Form an automation core team and let them define and decide the initial scope
Best Practice | Checklist
- Choose a well defined and straight forward use case that is assessed to be easy to demo and deploy
- Form an Automation Core Team with both network and software skills and experience and will-power
- Socialize and agree on the scope with all affected stakeholders and make sure they understand vision, value and bounded scope of the use case(s)
- Make sure to get management buy-in and sponsorship on the scope
- Define clear “definition of done” for the use case
- Quickly deploying one use case has proven to be more effective than aiming for a complex use case that takes more time
☐ Network and Software engineers have defined the scope together (3-5 people in total)
☐ The scope (use case) is agreed to be one of the easiest use cases to deploy
☐ It is clear to all stakeholders what a successful deployment of the defined use case will accomplish
☐ Management actively supports and sponsors the initiative
Value proposition: General automation knowledge increased