Action Batches

Action Batches are a special type of Dashboard API mechanism for submitting batched configuration requests in a single synchronous or asynchronous transaction. Action Batches are ideal for bulk configuration, either in the initial provisioning process, or for rolling out wide-scale configuration changes. For example, add a switch to a network, configure all 48 ports, and set the switch’s management interface in a single POST.

Use Cases

  • Deploy multiple changes across networks and devices
  • Run Batches synchronously or asynchronously
  • Avoid hitting the API rate limit for high-scale configuration changes
  • Ensure all updates will succeed before changes are committed


  • Action batches allow an API client to define a batch of write actions (create, update, destroy, etc.).
  • Batches are run atomically (all or nothing, no partial success).
  • Batches are run asynchronously by default. Smaller batches can be run synchronously.
  • You can run up to 20 resources synchronously in a single batch.
  • A batch can consists of up to 100 resources.
  • Limit of 5 concurrent running batches at a time.
  • A batch should be completed within 10 minutes from confirmation.
  • Different types of resources and operations can be combined in a batch.
  • The actions in a batch will be executed in the same order they are defined.
  • Batches will not be executed until the confirmed property is set. Once a batch is confirmed it cannot be deleted. If a batch is defined but not confirmed it will be automatically deleted after one week.

Create an Action Batch

To create an Action Batch, you will need to send a POST request containing an array or resources to be updated and whether or not it should run immediately. You can also select if the batch should run synchronously or asynchronously depending on the size of the batch.

POST /organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches


Parameter Description
confirmed Set to true for immediate execution. Set to false if the action should be previewed before executing.
synchronous Force the batch to run synchronous. There can be at most 20 actions in synchronous batch.
actions A set of changes to make as part of this action
resource Unique identifier for the resource to be acted on
operation The operation to be run on the resource, such as "create", "update", "destroy", etc
body The body of the action. Example: {"tags": tags, "type": "access", "vlan": vlan}


curl -X POST \
-L \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key: <API_KEY>' \
-d '{
"confirmed": true,
"synchronous": true,
"actions": [
      "resource": "/devices/QXXX-XXXX-XXXX/switchPorts/3",
      "operation": "update",
      "body": {
        "enabled": true


Successful HTTP Status: 201

   "id": "173869674715420",
    "status": {
        "completed": true,
        "failed": false,
        "errors": [],
        "createdResources": []
   "confirmed": true,
   "actions": [
       "resource": "/devices/QXXX-XXXX-XXXX/switchPorts/3",
       "operation": "update",
       "body": {
         "enabled": false

API operations

This group of Dashboard API operations are available to submit, monitor and manage your Action Batches. Refer to the respective operation links for more details.

Create an action batch

POST /organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches

Return the list of action batches in the organization

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches

Return an action batch

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches/{id}

Delete an action batch

DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches/{id}

Update an action batch

PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches/{id}

Response Errors

Unsupported operation

When you have attempted to use an API operation that is not a supported resource as listed above.

    "errors": [
        "Unsupported operation"

Execution error

If the batch fails because one of the resources had an error, the status parameter will contain additional information.

"status": {
        "completed": false,
        "failed": true,
        "errors": [
            "Error occurred while executing create /networks/L_643451796760561416/vlans/ with {\"id\":111,\"name\":\"New-VLAN\",\"applianceIp\":\"\",\"subnet\":\"\"}: Validation failed: Vlan has already been taken"
        "createdResources": []

Example Script

This example Python script will create a new VLAN on a Meraki MX Security Appliance. It will then update multiple switches with new tags. Finally, several ports will be updated to leverage the new VLAN settings.


import requests

# Environment Variables
API_KEY = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbcccccccc"
org_id = 1234567
vlan = 99
net_id = "L_000000000000000"
switch_a = "AAAA-BBBB-CCCC"
switch_b = "DDDD-EEEE-FFFF"
tags = "APIness"

url = f"{org_id}/actionBatches"

payload = {
    "confirmed": True,
    "synchronous": True,
    "actions": [
            "resource": f"/networks/{net_id}/vlans",
            "operation": "create",
            "body": {
                "id": vlan,
                "name": "API-VLAN",
                "applianceIp": f"172.16.{vlan}.1",
                "subnet": f"172.16.{vlan}.0/24",
            "resource": f"/networks/{net_id}/devices/{switch_a}",
            "operation": "update",
            "body": {"tags": tags},
            "resource": f"/networks/{net_id}/devices/{switch_b}",
            "operation": "update",
            "body": {"tags": tags},
            "resource": f"/devices/{switch_a}/switchPorts/1",
            "operation": "update",
            "body": {"tags": tags, "type": "access", "vlan": vlan},
            "resource": f"/devices/{switch_b}/switchPorts/1",
            "operation": "update",
            "body": {"tags": tags, "type": "access", "vlan": vlan},

headers = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {API_KEY}",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",

response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
$ python3 
{"id":"643451796760559653","organizationId":"1234567","confirmed":true,"synchronous":true,"status":{"completed":true,"failed":false,"errors":[]},"actions":[{"resource":"/networks/L_00000000000000/vlans/","operation":"create","body": ....