
The purpose of performing a demo is to show how the use case is automated and what benefit(s) it will bring to the organization. It is important to plan demos for all use cases, but the initial use case has special importance as it is can be used as a vehicle to introduce automation in general to the wider organization. Sometimes this means the demo has to be repeated several times to different audiences/stakeholders. It is important that all stakeholders are shown a meaningful demo, this means that different stakeholders may have to be shown a different flavour of the demo.
A particularly important demo is to the automation steering group, it is recommended that the Automation Core Team does this as sort of a sign-off ceremony at the end of each phase. This helps to give a sense of progress, and signals that the automation initiative is delivering value. Being unable to produce regular demos is a warning sign.
It is suggested that the Automation Core Team is responsible for both the preparation and execution of the demo as part of the sprint review. First the feature is examined in detail and the team ensures that the definition of done has been met. For larger achievements this could also be a good time for a team building activity.
After the initial demo and sign-off the use case can be put into production, and a retrospective can be held with the team to find any process improvements or discuss any problems found.
Involve the right stakeholders
The demo is a great opportunity to show people how it actually is suppose to work. Therefore, one should plan, invite and make sure the right stakeholders get to see the demo. Suggested stakeholders are for example:
- Network operations team
- Support team
- Executive sponsor
- IT operations team
Best practices
- Let the team responsible for the development drive the demo
- Use the demo as part of your improvement process
- Let the team feel pride in what they have built
- Identify internal stakeholders that will be affected in the deployment phase – they should see the demo
- Let the Automation Core Team build and present the demo
- Use the demo to explain and show how NSO works both conceptually and technically
- Use the demo as an internal communication activity to create wider awareness
- Make this a “sign-off” activity/ceremony with executive sponsors
- Make sure to present business value of the demo