pyATS Release Highlights 21.4
- New argument '--pyats-configuration' which allows the user to provide an additional pyATS configuration file that will be applied on top of the existing configuration.
- Introducing Test Environment Manifest File - Source of truth for how test suites should be executed in their given environment
- 28 new IOSXE, IOS, NXOS, IOSXR and Junos parsers with a grand total of 2886 parsers
- 34 new apis to use on your devices. Grand total of 1283 APIs
pyATS Clean
- How-to-videos covering pyATS Clean
pyATS Blitz
- How-to-videos covering pyATS Blitz
pyATS Health
- New argument '--health-config' that allows loading of the health_config.yaml
- New results file 'health_results.json' that contains all the health related results. This was moved out of the results.json.
Unicon Plugins
- [XE] CAT9K now has the 'Rommon' and 'Reload' service for cat9k.
- [NX] ACI plugin now supports services from the nxos plugin.
Unicon Changelog | pyATS Changelog | Genie Changelog