
The getExportConfigJobHistoryList operation handles configuration related to ExportConfigJobHistory model. 


The method that monitors the export config file generation process.

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
offset False integer An integer representing the index of the first requested object. Index starts from 0. If not specified, the returned objects will start from index 0
limit False integer An integer representing the maximum amount of objects to return. If not specified, the maximum amount is 10
sort False string The field used to sort the requested object list
filter False string The criteria used to filter the models you are requesting. It should have the following format: {key}{operator}{value}[;{key}{operator}{value}]. Supported operators are: "!"(not equals), ":"(equals), "~"(similar). Supported keys are: "name".


- name: Execute 'getExportConfigJobHistoryList' operation
    operation: "getExportConfigJobHistoryList"
        offset: "{{ offset }}"
        limit: "{{ limit }}"
        sort: "{{ sort }}"
        filter: "{{ filter }}"