The editSmartAgentConnection operation handles configuration related to SmartAgentConnection model.
Data Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | ||
version | False | string | A unique string version assigned by the system when the object is created or modified. No assumption can be made on the format or content of this identifier. The identifier must be provided whenever attempting to modify/delete an existing object. As the version will change every time the object is modified, the value provided in this identifier must match exactly what is present in the system or the request will be rejected. | ||
connectionType | True | string | A mandatory enum specifying the License Connection Type of Firepower Device Manager. The values can be one of the following. REGISTER - Specifies if Firepower Device Manager is registered mode. EVALUATION - Specifies if Firepower Device Manager is in Evalaution mode. Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist) |
token | False | string | A String specifying the token for registering the Firepower Device Manager with the Cisco Smart Licensing Manager, with a maximum characters length of 140. If the user selects the option as REGISTER, they must provide a token obtained from the Cisco Smart Software Manager Account. The string cannot have HTML tags or SQL characters. Field level constraints: length must be between 0 and 140 (inclusive), must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist) |
id | False | string | A unique string identifier assigned by the system when the object is created. No assumption can be made on the format or content of this identifier. The identifier must be provided whenever attempting to modify/delete (or reference) an existing object. Field level constraints: must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist) |
type | True | string | A UTF8 string, all letters lower-case, that represents the class-type. This corresponds to the class name. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | ||
objId | True | string |
- name: Execute 'editSmartAgentConnection' operation
operation: "editSmartAgentConnection"
version: "{{ version }}"
connectionType: "{{ connection_type }}"
token: "{{ token }}"
id: "{{ id }}"
type: "{{ type }}"
objId: "{{ obj_id }}"