Voice Input

To handle voice input, an external media server is required to work with Cisco VVB. The media server conducts ASR and communicates the interpretation back to the VoiceXML interpreter, running on the voice browser, for processing.

Cisco VVB only supports W3C XML grammar for speech recognition. The user can dynamically change the media server for the next ASR by setting the Cisco-specific VoiceXML property com.cisco.asr-server in the VoiceXML script. For example, the statement,

  • <property name= "com.cisco.asr-server" value = "rtsp://asr-server/recognizer"/> sets "rtsp://asr-server/recognizer" as the external media server for the next ASR, and continues with the same setting until the property is set again with a different server.

  • <property name= "com.cisco.asr-server" value = "default"/> sets "default" and the existing connection to the ASR server gets disconnected, and uses local VVB for DTMF recognition.

  • <property name= "com.cisco.asr-server" value = "sip:mresources@mediaserver.com"/> sets "sip:mresources@mediaserver.com" as the external media server for the next ASR, and continues with the same setting until the property is set again with a different server.