
Manages configuration on Cisco FTD devices over REST API


Manages configuration on Cisco FTD devices including creating, updating, removing configuration objects, scheduling and staring jobs, deploying pending changes, etc. All operation are performed over REST API.


Parameter Required Type Description
operation True string The name of the operation to execute. Commonly, the operation starts with 'add', 'edit', 'get', 'upsert' or 'delete' verbs, but can have an arbitrary name too.
data False dict Key-value pairs that should be sent as body parameters in a REST API call
query_params False dict Key-value pairs that should be sent as query parameters in a REST API call.
path_params False dict Key-value pairs that should be sent as path parameters in a REST API call.
register_as False string Specifies Ansible fact name that is used to register received response from the FTD device.
filters False dict Key-value dict that represents equality filters. Every key is a property name and value is its desired value. If multiple filters are present, they are combined with logical operator AND.

Return Values

Value Returned Type Description
response success dict HTTP response returned from the API call.


- name: Create a network object
    operation: "addNetworkObject"
      name: "Ansible-network-host"
      description: "From Ansible with love"
      subType: "HOST"
      value: ""
      dnsResolution: "IPV4_AND_IPV6"
      type: "networkobject"
      isSystemDefined: false
    register_as: "hostNetwork"

- name: Delete the network object
    operation: "deleteNetworkObject"
      objId: "{{ hostNetwork['id'] }}"