 201 Deleted


List multicast rendezvous points

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/multicast/rendezvousPoints

- paths//networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/multicast/rendezvousPoints/get/responses/200/schema - Array items type turn from array to $s{rhs}

Create a layer 3 static route for a switch

POST /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/staticRoutes

- Response 201 Deleted

Update a layer 3 static route for a switch

PUT /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId}

- Response 200 Deleted

[ global ]


PATH /networks/{networkId}/vlansEnabledState

- Deleted

What's Updated

[ licensing ]


List available subscriptions

GET /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions

- Optional property type Added

- Response property type value added

Claim a subscription into an organization.

POST /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions/claim

- Optional property type Added

Find a subscription by claim key

POST /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions/claimKey/validate

- Optional property type Added

[ insight ]


Return a monitored media server for this organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/monitoredMediaServers/{monitoredMediaServerId}

- Response property properties value added

[ organizations ]


Return summary information around client data usage (in kb) across the given organization.

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/clients/overview

- Summary changed from Return summary information around client data usage (in mb) across the given organization. to Return summary information around client data usage (in kb) across the given organization.

Return the client details in an organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/clients/search

- Response property properties value added

- Response property url value added

- Response property recentDeviceMac value added


Return the SNMP settings for an organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/snmp

- Response property properties value added

- Response property v2CommunityString value added

- Response property v3User value added


List all organization-wide alert configurations

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts/profiles

- Response property properties value added

Update an organization-wide alert config

PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts/profiles/{alertConfigId}

- Description added: WAN 1 high utilization


List adaptive policy groups in a organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/groups

- Response property properties value added

Returns an adaptive policy group

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/groups/{id}

- Response property properties value added

List adaptive policies in an organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/policies

- Response property properties value added

Return an adaptive policy

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/policies/{id}

- Response property properties value added

Returns global adaptive policy settings in an organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/settings

- Response property properties value added


List the early access feature opt-ins for an organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/earlyAccess/features/optIns

- Response property properties value added

Show an early access feature opt-in for an organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/earlyAccess/features/optIns/{optInId}

- Response property properties value added


Lists Policy Objects belonging to the organization.

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects

- Response property properties value added

Lists Policy Object Groups belonging to the organization.

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/groups

- Response property properties value added

Shows details of a Policy Object Group.

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/groups/{policyObjectGroupId}

- Response property properties value added

- Response property createdAt value added

- Response property updatedAt value added

Shows details of a Policy Object.

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/{policyObjectId}

- Response property properties value added

- Response property createdAt value added

- Response property updatedAt value added


Return an overview of the license state for an organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/licenses/overview

- Response property properties value added

- Response property licenseCount value added

- Response property states value added

- Response property licenseTypes value added

- Response property systemsManager value added


List the SAML roles for this organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/samlRoles

- Optional property camera Added

- Response property camera value added

Return a SAML role

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/samlRoles/{samlRoleId}

- Optional property camera Added

- Response property camera value added

Update a SAML role

PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/samlRoles/{samlRoleId}

- Optional property camera Added

[ devices ]


Return the management interface settings for a device

GET /devices/{serial}/managementInterface

- Response property properties value added

- Response property staticIp value added

- Response property staticSubnetMask value added

- Response property staticGatewayIp value added

- Response property staticDns value added

GET /devices/{serial}/lossAndLatencyHistory

- Response property properties value added


List LLDP and CDP information for a device

GET /devices/{serial}/lldpCdp

- Response property properties value added

- Response property 22 value added


Return the SIM and APN configurations for a cellular device.

GET /devices/{serial}/cellular/sims

- Response property properties value added

- Response property password value added

- Response property simOrdering value added

- Response property simFailover value added


Return a single device

GET /devices/{serial}

- Response property properties value added

- Response property productType value added

[ appliance ]


List all custom performance classes for an MX network

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/customPerformanceClasses

- Response property properties value added

Return a custom performance class for an MX network

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/customPerformanceClasses/{customPerformanceClassId}

- Response property properties value added

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/uplinkSelection

- Optional property applications Added

- Response property applications value added

PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/uplinkSelection

- Optional property applications Added


Returns the enabled status of VLANs for the network

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vlans/settings

- Response property properties value added


Return a Hub BGP Configuration

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vpn/bgp

- Response property properties value added

- Response property ipv6 value added

- Response property sourceInterface value added

- Response property nextHopIp value added

- Response property ttlSecurity value added

- Response property authentication value added

Show VPN status for networks in an organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/vpn/statuses

- Response property properties value added


List the static routes for an MX or teleworker network

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/staticRoutes

- Response property properties value added

Return a static route for an MX or teleworker network

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId}

- Response property properties value added


List the security events for a network

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/security/events

- Response property additionalProperties value added

Returns all supported intrusion settings for an MX network

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/security/intrusion

- Response property properties value added

Returns all supported malware settings for an MX network

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/security/malware

- Response property properties value added

List the security events for an organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/security/events

- Response property additionalProperties value added


List the appliance services and their accessibility rules

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/firewalledServices

- Response property properties value added

Return the accessibility settings of the given service ('ICMP', 'web', or 'SNMP')

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/firewalledServices/{service}

- Response property properties value added

Return the inbound cellular firewall rules for an MX network

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/inboundCellularFirewallRules

- Response property properties value added

Return the port forwarding rules for an MX network

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/portForwardingRules

- Response property properties value added


Return the connectivity testing destinations for an MX network

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/connectivityMonitoringDestinations

- Response property properties value added


List the security events for a client

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/clients/{clientId}/security/events

- Response property additionalProperties value added


Return MX warm spare settings

GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/warmSpare

- Response property properties value added

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/uplink/statuses

- Response property properties value added


Return the performance score for a single MX

GET /devices/{serial}/appliance/performance

- Optional param t0 added

- Optional param t1 added

- Optional param timespan added

[ switch ]


Return warm spare configuration for a switch

GET /devices/{serial}/switch/warmSpare

- Response property properties value added


List the access policies for a switch network

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies

- Optional property organizationRadiusServerId Added

- Optional property organizationRadiusServerId Added

- Response property organizationRadiusServerId value added

- Response property organizationRadiusServerId value added

Return a specific access policy for a switch network

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies/{accessPolicyNumber}

- Optional property organizationRadiusServerId Added

- Optional property organizationRadiusServerId Added

- Response property organizationRadiusServerId value added

- Response property organizationRadiusServerId value added

Create an access policy for a switch network

POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies

- Optional property organizationRadiusServerId Added

- Optional property organizationRadiusServerId Added

- Optional property organizationRadiusServerId Added

- Optional property organizationRadiusServerId Added

Update an access policy for a switch network

PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies/{accessPolicyNumber}

- Optional property organizationRadiusServerId Added

- Optional property organizationRadiusServerId Added

- Optional property organizationRadiusServerId Added

- Optional property organizationRadiusServerId Added


Return the status for all the ports of a switch

GET /devices/{serial}/switch/ports/statuses

- Optional property poe Added

- Response property poe value added

Return the packet counters for all the ports of a switch

GET /devices/{serial}/switch/ports/statuses/packets

- Response property properties value added


Return the DHCP server settings

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/dhcpServerPolicy

- Optional property unsupportedModels Added

- Response property unsupportedModels value added


GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/linkAggregations

- Response property properties value added


List quality of service rules

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/qosRules

- Response property properties value added

Return the quality of service rule IDs by order in which they will be processed by the switch

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/qosRules/order

- Response property properties value added


Returns STP settings

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stp

- Response property properties value added

- Response property stacks value added

- Response property switchProfiles value added


List layer 3 interfaces for a switch stack

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces

- Response property properties value added

Return a layer 3 interface from a switch stack

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId}

- Response property properties value added

Return a layer 3 interface DHCP configuration for a switch stack

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId}/dhcp

- Optional property dhcpRelayServerIps Added

- Response property dhcpRelayServerIps value added

List layer 3 static routes for a switch stack

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/staticRoutes

- Response property properties value added

Return a layer 3 static route for a switch stack

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId}

- Response property properties value added

Create a switch stack

POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks

- Response property 200 value added

- Summary changed from Create a stack to Create a switch stack


Return a layer 3 interface DHCP configuration for a switch

GET /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId}/dhcp

- Response property properties value added

- Response property dhcpRelayServerIps value added

List layer 3 static routes for a switch

GET /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/staticRoutes

- Response property properties value added

List multicast rendezvous points

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/multicast/rendezvousPoints

- Response property properties value added

Return a multicast rendezvous point

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/multicast/rendezvousPoints/{rendezvousPointId}

- Response property properties value added

Return layer 3 OSPF routing configuration

GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/ospf

- Response property properties value added

Create a layer 3 static route for a switch

POST /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/staticRoutes

- Response property 200 value added

Update a layer 3 static route for a switch

PUT /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId}

- Response property 201 value added

[ cellularGateway ]

GET /networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/uplink

- Response property properties value added


Return the connectivity testing destinations for an MG network

GET /networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/connectivityMonitoringDestinations

- Response property properties value added


Returns the port forwarding rules for a single MG.

GET /devices/{serial}/cellularGateway/portForwardingRules

- Response property properties value added

- Response property allowedIps value added


Show the LAN Settings of a MG

GET /devices/{serial}/cellularGateway/lan

- Response property properties value added


Return the subnet pool and mask configured for MGs in the network.

GET /networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/subnetPool

- Response property properties value added

[ networks ]


List the devices in a network

GET /networks/{networkId}/devices

- Response property properties value added

- Response property productType value added

Claim devices into a network. (Note: for recently claimed devices, it may take a few minutes for API requests against that device to succeed)

POST /networks/{networkId}/devices/claim

- Summary changed from Claim devices into a network. (Note: for recently claimed devices, it may take a few minutes for API requsts against that device to succeed) to Claim devices into a network. (Note: for recently claimed devices, it may take a few minutes for API requests against that device to succeed)


List the group policies in a network

GET /networks/{networkId}/groupPolicies

- Response property properties value added

- Response property priority value added

Display a group policy

GET /networks/{networkId}/groupPolicies/{groupPolicyId}

- Response property properties value added

- Response property priority value added

Delete a group policy

DELETE /networks/{networkId}/groupPolicies/{groupPolicyId}

- Optional param force added


List the MQTT brokers for this network

GET /networks/{networkId}/mqttBrokers

- Response property properties value added

Return an MQTT broker

GET /networks/{networkId}/mqttBrokers/{mqttBrokerId}

- Response property properties value added

Add an MQTT broker

POST /networks/{networkId}/mqttBrokers

- Property security Deleted

- Optional property tls Added

Update an MQTT broker

PUT /networks/{networkId}/mqttBrokers/{mqttBrokerId}

- Property security Deleted

- Optional property tls Added


Return the NetFlow traffic reporting settings for a network

GET /networks/{networkId}/netflow

- Response property properties value added


Get the channel utilization over each radio for all APs in a network.

GET /networks/{networkId}/networkHealth/channelUtilization

- Response property properties value added


List the keys required to access Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for a given identifier

GET /networks/{networkId}/pii/piiKeys

- Response property additionalProperties value added

List the PII requests for this network or organization

GET /networks/{networkId}/pii/requests

- Response property properties value added

Return a PII request

GET /networks/{networkId}/pii/requests/{requestId}

- Response property properties value added

Given a piece of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), return the Systems Manager device ID(s) associated with that identifier

GET /networks/{networkId}/pii/smDevicesForKey

- Response property additionalProperties value added

Given a piece of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), return the Systems Manager owner ID(s) associated with that identifier

GET /networks/{networkId}/pii/smOwnersForKey

- Response property additionalProperties value added


Return the SNMP settings for a network

GET /networks/{networkId}/snmp

- Response property properties value added

- Response property communityString value added


Return the alert configuration for this network

GET /networks/{networkId}/alerts/settings

- Response property properties value added

- Response property conditions value added

- Response property failureType value added

- Response property lookbackWindow value added

- Response property minDuration value added

- Response property name value added

- Response property period value added

- Response property priority value added

- Response property regex value added

- Response property selector value added

- Response property serials value added

- Response property ssidNum value added

- Response property tag value added

- Response property threshold value added

- Response property muting value added


List the splash login attempts for a network

GET /networks/{networkId}/splashLoginAttempts

- Response property properties value added


Return the traffic analysis settings for a network

GET /networks/{networkId}/trafficAnalysis

- Response property properties value added

[ sensor ]


Lists all sensor alert profiles for a network.

GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/profiles

- Response property enum value added

Show details of a sensor alert profile for a network.

GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/profiles/{id}

- Response property enum value added

[ sm ]


List the restrictions on a device

GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/restrictions

- Response property properties value added


List the target groups in this network

GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/targetGroups

- Response property properties value added

- Response property id value added

Return a target group

GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/targetGroups/{targetGroupId}

- Response property properties value added

- Response property id value added

[ wireless ]


Aggregated connectivity info for a given client on this network

GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/{clientId}/connectionStats

- Response property properties value added

List the wireless connectivity events for a client within a network in the timespan.

GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/{clientId}/connectivityEvents

- Response property properties value added

Return the latency history for a client

GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/{clientId}/latencyHistory

- Response property properties value added


List wireless mesh statuses for repeaters

GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/meshStatuses

- Response property items value added


List the Bonjour forwarding setting and rules for the SSID

GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/bonjourForwarding

- Response property properties value added

Return the L3 firewall rules for an SSID on an MR network

GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/firewall/l3FirewallRules

- Response property properties value added

Return the L7 firewall rules for an SSID on an MR network

GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/firewall/l7FirewallRules

- Response property properties value added

List the outage schedule for the SSID

GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/schedules

- Response property properties value added

- Response property rangesInSeconds value added

[ camera ]


List the camera wireless profiles for this network.

GET /networks/{networkId}/camera/wirelessProfiles

- Response property properties value added

- Response property psk value added

Retrieve a single camera wireless profile.

GET /networks/{networkId}/camera/wirelessProfiles/{wirelessProfileId}

- Response property properties value added

- Response property psk value added


Return custom analytics settings for a camera

GET /devices/{serial}/camera/customAnalytics

- Response property properties value added

List Custom Analytics Artifacts

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/customAnalytics/artifacts

- Response property properties value added

Get Custom Analytics Artifact

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/customAnalytics/artifacts/{artifactId}

- Response property properties value added


Returns live state from camera analytics zones

GET /devices/{serial}/camera/analytics/live

- Response property properties value added

- Response property zoneId value added

- Summary changed from Returns live state from camera of analytics zones to Returns live state from camera analytics zones

Returns an overview of aggregate analytics data for a timespan

GET /devices/{serial}/camera/analytics/overview

- Response property properties value added

Returns most recent record for analytics zones

GET /devices/{serial}/camera/analytics/recent

- Response property properties value added

Returns all configured analytic zones for this camera

GET /devices/{serial}/camera/analytics/zones

- Response property properties value added

Return historical records for analytic zones

GET /devices/{serial}/camera/analytics/zones/{zoneId}/history

- Response property properties value added

What's New

[ appliance ]


PATH /networks/{networkId}/appliance/sdwan/internetPolicies

- Path added

- New operation

Update SDWAN internet traffic preferences for an MX network

PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/sdwan/internetPolicies

    "wanTrafficUplinkPreferences": [
            "preferredUplink": "wan1",
            "failOverCriterion": "poorPerformance",
            "performanceClass": {
                "type": "custom",
                "builtinPerformanceClassName": "VoIP",
                "customPerformanceClassId": "123456"
            "trafficFilters": [
                    "type": "custom",
                    "value": {
                        "protocol": "tcp",
                        "source": {
                            "port": "1-1024",
                            "cidr": "",
                            "vlan": 10,
                            "host": 254
                        "destination": {
                            "port": "any",
                            "cidr": "any",
                            "applications": [
                                    "id": "meraki:layer7/application/3",
                                    "name": "DNS",
                                    "type": "major"

[ switch ]


PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/overview

- Path added

- New operation

Returns the counts of all active ports for the requested timespan, grouped by speed. An active port is a port that at any point during the timeframe is observed to be connected to a responsive device and isn't configured to be disabled. For a port that is observed at multiple speeds during the timeframe, it will be counted at the highest speed observed. The number of inactive ports, and the total number of ports are also provided. Only ports on switches online during the timeframe will be represented and a port is only guaranteed to be present if its switch was online for at least 6 hours of the timeframe.

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/overview

    "counts": {
        "total": 120,
        "byStatus": {
            "active": {
                "total": 87,
                "byMediaAndLinkSpeed": {
                    "rj45": {
                        "10": 0,
                        "100": 0,
                        "1000": 24,
                        "2500": 0,
                        "5000": 0,
                        "10000": 0,
                        "total": 24
                    "sfp": {
                        "100": 8,
                        "1000": 40,
                        "10000": 10,
                        "20000": 0,
                        "25000": 0,
                        "40000": 1,
                        "50000": 0,
                        "100000": 0,
                        "total": 63
            "inactive": {
                "total": 33,
                "byMedia": {
                    "rj45": {
                        "total": 16
                    "sfp": {
                        "total": 17

[ sensor ]


PATH /devices/{serial}/sensor/commands

- Path added

- New operation

Returns a historical log of all commands

GET /devices/{serial}/sensor/commands

        "commandId": "1284392014819",
        "createdAt": "2018-02-11T00:00:00Z",
        "completedAt": "2018-05-12T00:00:00Z",
        "createdBy": {
            "adminId": "212406",
            "name": "Miles Meraki",
            "email": ""
        "operation": "disableDownstreamPower",
        "status": "completed",
        "errors": []

- New operation

Sends a command to a sensor

POST /devices/{serial}/sensor/commands

    "commandId": "1284392014819",
    "createdAt": "2018-02-11T00:00:00Z",
    "completedAt": "2018-05-12T00:00:00Z",
    "createdBy": {
        "adminId": "212406",
        "name": "Miles Meraki",
        "email": ""
    "operation": "disableDownstreamPower",
    "status": "completed",
    "errors": []

PATH /devices/{serial}/sensor/commands/{commandId}

- Path added

- New operation

Returns information about the command's execution, including the status

GET /devices/{serial}/sensor/commands/{commandId}

    "commandId": "1284392014819",
    "createdAt": "2018-02-11T00:00:00Z",
    "completedAt": "2018-05-12T00:00:00Z",
    "createdBy": {
        "adminId": "212406",
        "name": "Miles Meraki",
        "email": ""
    "operation": "disableDownstreamPower",
    "status": "completed",
    "errors": []

[ wireless ]


PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/ssids/statuses/byDevice

- Path added

- New operation

List status information of all BSSIDs in your organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/ssids/statuses/byDevice

    "items": [
            "serial": "QQ3A-QHWY-DQ2Z",
            "name": "My AP",
            "network": {
                "id": "N_24329156",
                "name": "Main Office"
            "basicServiceSets": [
                    "bssid": "8A:15:04:00:00:00",
                    "ssid": {
                        "name": "My SSID",
                        "number": 0,
                        "enabled": true,
                        "advertised": true
                    "radio": {
                        "band": "2.4",
                        "channel": 11,
                        "channelWidth": 20,
                        "power": 18,
                        "isBroadcasting": true,
                        "index": "0"
    "meta": {
        "counts": {
            "items": {
                "total": 1738,
                "remaining": 1238


PATH /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/rfProfiles/assignments/byDevice

- Path added

- New operation

List the RF profiles of an organization by device

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/rfProfiles/assignments/byDevice

        "items": [
                "network": {
                    "id": "1234"
                "name": "Device_name",
                "serial": "Q234-ABCD-0001",
                "model": "MR34",
                "rfProfile": {
                    "id": "123456",
                    "name": "Basic Outdoor Profile",
                    "isIndoorDefault": false,
                    "isOutdoorDefault": true
        "meta": {
            "counts": {
                "items": {
                    "total": 1200,
                    "remaining": 200