pyATS | Genie Release Note
v22.4 | Website | Contact Us
pyATS Release Highlights
- Support for python3.6 ends in this version. Python 3.6 was EOL on December 23rd 2021.
- Modified BaseConnection class to accept any argument to allow NotImlpemented error to propagate.
- Modified TopologyDict class to allow attribute lookup of device aliases.
Unicon Changelog | pyATS Changelog | Genie Changelog
Genie Release Highlights
- 1 new clean stage to help keep your devices squeaky clean. Total clean stages is 45
- 158 new parsers for all your parsing needs! Grand total parsers is now 4478
- 101 new APIs to help you get even more done! Gran total APIs is 2426
- Total number of triggers is 443
- Verifications and models stay strong at 691 and 32 respectively
- Enabled Ops to be extended via local packages and
- Enabled Triggers to be extended via local packages and
- Modified genie harnesss to support order of processors as loaded from the trigger datafile
pyATS Clean
- A new clean stage 'rommon_boot' have been added
- Added enable_boot_manual execution step for tftp boot stage
- Fixed device recovery issue after power cycling and booting golden image
- Fixed device recovery issue on vwlc where wrong image is booted
- Modify recovery processor, only recover device if it has been connected
- Added support to reload a member for iosxe stack devices
- Added error pattern to service implementation for generic, iosxr and nxos
- Updated hostname learning for HA connections
- Added context to pre_service state transition for router services
Unicon Plugins
- Added dedicated reload service for iosxr/spitfire
- Added reload service for HA connections for iosxe/cat9k
Python 3.6 was EOL on December 23rd 2021. Support for pyATS on Python 3.6 will end after April 2022. You will need to move to Python versions 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, or 3.10. by end of April, 2022.
What's Next?
Abstract token enhancements are on the way! These will bring about much more controls on which parts of Genie should be used with your device. New tokens include data such as operating system version, model group, product ID/model number and more. Expect to see these changes in a month or two.