

Nested Entity which includes common objects for RAVpn (Note: The field level constraints listed here might not cover all the constraints on the field. Additional constraints might exist.)

Model Properties

Property Required Type Description
outsideInterface True object OutsideInterface used in RAVpn
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
Allowed types are: [SubInterface, PhysicalInterface]
serverCertificate True object serverCertificate used in RAVpn
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
Allowed types are: [InternalCertificate]
clientCACertificates False [object] The ExternalCACertificate object which is the certificate of the CA from where the remote access vpn clients have got their ID cert.
Allowed types are: [ExternalCACertificate]
exemptNatRule True boolean exemptNatRule, default is false
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
outsideFqdn False string OutsideFqdn used in RAVpn
Field level constraints: must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
bypassAccessControlForVPNTraffic False boolean BypassAccessControlForVPNTraffic default is false
insideInterfaces False [object] This is used to generate NAT exempt rules. This cannot be null or empty unless exemptNatRule is false.
Allowed types are: [SubInterface, PhysicalInterface]
insideNetworks False [object] This is used to generate NAT-exempt-rules and/or Split-tunnel-ACL. This cannot be null or empty unless exemptNatRule and groupPolicy.getSplitTunnel() are both False.
Allowed types are: [NetworkObject, NetworkObjectGroup]
type True string vpngatewaysettings