
The addHAStatus operation handles configuration related to HAStatus model. 


Restores a failed unit to an unfailed state.

Data Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
nodeRole False string The node role will map to node role configured in HAConfiguration
nodeState False string The current node state fetched from Lina
peerNodeState False string The peer node's state fetched from Lina
configStatus False string
haHealthStatus False string
type True string A UTF8 string, all letters lower-case, that represents the class-type. This corresponds to the class name.


- name: Execute 'addHAStatus' operation
    operation: "addHAStatus"
        nodeRole: "{{ node_role }}"
        nodeState: "{{ node_state }}"
        peerNodeState: "{{ peer_node_state }}"
        configStatus: "{{ config_status }}"
        haHealthStatus: "{{ ha_health_status }}"
        type: "{{ type }}"